Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

You Can’t Turn Back Time (1)

You Can’t Turn Back Time (1)

2"Brother Lu Wan?" Lu Zhi still held the bowl with a confused expression on her face. She didn't understand why Lu Wan was only looking at her with that indifferent look. Did her face no longer move him?      2

Little did she know that Lu Wan never had any interest in her face. Even from back then, he only cared for her because of their similar situation as children from concubines born. They had low status in the family and were unable to have a fulfilling life, so he cared for her because of her fairer gender.     

But his care was wasted on someone like her, who didn't even care for those around her.     

"I'm not thirsty," Lu Wan said coldly. If he was still his foolish self from back then, he would surely take Lu Zhi's words for granted and drank the soup. At that time, he knew that he would be dead.     

The poison inside the soup would cripple him for life!     

He had detected the poison it contained, so he knew that it would corrode his body and destroyed his meridian. The worst way to destroy someone's life was not by destroying their core, but by destroying their meridian. Without the meridian to support the flow of Eon Energy in their body, they would be a cripple for life with no chance to make a comeback.     

Who knew what kind of miracle medicine would be needed to heal a broken meridian?     

However, destroying meridians were far harder than destroying one's core because it can only be done with poison. If it was done directly, they would need to pinpoint the exact location, which might not be easy for an ordinary Eon Energy Master.     

Lu Wan had been researching poisons for a long time, but there were some types of poisons that he never dared to test on himself. He could only let himself take the weaker and smaller dose in order to build his immunity. However, there was a certain limit that he didn't dare to break.     

Because it would mean that he would die.     

He was not stupid enough to kill himself with his own poison.     

"But, I really want to make peace with you, Brother," Lu Zhi said again with a pained smile on her face. It made one felt pity for her as if she was trying to plead for her life.     

Lu Wan sighed. He truly felt tired with his little sister right now. Never in his life he thought that this little girl would have this wicked mind. If only he could turn back time, he would surely warn his younger self to never get close with this girl. She would only bring him pain.     

"If you really want me to drink it, you should drink it yourself."     

"Eh?" Lu Zhi's face paled. She didn't have the antidote for the poison, so she knew that she would surely be a cripple if she drank it. After a long time of working, she had just managed to form her core, so she definitely didn't want to lose it.     

"I prepare this soup for you, Brother. How can I drink it?"     

"Oh, really? Why not?" Lu Wan crossed his arms.     

"That's because this soup is specifically prepared for Brother. How can I dare to drink something that's prepared for you?"     

Lu Wan truly wondered how Lu Zhi could be so thick-skinned as to say something like that. Looking at the bowl of soup that contained poison, he sighed internally. How many people fall for the same trap that Lu Zhi had set like this?     

If they drank this, their life as a martial artist would be over.     

He scowled and started to speak again, "You speak as if you just want to harm me through this soup."     

"H-how is that possible?" Lu Zhi's face turned white in fear as she tried to laugh it off. "I would never do something like that to you."     

"Is that so? Then drink the soup."     

Lu Zhi tried to maintain her composure as she shook her head. "If Brother doesn't want to make peace with me, you should just say it. I'll not force you, Brother."     

Seeing that she retreated while slandering him, Lu Wan arched his eyebrows. He might not care too much about his reputation because it didn't really matter for him, but it didn't mean that he would want to be taken advantage of.     

Did this Lu Zhi think he was the same as those women who cared much about their reputation? The way Lu Zhi handled him through talking in a roundabout way just made him feel utter disgust and fury.     

With a swing of his hand, Eon Energy came out of his body and shook the bowl on Lu Zhi's hand. With her pitiful strength, there would be no way she could stay calm under the sudden attack that Lu Wan gave to her.     

"Young Miss!" The guards were alarmed and tried to help.     

At that moment, Lu Wan summoned his sword and swung it against them. With just one attack, numerous guards fell onto the ground. Blood splattered all around as their bodies were cut into two.     



The soup in the bowl splashed on Lu Zhi's face. Despite her attempt to stabilize it, Lu Wan only needed to use his Eon Energy to splash it directly towards the girl's face. He knew the content of the poison, so he knew that even touching it would corrode someone's skin.     

It was aimed to destroy one's body and meridian. If it touched one's skin, the effect would be also similar. It would destroy the skin and corrode it until nothing was left.     

Since she wanted to take the most precious thing from him, he would do the same to her.     

Aren't women always treasure their face? Since Lu Zhi was someone who didn't have much talent in martial arts, the only thing she could rely on her life was her face and her beauty that far exceeded many other people in the four kingdoms.     


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