Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Scar-Faced Man

Fourth World: Scar-Faced Man

1In the silent vault, two people stood in front of a sophisticated safe in awe. At first sight, it seemed easy but after careful deliberation, it proved to be a challenge. There was no way Li Meimei would be able to manage it which meant such a task would take a long time to complete and they were tight on time.     

Wen Qinxi shut the vault door and turned on the small camera he left in the vent to warn him if anyone was coming. He had experienced multiple nerve-wracking situations ever since he entered this game but this was by far the worst. If that psycho Kai Zi caught him in the act, he would be skinned alive and hung on a pole to serve as a warning.     

The thought of his skin being peeled alive sent shivers down his spine. Unwilling to die such a terrible death, he returned by Li Meimei's side and they began to speculate on the best method to solve the problem.     

"What the fuck! Gege I can't crack it using the usual methods neither can we blow it up," she said caressing the safe like an obsessed lover.     

"Also I can't get it wrong otherwise it will alert the safe owner. We only have one shot at this," she said but her face remained mesmerised.     

Li Meimei squatted on the ground to search through her tools while Wen Qinxi paced up and down trying to figure out a plan. From what Li Meimei explained earlier such a safe was equipped with multiple anti-cracking systems that even the best of the best would kneel in defeat. Since this task was nearly impossible to complete then how was he supposed to pass this world?     

Wen Qinxi placed both his hands on his head wondering if they should simply give up when a sudden thought crossed his mind. Kai Zi is like an obsessed maniac with only one person in his sight. A high percentage population of young adults use their crush or partner's name or birthday as a password.     

Be it on their cellphones, emails or bank cards. This isn't simply an assumption but his research in his final year in university uncovered such statistics. Could it be this simple? Could Kai Zi be one of those people who would use such a method?     

It seemed like a far fetched idea especially when Kai Zi is like a big villain in this world but it was most certainly worth a shot. They already hit a wall and it wouldn't hurt giving it a shot.     

"Get ready to run just in case," he said to Li Meimei with an imperative tone. She initially wanted to stop him but his tone had her packing at light speed. If that alarm goes off they only had two minutes to get out of this place.     

"Ready," she said after packing everything away. She knew she could crack that safe but it meant they would have to spend an entire day in the vault which they didn't have. A stream of cold sweat ran down her back as she readied herself for the worst-case scenario.     

The two stared at each other and would flinch with each turn of the dial. Even the clicking sound that safe crackers are sensitive to couldn't be heard. It was dead silent in one of the world's wealthiest vaults. Wen Qinxi held his breath at the last number while reciting a mantra for success.     

This was the deciding moment. If he fails then he would suffer a traumatic death under Kai Zi's hand. He vowed to send Qie Ranzhe a message right before capture. Hopefully, he would arrive in time to rescue him.     

Wen Qinxi closed his eyes in anticipation but the alarm didn't go off. Instead, it was the clicking sound of the safe door opening that attracted his attention. "Ha, ha.... holy shit.... it opened," cried out Li Meimei after releasing a breath.     

The two were elated as they opened the door fully but their faces sank when they realised the safe was empty apart from a black calling card with a red scar like drawing at the centre.     

Wen Qinxi felt a sharp pain in his chest with his hands trembling. "What the fuck?" muttered Li Meimei but Wen Qinxi's brain was in turmoil trying to figure out what this meant.     

"Scarface," he mumbled heading for the door.     

"What?" asked Li Meimei following in his footsteps.     

"That man with a scar. He did this. Let's get the fuck out of here," he said but because he didn't close the safe door in time the alarm automatically went off. "Shit! Now, now, let's move," he said before dragging Li Meimei to the corridor. In a matter of minutes, the two were back in the vent crawling back where they came from.     

"Change of plans, Ting-ge. We need a distraction," said Wen Qinxi while wiggling through the vents. Someone had beat them to it yet they were the ones who suffered losses.     

"What?" asked Ting-ge unable to make up what Su Xin was saying due to the deafening alarm.     

"Dist-raction. Blow something up damnit," said Wen Qinxi as they slid out of the vents back into the store room. What they didn't expect was to find a couple making out with the woman's legs wrapped around the man's waist like an octopus.     

"AAAAAHHHH!" screamed the woman trying to pull down her silky red dress that was riding above her knees.     

Li Meimei pointed a gun at the two while Wen Qinxi struck the back of the man's neck knocking him out. Li Meimei was in no mood to play around tying the woman in a swift motion. "Sorry," she said while Wen Qinxi stuck his head out of the door to scout the situation. Just when his head stuck out a loud explosion was heard shaking the Kai Mansion at its core.     

There could only be one person capable of such a thing and that person was Ting-ge.     


Ten minutes before the explosion.     

A few meters away from the Kai Mansion a black maybach was pulling over in front of an SUV. The driver's door was soon opened and a tall man with a scar across his face exited the vehicle before entering the SUV.     

A stack of documents was taken out of his coat handing them to Qie Ranzhe. "It was as you said," explained the scar-faced man.     

Qie Ranzhe grinned maliciously while handing the documents over to Machu to take a look at. After sifting through the documents, Machu smiled and said, "Everything is here. Should we storm the Kai Mansion now, boss?"     

"En," replied Qie Ranzhe as the scar-faced man exited the car. Just as he said that a large earth-shaking tremor was felt making the vehicle occupants subconsciously ducked down.     

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