Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Fourth World: Do You Like My Daddy

Fourth World: Do You Like My Daddy

3For three days straight, Qie Ranzhe was giving Wen Qinxi a wide berth at proportional scales. The way Qie Ranzhe avoided Su Xin sparked rumours that he had an infectious disease that's harmful to adults. This ultimately resulted in some servants and bodyguards keeping a distance consciously or subconsciously.     

Wen Qinxi noticed their odd behaviour but didn't care much about it. His only concern was Qie Xieling. The rest were mere backdrops with little to no significance.     

He knew why Qie Ranzhe was avoiding him but he didn't actively seek him out. It was mostly because he had gone too far last night and if he kept pressing, Qie Ranzhe might retaliate. It was better for him to wait for the information to sink in. Besides, there was no rush so he didn't speak to him.     

The only interaction they had was in the presence of Qie Xieling. Even in that kind of situation, Qie Ranzhe would call Qie Xieling to go with him and didn't say a word to Su Xin.     

This odd behaviour had Qie Xieling worried. His dad had said he wouldn't be kicked out from the mansion but at the rate things were going, he might end up losing Su Xin. This is why he was in the kitchen trying to come up with ideas for his dads to make up.     

He was sitting on a barstool watching Su Xin making lunch. He had come to the kitchen on the pretence of getting help with his essay. But as it turns out, he wasn't doing his assignment at all. Instead, he was trying to feel out Su Xin.     

"Do you like my daddy?" was the first question tossed at the unsuspecting Wen Qinxi. The question startled him so much that he almost burnt the pecan nuts he was frying. He wasn't even sure if parents were supposed to discuss such things with their kids.     

Wen Qinxi's back stiffened but he didn't immediately turn around. "Why do you say that?" while rescuing the pecan nuts from an unfortunate end.     

Qie Xieling didn't answer immediately, chewing on his pen as though thinking through the question seriously. A sizzling sound came from the wok as a tantalizing fragrance filled the entire room diverting Qie Xieling's attention. "What are you making?" he curiously asked while lifting his head to see. It seemed he had completely forgotten to answer the question because of food.     

Wen Qinxi stirred the contents of the wok and answered unhurriedly, "Kung Pao chicken... Lin Lin, you didn't answer my question."     

Qie Xieling who was drooling with wide eyes watching the stove finally snapped out of it and said, "Because you behave like this girl at school who likes me. She used to do stuff for me and buy me lots of snacks."     

Wen Qinxi was thunderstruck turning his head slowly to look at his son. He switched the stove off and set the wok aside not sure how to handle this situation. Qie Xieling was right at the age where puppy love and experimentation become the norm but how was he supposed to deal with it? He had no idea how to react to this situation. Was he going to be a grandpa in his mid-twenties? 'Fuck no!'     

Seeing his dad distraught with an ashen face, he somewhat understood and reassured him. "Don't worry I don't like her... I let her down," said Qie Xieling with an earnest look on his face.     

Just as Wen Qinxi heaved a sigh of relief, Qie Xieling had to open his mouth again. "I told her I like boys."     

Wen Qinxi, "....."     

Okay, now he really didn't know what to do. He couldn't think of a good response and decided to ask an awkward question when the steward interrupted them.     

The old man felt the awkwardness when he walked into the kitchen but didn't focus on it for long as a mouthwatering scent overwhelmed his senses. Ever since Su Xin came back, he took charge of Qie Xieling's meals and no one else had the privilege to taste it. This made him a little envious of the young master.     

The chef was good but that was a job it couldn't be compared to food made out of love. These kinds of meals always have a unique feel to them unfortunately it was exclusive to the VIP, Qie Xieling. The old man cleared his throat and said, "Sir, there is a delivery for you."     

Wen Qinxi's eyes brightened brushing away their peculiar conversation to the back of his mind. He quickly made the sauce and tossed all the ingredients in. In under five minutes, a steamy bowl of rice with Kang Pao chicken was served to Qie Xieling. He placed his bowl right next to Qie Xieling and said, "I will be right back... oh, and don't eat this. It's extra hot."     

Qie Xieling smiled while nodding showing that he understood. With a pair of chopsticks on his lips, Qie Xieling watched Su Xin dash out of the room in excitement. He was about to focus on his bowl of food when he saw the steward staring at him with an envious gaze.     

Qie Xieling, "...."     

That look sent the steward flying out of the room. He recalled how pissed off Qie Xieling was when his fudge was robbed from the fridge. The young master was especially terrifying which left a psychological shadow on his poor soul. So he made a resolute decision to save his skin before the young master bore his fangs.     

Qie Xieling was pleased seeing the steward running off. This was made for him by Su Xin and he wasn't intent on sharing. Hell, he would rather give the steward his violin instead of his lunch. Little did he know that the steward was the least of his worries. There was someone way overbearing and greedy coming from the garden.     

For the past few days, Qie Ranzhe began operation 'hide and don't seek' which had proved successful but there was one problem. He could barely catch a strand of Qie Xieling. Even when he called him over the kid wouldn't stay longer than five minutes. This made Qie Ranzhe incredibly displeased. He began to think that his son had abandoned him. The kid didn't even have meals with him choosing to eat in Su Xin's room.     

Another strange thing was that the scent of food coming from the kitchen didn't seem to correlate with the meals served to him and Machu. The two men investigated and found out they didn't have VIP access to Su Xin's cuisine. At first, he didn't care but after his senses were assaulted by that delectable fragrance countless times, Qie Ranzhe grew curious.     

Today he happened to be standing outside making a phone call when the overwhelming aroma wafted into the garden with the cool breeze. Because of this direct assault, Qie Ranzhe couldn't bear it any longer. Using the excuse that this was his house and he pays all the bills, he confidently strode into the kitchen and found Qie Xieling sitting on the bar stool wolfing down a bowl of food.     

He heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't spot Su Xin otherwise it would be more awkward. "What are you eating?" asked Qie Ranzhe leaning against the countertop.     

Qie Xieling felt a great sense of danger when he raised his head and saw Qie Ranzhe. He instinctively huddled his bowl and said, "Nothing..... why, why are you asking?"     

Qie Ranzhe's eye twitched seeing Qie Xieling guarding his bowl with great vigilance. What was so special about that bowl that he had to act like Qie Ranzhe was stealing his favourite toy? "How about you give daddy this much," asked Qie Ranzhe with his fingers gesturing a perfunctory amount.     

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