Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Hua Shan Academy

Hua Shan Academy

0- Examination City -     

At the area where the youngsters have finished the test, the elders were creating arrays to transport them all to their academy.     

"What's that weird looking thing?" Lu Wan pointed at the weird shapes that Elder Qian had started to create. This would be the first time for him to see them all.     

While Lu Wan was confused, Qin Zheng smiled lightly. "That's what you call runes."     


"Yes, even though you call their shape weird, they can emit different types of power or perhaps ability depending on their shape," Qin Zheng explained. He noticed that Ye Jiao was looking at him with a hopeful expression. "Don't ask me more than that. I only know the basics because I don't have talent in them."     

"Eh? You don't?"     

"Do you think I have talent in all areas?"     

Ye Jiao grinned. "That sounds plausible for you, Zheng Ge, ah! I mean, Qin Zheng."     

This time, Lu Wan stared deeply at Ye Jiao. His brow creased. "Tell me the truth, when did you meet with each other? How come you greet him with that word when you two are not close?"     

"We're close," Qin Zheng said plainly.     

"No, this man tricked me into calling him that way."     

Qin Zheng arched his eyebrows. "Why do you make me sound so wicked? You're the one who decides to call me that way."     

Ye Jiao glared back. "That's because you won't answer unless I call you with 'Brother!'"     

"I don't remember."     

'LIAR!' Ye Jiao yelled in her mind. Who would believe such a powerful Eon Energy Master like him would forget something like that? It was completely impossible. With his great memory, it would be a great joke for him to forget.     

Qi Huan shook his head lightly. He had the feeling that Qin Zheng truly specialized in making people angry. The way he phrased his words and behaved each day could perfectly drive someone mad in anger.     

"Don't be angry, Ye Jiao. Once we're in the academy, you don't need to meet with him again," Qi Huan consoled.     

Ye Jiao nodded and humped in annoyance. How she wished that she could throw her fist to Qin Zheng's face without holding back. That would definitely feel so good!     

Sizzle! Sizzle!     

Ye Jiao no longer paid any attention to Qin Zheng as her eyes were looking at the runes that had started to glow. It was faint, but she could sense it.     

"The runes have started to work."     

"Are they?" Qin Zheng couldn't sense anything except the fact that there were runes over there. His senses were not that sharp to recognize when they had started to make a move.     


"Really? I can't sense anything too."     

Qi Huan smiled. "Well, Ye Jiao has always had a higher sensitivity when it comes to Eon Energy movements. It's not that weird that she's able to sense the difference right away."     

"Oh, you're right."     

Qi Huan noticed that Qin Zheng was looking at him. He arched his eyebrows as if asking why.     

A voice was transmitted into his ear soon afterwards. "With the way you three have been talking, it'll be very easy for people to know that you have known each other for a long time."     

"There's no need to worry. Haven't you formed a barrier around us?" Qi Huan replied back using a sound transmission. He had learned how to do it, so he could reply back to Qin Zheng without the need to worry.     

Qin Zheng didn't reply back, but his lips were curled up in amusement. He had seen Ye Jiao sneak a glance when he formed the barrier around them, but Qi Huan barely spared any glance. That young prince from the Chi Kingdom is clearly extraordinary.     

Well, they would all be disciples in the same academy.     

The competition and rivalries between each of them would be very interesting.     

Qin Zheng rubbed his chin in amusement. He could guess that his days would be filled with a lot of fun after this event.     

"The array is ready," Elder Qian waved his hand as a large gate appeared before him. It was blue in color as waves of Eon Energy filled the entire gate, giving it a magnificent look.     

"You're taking your time, Elder Qian."     

"Shut up and get in, brats. There'll be teachers there who will guide you to your designated place."     

"Let's go."     

Slowly, Ye Jiao stepped forward. She could feel the warmth as her body came into contact with the door. It was comfortable, and there was no repulsive push like what she usually felt with other people's Teleportation Array.     


In just a blink of an eye, she had arrived in a completely different place. Numerous buildings were standing in front of her with majestic feeling. The way they were decorated looked as if they were telling her that this is a sacred place. Blue and grey dominated the color as cool Eon Energy surrounded them.     

It was very comfortable.     

The place where they all stood was an open field. There were some runes carved on the ground where they stood, but no one could recognize it. It looked like some ancient words. The sides were finely decorated with golden colored small engraving as if it was made to protect them.     

"Beautiful," Ye Jiao muttered.     

"This is the place where we're going to study?" Lu Wan's voice was tinged with astonishment. He couldn't believe that this place could be so majestic. It was truly big and gave the sense that they were nothing.     

The tall building looked as if it could reach the sky and the long wall looked as if it could reach the horizon. Below them, there was a steep downhill, which clearly told them that they were in the mountains area with a barrier protecting them from the outside world.     

"Yes. Welcome to Hua Shan Academy."     

Not only the three of them, everyone who arrived would stop for a moment to look at the view in front of them. It was so majestic that words alone were not enough to describe it. At the same time, they all could feel a sense of belonging in this place.     

This would be the place where they would stay and study for the next dozens of years.     

"Since all of you have a different position, you will obviously stay in a different place," Qin Zheng interrupted after he had stayed quiet for some time. He couldn't possibly allow them all to stay in this place all day just to admire the academy. "Teacher Chen Suyin will come here soon."     

"Teacher Chen?" Ye Jiao raised her head when she heard that surname. Because of her experience in the past, she had grown to be very sensitive when she heard this word. After all, those who came from the Chen Family all wished to kill her.     

Qin Zheng seemed to see her wariness. "You'll surely like her."     


As Ye Jiao was looking at Qin Zheng with confusion, a woman came to the location while riding on a large water ball below her. Her clear eyes were looking at them with excitement as she waved her hand energetically.     

"Welcome to Hua Shan Academy, everyone! I'm Chen Suyin and also one of the new teachers here," Chen Suyin formally introduced herself. She smiled brightly. "Inner Disciples and Outer Disciples, please follow after me. I'll take you around to see your dorm and introduce you to the teacher in charge."     

Qi Huan tilted his head. "She sounds young."     

"She's still in mid-twenties, so obviously she's young," Qin Zheng blurted out the woman's age without hesitation.     


Water ball went straight to Qin Zheng's head, wetting the young man's head. Chen Suyin was looking at him with a smile yet not at the same time. "Do you mind keeping my private information a secret, Qin Zheng?"     

"Not at all, Suyin Jie," Qin Zheng hurriedly formed an Eon Energy barrier around him and used his own Eon Energy to dry his wet hair. Even though he knew that it would be useless considering their difference in power, it would be better to be safe than sorry.     

Chen Suyin harrumphed a bit before guiding the other new disciples while staying on top of her water ball.     


"She's your sister?"     

"No," Qin Zheng shook his head lightly. "Teacher Chen used to be my senior sister since she's also an Elite Disciple, but she's slowing down in her progress lately, so she ends up becoming a teacher after she reached rank 5. Still, most of us call her 'Jie' because she loves it."     

The three of them were looking at Qin Zheng with widened eyes. They could hardly believe that there was a teacher like that. However, the woman from before did sound young and a little childish.     

"Can we become a teacher when we're still that young?" Lu Wan asked with confusion.     

Qin Zheng laughed. "You're all geniuses, so you have the possibility to reach rank 5 even before you're 20 years old."     

Hearing that, Lu Wan was dumbstruck. He sneaked a glance at his friends and both Ye Jiao and Qi Huan nodded. They knew that there was that possibility if they worked hard enough.     

A smile formed on the corner of Lu Wan's mouth. In that case, he had to work extra harder.     

Elder Qian walked out from the Teleportation Array and waved his hand. "Why are you all still here? Let's go to your dormitory."     

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