Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: The Wrong Love Rival

Third World: The Wrong Love Rival

4The reason why Nu Shen kept referring to Feng Yu as the uncle was because both their parents were actively involved in the project that restored the earth's atmosphere. At that time Feng Zi's mother and Nu Shen's mother were also working on the project when they fell pregnant. The couples deemed this fate and promised to marry their kids together regardless of gender. As luck would have it the two were a boy and girl. This story was meant to have, a happy ending but things took a terrible turn when Nu Shen's parents and Feng Zi's mother caught a strange illness and died one after the other. Feng Yu also fell sick but he somehow survived. After running some tests he found out that extensive exposure to that crystal caused the illness that ultimately led to the death of his wife and colleagues. When he reported this to President Qie, he was fired.     4

The earth was given a second chance and he was a widow left with two kids. An eye for an eye was his main principle and so he sent his son to the same school as President Qie's son. He specifically manipulated his son into befriending Qie Ranzhe and waited for the right moment to snatch that crystal. He wanted the entire world to feel his pain though a few unexpected events occurred that resulted in him avoiding his son like the plague.     

Feng Yu still wanted to own up to the promise between his wife and their colleagues thus his willingness to make Nu Shen meet with Feng Zi but of course, his plan was bound to fail.     

Nu Shen enthusiastically explained their relationship while intentionally leaving out the part about being betrothed to each other. All Feng Yu ever spoke about was how great his son was and how they would make a great couple which is why she was thrilled to see him becoming blind to everything else.     

"Oh, so our parents were friends. That's..... um, that's great. So are you going to tell me where he is?" replied Wen Qinxi in a soft-spoken voice as though trying to coax a turtle out of its shell. The turtle did come out of its shell but the tiger sitting beside him wasn't pleased at all. He was about to lash out when the door was suddenly pushed open.     

A pair of uninvited guests decided to invite themselves and listen in on the conversation. These two honoured guests could only be Qie Guaiwu and her evil henchwoman, Zhao Huangzhi. Her brother had insisted she remained rooted in this investigation and report back everything to him. Even though Feng Zi had blackmailed her into keeping Qie Ranzhe in charge she was still his superior and could choose to be active in the case.     

Though Qie Guaiwu's presence was justified, it didn't mean Qie Ranzhe would easily accept it. He didn't even bother concealing his dissatisfaction asking, "What are you doing here?" with a look that made one feel he was going to peel her skin off at any moment. All his life he had suffered under Qie Guaiwu's tyrannical methods but once he came of age and ranked up in the army, the two barely crossed paths. To be more exact, this was the longest time they hung in the same territory and it wasn't going well. As the saying goes, you can't put two cockerels together in the same run.     

Qie Guaiwu didn't get angry in the slightest responding in a calm and well-composed manner. "General Qie, I am still your superior and I am required to oversee this mission," she said sitting opposite the pair of lovers.     

Nu Shen knew who these people were but didn't seem to care that is until she recognized Zhao Huangzhi. Her once pleasant mood turned venomous with the pupils of her eyes transforming into vertical slit pupils. She knew Feng Zi had a lot of girlfriends before and they were like chaff before the wind. But Zhao Huangzhi, Zhao Huangzhi was different. She was like a stubborn cockroach refusing to die. It already reached her ears that Feng Zi was chasing after her like a lovesick puppy. Little did she know her love rival wasn't wearing a skirt but a pair of trousers and he was currently glued to Feng Zi right now playing with each other's fingers under the table.     

Green with envy, Nu Shen stabbed the knife on the table with a loud thud that drew everyone's attention. Her line of sight was fixed on Zhao Huangzhi emitting a murderous aura chilling to the bone. Since this resentment was directly aimed at her, Zhao Huangzhi frowned with the hairs all over her body standing on end. She couldn't understand when she offended this stranger.     

"Since everyone is here, how about we eat first then discuss business. Dinner is on me," said Nu Shen with a pair of fangs expanding in her mouth. Her transformation animal was that of a python and she would surely strike if she weren't outnumbered.     

Wen Qinxi didn't oppose especially because Nu Shen was holding all the cards. Unless if Feng Yu decided to appear at his discretion they were stuck with Nu Shen, a decision he will soon come to regret.     

The terrified manager quickly delivered a large feast to the private room and vanished at light speed. The smell of gunpowder was too much for this old fellow. He liked money but treasured his life more.     

With the food delivered, Nu Shen began to exhibit symptoms specific to an overdose in vinegar consumption starting a war with the wrong person. "Here Zi-ge, I seem to remember you like drunken prawns n. I ordered these for up just in case someone eats them all. I especially distaste people who rob others of their things," she said handing the bowl over to him, "if someone robs me of my favourite thing I won't hesitate to bite off their head." The last part was said glaring at Zhao Huangzhi who had no interest in any kind of seafood. Why would she steal drunken prawn from Feng Zi? Well, true, she wanted to steal Qie Ranzhe from Feng Zi but it wouldn't be considered stealing when he belonged to her first.     

Wen Qinxi couldn't comprehend what was going on. He didn't mind eating prawns but he wouldn't mind if others wanted some. Qie Ranzhe on the other hand was brewing a classic category five storm within. 'No one and I repeat no one is allowed to feed Feng Zi apart from me and maybe Feng Xieling,' thought Qie Ranzhe declining the bowl on his behalf.     

"He doesn't like prawns," lied the general through his teeth. What made it worse was after Wen Qinxi saw how glossy and appealing they were, he now wanted some but his boyfriend had to go on and refuse. He was stuck on the fence. Speak up and start a shit storm or fight off his cravings.     

Which one would he choose, juicy drunken prawns or handsome Male god?     

'Fuck! Why can't I have both?'     

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