Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fifth World: Migrating To Shixiong's bed

Fifth World: Migrating To Shixiong's bed

2Qie Ranzhe's actions would be the perfect example of overreacting but right now he didn't seem to think so. He was a sect leader from one of the most prestigious sects that he founded himself only to be attacked by a mere disciple from his former sect.     

If he knew what Zhao Zhi wanted he would have given it to him as there is no use fighting with a mad man but he wasn't even given the chance to talk it over. Instead, this disciple picked a fight with him disregarding their different cultivation ranks. This had him scratching his head in confusion.     

Despite everything, it was good practice but it cost him a kiss which was too high of a price. Qie Ranzhe summoned back his Qi suppressing chain and turned to walk away.     

He sincerely believed that he owed nothing to do with Zhao Zhi so he shouldn't care what happens to him. But with each step he took, he felt his heart weigh heavier and heavier making him uncomfortable.     

Unable to bear the guilt, Qie Ranzhe walked back to where the unconscious man lay. Looking down at those almond-shaped eyes, high bridge nose and cherry plump lips, he had to admit this man was incredibly handsome.     

Qie Ranzhe reached out and curiously poked those cheeks despite himself. The result was that it was nice to touch. Not only that but it was an addictive feeling so he did it again and again and again.     

In a deserted part of the forest that had been destroyed to the point of resembling a warzone was a man crouching down while poking another man's cheeks. If Qie Xieling saw this scene he would most likely question if his father had been possessed by a perverse entity.     

To be frank, it wasn't that he was possessed but that his fingers liked it so much that they weren't satisfied with just one touch. His naughty fingers even graduated to pinching and boy, it felt so good.     

Qie Ranzhe only stopped when he saw those cheeks turn pinkish-red. Even then he was still not satisfied. Anyway, he counted it as payment for being kissed earlier.     

He checked on Zhao Zhi's condition and found that the man was as healthy as an ox. He proceeded to pick him up in a princess carry before unsheathing Black Calamity. Initially, he wanted to carry the man on his back but somehow Zhao Zhi managed to slip off his back like melted butter.     

"Tsk, I must have owed you something in my previous lifetime," he said as Zhao Zhi snuggled into his arms like it was the most natural thing ever. Qie Ranzhe rode Black Calamity to town and it didn't take him long to find out where the Zhao Sect was staying.     

The downstairs restaurant of the inn was crowded by Zhao and Xiannu junior disciples so he decided to toss him in an empty room through the window.     

The heavens seemed to have heard Nu Shen's prayers because Qie Ranzhe somehow managed to choose her room. What great luck it was for Nu Shen that the pure lamb was delivered right into the tiger's den, an unconscious lamb at that.     

Unfortunately for her, before she could even grasp the opportunity, it was taken away from her. That's because as Qie Ranzhe placed the man on her bed, he felt a familiar presence a few doors over. It could only be one person and that person was none other than Qie Xieling.     

With a sullen expression on his face, he leapt over with Zhao Zhi in his arms. Sure enough, the boy who was supposed to be grounded at home was here. Knowing Qie Xieling, he could only have come for one person and that person was the one currently in his arms.     

Shaking his head in disappointment he placed Zhao Zhi on one of the beds in the room and went to check on his son who was lying on the floor. Nothing was wrong with the boy. To be more precise he was snoring like a little piggy with no care in the world.     

Qie Ranzhe could understand that his son was tired especially after using that talisman without a good cultivation base but he couldn't fathom why Qie Xieling decided to sleep on the floor.     

It was when he placed his son on the bed did he realise something was off. When he did a thorough inspection of Qie Xieling's meridian and dantian he found out the seal was partially broken but how on earth it happened he had no clue.     

Anxious, he opened up Qie Xieling's robe to inspect his chest. To his surprise, there was a clear palm print left behind by the perpetrator or maybe saviour. His eyes unconsciously eyed Zhao Zhi who was sleeping like the dead.     

The sect leader shook his head in disbelief. How could that be? Yes, it was a cultivation world and a whole lot of things could happen but not that. It was entirely the wrong gender.     

Shaking his head in denial, he tucked his son into bed after removing the boy's shoes. He had smelt the distinct scent of alcohol on the both of them but had chosen to ignore it for now. Qie Ranzhe vowed to punish the both of them for it the next day because their amnesty would only last for a single night.     


While Qie Ranzhe was having a sleepless night trying to figure out who partially broke the seal on Qie Xieling's dantian, the two culprits were fast asleep having pleasant dreams.     

The sleep was so good that Wen Qinxi only woke up when the sun was high up in the sky. He sluggishly opened his eyes trying to figure out where he was exactly. All he could remember was how he was helping the drunk Qie Xieling get ready for bed. Everything after that was foggy and hazy.     

He rubbed his sore eyes asking himself, 'What did I do last night?' Just as he asked himself that question, he felt movement right next to him. His half-lidded eyes fully opened at the moment as he slowly turned his head to see who was sleeping beside him. God knows if it was Nu Shen, he planned on sending her to Valhalla with one strike.     

Just as he opened the quilt, he noticed a familiar head of hair that closely resembled that of his boss. "Lin Lin!"     

Qie Xieling raised his head and said, "Ah shixiong.... let this ancestor sleep for a minute longer. It's so fuckin early." Once he said this he covered himself with the quilt and sank deeper into the bed.     

Wen Qinxi sat up straight and pointed at the other bed that had obviously been slept in. "Why on earth did you migrate to my bed when yours is perfectly fine?" While pointing, he felt an inexplicable muscle ache in and around his shoulders and neck.     

No wonder he hurt everywhere. It was because he was forced to share a single bed with an overgrown child. Well, at least that's what he thought. His body wasn't aching from sharing a small space but fighting in the middle of the night with his boss.     

"Shixiong, your bed was warmer," explained Qie Xieling in a muffled voice. Gosh, even he didn't know how he ended up here. The last thing he remembered was collapsing on the floor after Zhao Zhi attacked him. There was a serious memory gap for both of them.     

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