Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Qie Ranzhe Gets Angry

Fourth World: Qie Ranzhe Gets Angry

3Su Long's fingers tightly clenched the grip of the handgun trying to quell the urge to pull the trigger. He was about to say something else when the crashing sound of glass shattering followed by a whizzing sound permeated the air. A bullet had entered from the window accurately striking Su Long's lapdog in the head.     

Before anyone had time to react another bullet struck Su Long's shoulder causing the old man to yelp in pain. One of Su Long's men tried to drag him to hide behind a bookcase but he was struck in the heart causing him to tumble on top of Su Long.     

The old man pushed off the corpse lying on top of him with a face covered in blood. He scanned around only to find Su Xin hiding behind the table as a rain of bullets filled the room. He knew this had something to do with Qie Ranzhe.     

This was expected as he had offended the big boss. He just assumed he had plenty of time to get away because Qie Ranzhe was famous for toying with his victims stripping them of all power and make the last strike when they were rendered powerless with no means to save themselves.     

Currently, he was at the phase where his businesses were being burnt to ash but it seemed meeting up with Su Xin catalyzed his downfall. Thinking he could hold Su Xin hostage and save himself, Su Long crawled to his son hiding behind the table.     

Actually, Wen Qinxi wasn't hiding. When gunfire broke out his cellphone rang. If it was anyone else he would have let it go to voice mail but it was Qie Ranzhe so he had to answer. One can only imagine how pissed off Qie Ranzhe was from his voice alone.     

"Xin-er, what the fuck were you thinking. It appears last night's punishment wasn't good enough. You seem like you still have a lot of energy to run around behind my back," yelled Qie Ranzhe once the phone connected.     

Wen Qinxi had never been scolded this much by that man and his reaction surprised even himself. He was laughing nervously trying to coax the man. "Daddy Ran don't be upset. You know I meant wel-," but Qie Ranzhe interjected.     

"Are you fuckin laughing right now? You think this is funny?"     

It seemed he had only succeeded in infuriating the man further. Just as he was about to explain himself a gunshot rang above his head followed by a loud thud. Su Long who had just stood up to grab him was shot in the head this time. "Shit!" yelled Wen Qinxi peeking from behind the table.     

He removed the safety on his handgun intending to clean out whoever was remaining so he could go back to coaxing his husband when the door was kicked open. Thinking it was Su Long's back up, he squatted down ready to ride or die.     

Bang! Bang! Bang!     

Three shots rang out followed by loud thudding sounds. Wen Qinxi immediately stood up aiming his gun at the door only to find Qie Ranzhe standing there looking like an angry bull. "Fuck," mumbled Wen Qinxi putting away the hot potato in his hand.     

"Yes, you are fucked,.... hahaha," said Machu as Qie Ranzhe walked over and grabbed Wen Qinxi's wrist.     

Wen Qinxi was dragged to the black car parked outside and pushed into the front seat. He genuinely thought that Qie Ranzhe would get into the car and scold him some more but the man didn't immediately get into the vehicle. For five minutes, Qie Ranzhe was leaning against the hood of the car trying to cool his anger down.     

With each passing moment, Wen Qinxi grew even more nervous so he opened the car door trying to coax his angry husband but who would have thought Qie Ranzhe would turn around and say, "Don't you fuckin dare get out of the car."     

Those words had Wen Qinxi gulping in fright. He had seen Qie Ranzhe angry but never was he this angry with him. Maybe it was his tall stature or bloodshot eyes that terrified him to the point of obediently sitting in the car.     

After ten minutes of one standing outside the other sitting inside quietly like an obedient child, Qie Ranzhe finally got into the car causing Wen Qinxi's heart to leap out of his chest. 'I am fuckin dead,' thought Wen Qinxi staring dead ahead. He had no confidence to look at Qie Ranzhe who was sitting in the driver's seat.     

The tension was so thick and heavy that Wen Qinxi felt like running away but that was obviously not an option. Qie Ranzhe silently started the car and the two of them drove in silence. He wanted to ask where they were going but he wasn't foolish enough to poke the bear at this instant.     

The car drove for a quarter of an hour before entering a familiar underground parking lot. Qie Ranzhe parked at the far corner facing the wall. He switched off the engine and leaned over to Su Xin out of the blue.     

Wen Qinxi didn't expect the sudden attack. His lips were kissed fiercely with a hint of urgency. Qie Ranzhe didn't spare him sucking and nibbling at the man's lips as though eating something sweet. It seemed he couldn't control himself because Qie Ranzhe's hands began to grope under Wen Qinxi's t-shirt like a feverish animal in heat.     

The space turned hot in an instant with the two tongues sensually chasing after each other. Wen Qinxi found this sexy but at the rate at which things were going, his cherry in this world might be popped in the car which would be extremely uncomfortable. He was about to protest when his car seat was suddenly laid back by Qie Ranzhe as the man loosened his tie.     

"Ran-ge, um uh mm why can't we do this at home?" said Wen Qinxi trying to reason with the man before it was too late.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't seem to hear him kissing his neck like a hungry bear leaving red marks as though claiming ownership. Wen Qinxi felt his entire body heat up, horny as hell. 'Fuck it,' he thought reaching for the bulge under Qie Ranzhe's pants.     

As soon as his hand reached the man's stiff member, his arm was grasped to prevent him from advancing further. Qie Ranzhe also stopped kissing him with his head leaning against Su Xin's shoulder. The two men panted heavily with neither of them speaking for a minute.     

Qie Ranzhe suddenly spoke in an aggrieved tone. "Baby, I am upset. I am really upset with you," he said before getting off Su Xin.     

Wen Qinxi was at a loss on what to do. This was a first for him and he had no idea how to deal with this situation. Qie Ranzhe's words felt like a knife stabbing into his chest. He wanted to apologize but it seemed it would be pointless in this situation.     

While Wen Qinxi was stuck in a daze, Qie Ranzhe straightened his clothes and suddenly opened the door leaving Su Xin sitting alone in the car. Feeling frustrated, Wen Qinxi ruffled his hair yelling, "Fuck!"     

It seemed it would take a whole lot of effort to coax this man this time around.     

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