Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Xin-ge Is Super Cool

Fourth World: Xin-ge Is Super Cool

1While waiting for their coffee, Li Meimei couldn't stand the sight of Su Xin's face that resembled an overworked single mum so she tapped his foot under the table and get his attention. "Gege, what happened to you?" she asked with both her elbows on the table with her hand propping up her face, "Is young master Qie placing you on overtime?"     

Wen Qinxi raised his head staring at this girl who had no filter. Li Meimei was the kind of girl who would blurt out whatever comes to mind. No wonder she doesn't stay in relationships for long. According to the game files, she has been dumped several times for being too frank.     

"No, drank too much last night," replied Wen Qinxi while tapping the table with his index finger.     

Casio placed his elbows flat on the table and leaned in closer to whisper a question. At least he had a strong sense of propriety and could only ask in a whisper. "Is he threatening you or did he pay you to stay by his side," he asked genuinely concerned. Su Xin had run away countless times and lost his backing in the process.     

It only made sense that Qie Ranzhe was either threatening him or paid him to stay. The most probable reason would be because he had been paid which explains why he paid them two million yuan each.     

Like she had discovered some sort of secret Li Meimei shoved Casio's elbows away and grabbed both of Su Xin's cheeks slack-jawed. "Xin-ge, don't tell me? Is that why you are tossing dollar bills like your at a strip club?"     

Wen Qinxi's cheeks were pressing down on either said making his lips protrude. This undoubtedly made his lip hickey more visible. "Argh... let go of me first," he said trying to remove those ice-cold hands from his poor cheeks.     

Li Meimei wanted to interrogate him further but the waitress from before came back with their order deviating her attention. She sat back down and swept her hair back like a model at a flashy photo shoot and said, "Jiejie, how about you give it a try with me. I promise you, I will make you feel good."     

Wen Qinxi's brow raised praising her internally for her thick skin. Her skin was so thick that she stretched out her hand to hold the waitress' waist. Because the waitress was busy placing the beverages on the table with a stiff smile, she didn't notice Li Meimei's grabby hand.     


A loud smack followed by Li Meimei's yelp grasped everyone's attention. "Behave," said Ting-ge who somehow noticed Li Meimei's behaviour despite having his head lowered still fiddling with that Rubik's cube.     

"Dage! Look my hand is turning red. Did you have to smack me?" Having been granted amnesty, the waitress scurried away as her life depended on it.     

Ting-ge didn't bother raising his head saying, "You want to get sued again for harassment? Your IQ takes a nosedive when you see a skirt so yes, dage will smack you to retrieve your IQ."     

Li Meimei snorted coldly recalling the scam artist. "That girl led me on only to turn around and sue me. Damn it. I lost three hundred thousand yuan and we didn't even get to kiss." That case wasn't entirely Li Meimei's fault. She was misled into thinking the girl liked her only to find out after paying the settlement that it was a plan orchestrated by the girl and her boyfriend.     

"Didn't dage and I get revenge for you. You last three hundred thousand yuan but they lost a whole lot more. What? Aren't you satisfied still?" asked Casio before taking a sip of his iced latte.     

A creepy smile appeared on her face recalling the small pickled jar with the man's family jewels and pogo stick. As for the pretty young miss? Casio stole the girl's car one day after she bought it at the car dealership. When the car was found two days later, it was standing on bricks stripped of all its parts including the engine. It was an exoskeleton with offensive grafty written on it. Because she didn't have insurance, it meant she still had to pay instalments on a car that was basically a car skeleton for six years.     

Wen Qinxi felt goosebumps all over his body recalling the pickled jar from the game files. 'Remind me never to offend Ting-ge. So ruthless,' said Wen Qinxi sipping on his frappuccino.     

'He's probably the least of your worries,' said the system that had noticed someone snapping pictures nearby.     

Wen Qinxi had no time to digest the system's words because Ting-ge decided to slap Rubik's cube like a deranged psycho. The skyscraper of a man had most likely lost his patients. He just wanted the colours to match up but it was simply impossible.     

"Give it to me and drink your coffee," said Wen Qinxi motioning with his fingers to Ting-ge. The man passed it over and obediently drank his coffee.     

Wen Qinxi started to solve the problem while explaining the purpose of this meeting. His pale slender fingers fiddled with the Rubik's cube in such a graceful and nimble fashion that made it difficult for one to look away. "It's a simple game of algorithm and rotation of patterns. It's tricky at first but once you get the hang of it it becomes relatively simple..... and this is how we are going to take down the Kai family," he said before tossing the solved Rubik's cube in Ting-ge's direction.     

"Wah!! Gege that's so fuckin cool. How did you?" asked a mindblown Li Meimei.     

Casio took the Rubik's cube from Ting-ge and studied it with awe on his face. It seemed in the five years they hadn't seen Su Xin he learnt a few new tricks.     

"What did the Kai family do to offend this great god?" asked Ting-ge eyeing Su Xin with some suspicion. The Su family was done for yet he shows up with deep pockets and willingly staying with the man he loathed for over a decade.     

"Not the Kai family but Kai Zi," responded Wen Qinxi before sucking on his straw with an innocent expression.     

"Wait, wait, wait, I don't care what he did. What I am more concerned with is how do you plan on doing that? Gege, I am sorry to say but compared to that family you are an ant in comparison plus... the Su family is how do I say this?"     

"Done for, terminated, annihilate-," said Casio taking a snap of the solved Rubik's cube before uploading the picture on Weibo with the caption 'Xin-ge is freaking awesome' #nerd.     

"Yes, annihilated. Gege you have zero backing and everyone knows Kai Zi and Qie Ranzhe are two peas in a pod," carried on Li Meimei curious to know what sort of plan Su Xin has to bring down such a big family.     

"Who do you think brought down the Su family? Don't underestimate me," he said before shaking the venti sized plastic cup, "I will double the amount I gave you just now once the job is done."     

"You!.... hahaha, no, no you must be fucking pulling my leg," said Li Meimei laughing herself to death. This sudden turn of events was truly unexpected.     

Wen Qinxi didn't pay attention to their reaction calling a nearby waiter. He asked for an americano and the bill before turning back to his flabbergasted teammates.     

"Are you in?" he asked seriously while checking the time on his phone. The three hurriedly agreed as the waiter brought by a black folder and a grande americano. "We'll met at the usual place," said Wen Qinxi as he stood up to leave, "Oh and keep her away from the waitress."     

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