Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Old Dragon Vs Young Dragon

Third World: Old Dragon Vs Young Dragon

0Courtesy of Feng Zi, he had learnt a few tricks. He had used smart land mines which meant he could use a remote detonator. This meant even if the men didn't move, the landmine could still detonate. Don't blame him for being vicious, these men had a hand in kidnapping his most important person so how could he let them walk away without any losses.     

As the rest of the team fell back looking for equipment to deactivate the landmines, rapid clicking sounds followed which meant the snowy peak was about to light up like a Christmas tree.     

"Fuck!" swore the team leader which was his last word. Successive boom sounds followed one after the other with the snow forming misty brownish-white clouds with a glint of blood. More than half the security forces went down in the successive explosions.     

As soon as it quieted down, Qie Ranzhe descendant from atop a fir tree and landed like a powerful superhero borrowing the hand of God to punish the wicked. He grabbed the team leader's rifle before advancing forward. Like a mythological creature emerging from the cloud of smoke in a cinematic picture, Qie Ranzhe showed himself and fired a round of bullets in the air to get these panicked soldiers' attention.     

He then tossed the rifle on the side and put his hands behind his back in surrender. The security forces who were still mourning their fallen comrades took notice of the general. If this man wasn't President Qie's son and their beloved general they would have shot him on the spot. They couldn't believe the world's youngest general with a high military rank would attack their facility and kill their men.     

What they didn't realise was that their idol had blackened because President Qie dared touch what belonged to him. He was no longer the prestigious General that scaled the planet looking for the world's most wanted criminals, Feng Yu and Feng Zi. He was now a man that would kill his own kind to get Feng Zi back.     

The men hesitated with neither of them taking the first step to arrest General Qie. This was because the general had a reputation across the planet for being a force to be reckoned with. No one had the balls to cast the first stone. If it weren't for the President's close guard rushing outside to capture this traitor, Qie Ranzhe might have to slap a few of them so they could arrest him.     

Qie Ranzhe was knocked out after being struck with the back of a rifle before he was dragged into the facility. His father who had just stepped out of the infirmary, heard Qie Ranzhe was responsible for the firework display outside the facility and that he was caught. President Qie didnt take this news too well because he was expecting his defiant son to be under Mr Zhao's care but who was he kidding.     

It seems if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. In a few strides, he reached the control room only to find his knocked out son handcuffed. His once-powerful son was lying down on the floor like an abandoned dog on the street. He never paid much attention to his son as long as the child didn't stain his presidency but seeing him lying on the floor like this, made President Qie's heartache. He was, after all, the president's son.     

"Pick him up," commanded the president settling in the nearby chair. Like a powerful mafia boss, he crossed his leg one over the other and lit a cigar. After his first puff, he said, "Wake him up."     

A bucket of cold water poured on the unconscious Qie Ranzhe successfully waking him up. Qie Ranzhe wiped his face while taking deep breaths to calm himself down. Before he even managed to regain his composure, his father said, "Awake?" A light chuckle escaped the president's throat blowing out smoke rings.     

"You are so fuckin stubborn, aren't you?.... I specifically arranged for you to live a good life and spend the rest of your days with a beautiful woman but... tsk, tsk, tsk you still chose to come here."     

Qie Ranzhe didn't respond on purpose to further infuriate his father. He wanted this old man to lead him to where he was keeping Feng Zi so he shut his mouth. As predicted, President Qie clenched his fist fuming with rage.     

Without notice, he slapped Qie Ranzhe across the face causing the general's head to tilt to the side. As a consequence, Qie Ranzhe accidentally bit his lower lip resulting in blood seeping at the corner of his mouth. Qie Ranzhe licked the corner of his lips as his father exploded in rage using every curse in the dictionary. Even the B-word, MF-word and other B-word weren't spared. Qie Ranzhe was called every swear word making this scolding earn a place in the Guinness book of records.     

"You should have died with your mother. Useless! So fuckin useless..... you love him that much? Then let this grandfather make you watch while he dies.... get up!.... I said get up!" yelled President Qie but Qie Ranzhe didn't budge so the president was forced to grab his son's collar and drag him to were Feng Zi was being held.     

Wen Qinxi was doing some breathing exercises to help cope with the pain when the door was suddenly opened followed by a loud thud due to a body forcefully hitting the floor. Curious, Wen Qinxi stood up inside the crystal chamber and looked through the thick glass window. Qie Ranzhe's face was swollen with a bloodstain at the corner of his lip. Distressed, Wen Qinxi couldn't hold back, "What the fuck are you doing here?... You shouldn't be here," despite having been warned earlier on by the system that Qie Ranzhe was coming to save him.     

If Qie Ranzhe was to die before the task was complete, wouldn't that be a waste of all his efforts? Was this deliberate sabotage? Qie Ranzhe looked up to his lover who was locked inside the crystal chamber. He smiled seeing Feng Zi alive and well. Feng Zi could scold him, hit him even stab him but he didn't care. As long as the man was alive and well, that's all that mattered to him. So he called out, "Baby," in a charming husky voice that had Wen Qinxi's face heat up at rapid speed, "I am here to take you home."     

Wen Qinxi felt his insides boil up in excitement almost squirming like a little girl screaming internally, 'Handsome... so handsome.' But he didn't get to admire his handsome boyfriend for long because Qie Ranzhe broke the cuffs and attacked his father. The beginning of a PK between father and son. Two dragons broke out of the facility engaging in a battle to the death. Old vs young. As to who was going to win, it remained a mystery     

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