Master's Untamed Wife

[Bonus chapter] Same Answers

[Bonus chapter] Same Answers

1Hyson sat down beside her and then leaned his head on her shoulder after she fixed her hair. Raelle only looked at him when his weight was put on her shoulder but didn't push him away. She just let him be as always.      0



"I thought it was enough with just me and my mum," Hyson started softly. "But I'm coming to a realization that it might be enough for me, but it isn't enough for my mum. What should I do?"     

"What do you want to do?" asked Raelle.     

"I'm not so sure," he answered. "I'm really not sure. You know the kind of person I am. I have always been just following the wind of life. I'm still the same. That's why I'm not sure about what to do in this situation." He took a pause, and asked, "I know she loves him. I can see it. I saw it very clearly when they met after years. I felt it even more clearly just yesterday. The way she looks at him is different."     

"It's not like you can do anything about her feelings," she said. "Isn't that what you used to teach me? You can't fight your feelings. And you can't ask her to abandon her feelings. Even if time, distance, and all the hardships couldn't stop her from loving him, who are you?"     

"Right, who am I?" he repeated. "If I was not in the picture, the situation would have been simpler right now. My existence makes it impossible for my mum to ever speak out her feelings."     

Raelle's hand went to his fluffy hair and she said, "There you go again, talking nonsense."     

Hyson snickered, "It's not entirely nonsense though." He briefly closed his eyes as he went on, "My identity is very awkward. If revealed, it can ruin whatever they have between us right now." He sighed, "Should I support her or not?"     

"Did you pick up your next matchmaking target? You actually locked on your own mother?"     

Hyson chuckled, "I need to find customers to keep my business running."     

Raelle ruffled his hair, "You should do your own work. Don't get involved unnecessarily."     

Hyson pursed his lips and nodded, "Fine."     

"By the way, you really don't wanna think about Amiah?"     

"No," he replied straightforwardly. "Do you really want me to get together with her?"     

"What I want is not the point. What you want is the point."     

"Well, I don't want her," said Hyson. "Her personality doesn't suit mine."     

"Oh, I remember you saying that relationships take effort and you can make any relationship work out as long as you're willing to put effort into it. No matter what kind of people you are."     

"You should forget I said hundred years ago!" He was so annoyed by her reminders of things he said so long ago. "I'm not even attracted to her."     

"You're not attracted to anyone," reminded Raelle. "And how'll you find the attractive point if you won't even try?"     

"Ellie, let's be real. She and I are not a good match. I don't mind putting effort. The thing is, I don't like anything about her."     


"I learned it from you," he also threw it back at her. "How can I not be rude being your best friend? Besides, I'm not being rude. Just being real. I might be a blunt person, but I have never disrespected anyone in my life. All she does is disrespect people. Not just her father but also the people she works with. Her ego is too big. My humble self can't take it."     

"You know, people are gonna hate you for saying that."     

"I don't care," he said. "And above all, I have a lot going on in my life right now. I don't have time for this. You know I am not looking for a relationship. At least, not now."     

"Then what are you looking for?" she asked. This question wasn't new to him. This had been asked countless times and the question always came from the same person.      

Unfortunately, the answer was still the same, "I don't know. I'll let you know when I find it."     

"How come your answer doesn't change?"     

"Ellie, let's count stars, shall we?" he suggested out of nowhere.     

"Troublesome!" she replied.     

Hyson grinned, "See? Your answer doesn't change as well. You're expecting too much from me if you think mine will change."     

"You are the only person who loves to argue with me."     

"It's my life's goal."     

They fell silent for a while.     

"I'll keep an eye on Yue," she told him. "So, don't worry so much about her matters. I can't be certain about where her feelings will take her. But I assure you, I won't let anyone hurt her. Even if that's your father, Mr. Zhai Kuijun."     

"Eeeh! Don't call him my father. I told you! It's just a sperm donor! Sperm donor! Got it?"     

"Yeah, sure!"     

"You don't sound very believable."     

"I always sound the same."     

"I can tell the difference! I'm your soulmate for a reason!"     

"This soulmate of mine is so troublesome as well."     

"Your husband is also troublesome!"     

"So what? I'm willing to take the trouble for him?"     

"Damn! You just threw dog food at my face, have you no shame?"     

"No shame! I just decided to feed that shame to a dog!"     

Hyson glared at her, "Are you calling me a dog?"     

"Aren't you one? Little adorable puppy?"     

"No! I prefer being a cat! Arrogant! And aloof! Above all!"     

"You're asking for too much."     

"If it's you, I am allowed to ask for too much."     



"Do a good job out there. Don't just worry about the family. I'm still here."     

"Can I even trust you? You can't even take care of yourself."     

"I won't comment on that."     

"Because you have nothing to say. Hahaha! I made you speechless."     

"No, I just don't do pointless things."     

While they continued to banter like little kids who had nothing better to do, both of them didn't realize that someone just heard their discussion. And that person was currently in disbelief and seemed to have lost their soul from the information.     

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