Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Zhao Hua's Enlightenment

Fourth World: Zhao Hua's Enlightenment

3Wen Qinxi seemed to have fallen prey to a she-wolf as he lay on the floor feeling helpless. It's a good thing Zhao Hua didn't take advantage of him at this moment besides calling him baby nonstop. Baby this baby that, was all Wen Qinxi heard making him cringe endlessly.      0

"Who do you think you are calling baby? Just shut the fuck up and give me my phone," yelled Wen Qinxi feeling like he was going to die on the cold floor from all the pain.     

Zhao Hua's face sank but her sorrow didn't last long because she brushed off his rudeness as the pain talking. She hurriedly grabbed his cellphone and gave it to him. With a tap of a button, Wen Qinxi dialled Qie Ranzhe's number but the man didn't answer.     

Frustrated, he massaged his forehead and dropped the phone to his side. He then decided to call an ambulance but just as he input the number, his phone was taken away in one fell swoop.     

Wen Qinxi glared at her with his chest heaving rapidly like a raging bull. She smiled nervously and said, "Sweety, don't call the hospital. Let me call a friend of mine then we will take you to see my family doctor. After that we can run away like we initially planned."     

He fought off the urge to roll his eyes watching her love-struck expression. He was extremely grateful that women weren't this obsessive in the real world otherwise the entire world will go to shit.     

"Don't eye me like that otherwise you shouldn't blame me for what happens next," she said while timidly tucking away a strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks flushed crimson while taking out her cellphone.     

This woman was the innocent yet psycho type of girl that might have roused his interest before. That is until Qie Ranzhe bent him crooked in a matter of weeks. He had to be upfront and set things right otherwise she would keep doing dumb shit like this. "Zhao Hua, I th-," he said but didn't get to finish because she interjected with a disgruntled tone.     

"I can accept Hua-er, baby and even pumpkin but not that. When did you start calling me by my full name? Did Qie Ranzhe tell you to call me that?"     

Wen Qinxi sighed deeply and looked up at the ceiling before saying, "Don't bring him into this. Listen clearly because I am only going to say this once..... I am not being held captive neither am I getting tormented. I love Qie Ranzhe so it can only be over between us."     

His voice was as clear as day but judging from Zhao Hua's expression it was as though the words entered her left ear and exited through the right one bypassing her brain.     

"Do you understand?" he asked but just as she was about to respond the door was suddenly kicked open with a loud bang. The livid Qie Ranzhe stormed in and looked around for his husband.     

His steps paused as soon as his line of sight fell on Zhao Hua and Su Xin who was lying on the ground like a stubborn puppy that didn't want to leave the playground. Their eyes met as a deadly aura surrounded the crime boss. Su Xin obviously belonged to him but people kept fighting over him like it was some type of gold rush or something.     

"Get the fuck away from him!" bellowed Qie Ranzhe like a gigantic beast threatening its enemies off its territory. He pushed her away and observed him carefully with a cold gaze.     

"Leave him alone," said Zhao Hua misunderstanding the situation, "Haven't you tormented him enough? Look at his lip and all the bruises you left on him. You hurt him... it's all your fault."     

While saying this, her hands weren't idle. She tried to shove Qie Ranzhe but he remained unmoved like mount Everest.     

Wen Qinxi couldn't bear seeing this so he said, "What fuckin torment? His lip is as bruised as mine and he has much worse hickeys than I do." This had the vexed Zhao Hua staring down at Qie Ranzhe's collar but Wen Qinxi wasn't pleased in the slightest so he retorted, "That doesn't mean you should fuckin look. Who gave you permission?"     

Qie Ranzhe's sour feeling dispersed instantly. He didn't believe Su Xin would hook up with Zhao Hua again but he couldn't help but feel jealous and anxious. Because of the blind spot, he couldn't clearly judge the situation leaving room for his imagination to run wild.     

"What's wrong? Can you get up?" asked Qie Ranzhe not certain where to place his hands. Zhao Hua must have done something to him otherwise why would he be lying down on the ground instead of throwing her out of the apartment.     

"It's my back. I can't move," he said before stretching out his hands for Qie Ranzhe to carry him.     

This tender scene fell into Zhao Hua's line of sight making her heart sink into the dark abyss. What torment? What captive? These two were obviously in a relationship, a harmonious one at that. Even when they dated however short it was, Su Xin never looked at her like that.     

She knew that he was with her for the benefits but she brainwashed herself labelling it as love. This is why she stood up for him and went against her family. But at this moment that delusion shattered into a million pieces. It turns out she was building castles in the air all this time.     

Qie Ranzhe carried Su Xin in a princess carry and walked towards the exit. He was about to leave the apartment when he remembered the light bulb, Zhao Hua. He stopped and said, "Get the fuck out!" jolting her out of her trance.      

She was about to exit the apartment when she heard Su Xin's voice. "Think for yourself who set you up," said Wen Qinxi hoping to enlighten this naive girl.     

Her brow creased as though lost in thought before walking out of the apartment. An ambulance soon arrived at the scene and took care of the poor woman who suffered a head injury despite having nothing to do with all of this. While Wen Qinxi was putting up a play titled 'I am about to die' at the hospital, Zhao Hua was on the hunt for her vile sister.     

Now that she thought about it clearly, it was Zhao Huangzhi who introduced her to Su Xin. Not only that but she was also the one who provided information about his whereabouts each time. Every single detail about Su Xin was provided by her. If she didn't know any better she would have believed Zhao Huangzhi had a thing for Su Xin.     

All the evidence was pointing at her big sister but what she couldn't figure out was the motive. What could Zhao Huangzhi possibly gain from this? The answer to that was soon revealed when she called Zhao Huangzhi's driver to find out where she was. It turns out the shrewd woman was at the bridal shop but who was she marrying?     

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