Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Don’t Die on Me!

Don’t Die on Me!

2Their expression turned grim. Could they survive this?      1

One has a twisted ankle, one has internal bleeding, and only the last one was fine.     

"We have to run!" Ye Jiao yelled. She turned her body, ignoring the scream that her ankle gave her. It was so painful that she wished for nothing more than to cry and yell, but it would never solve the problem.     

They have to run from here.     

As fast as possible.     

Lu Wan also tried to move. He knew that internal bleeding required him to stay in his place or it would just get worse, but there was no one who could possibly help him right now. They have to run or they would die underneath the beast's rampage trampling.     

"Come on!"     

Qi Huan pulled Lu Wan and ran to the other side. Their speed had decreased a lot because of their wounds. Pushing their Eon Energy to the limit, they dashed through the rocky areas to find a safe place. Even though they were at the limit of their body, neither one of them complained. Their mind was filled with nothing but finding a save place that could allow them to stay alive.     

"They're getting nearer," Lu Wan could sense their pressure coming from behind him. It was close, only a few meters away.     

"Damn it! Hang on! We'll head to the higher place!"     

"The beasts are practically everywhere!"     

The valley itself was located lower than the normal ground. However, the beasts' horde didn't pay any attention to them because it was easily within their reach. As they reached rock areas, there were no more trees that could slow them down.     

Lu Wan gritted his teeth. "Just leave me, I'm slowing you down."     

"Not possible," Qi Huan refused immediately. "Do you really think that I'm going to leave my junior brother when he's in pinch?"     

"If there's anyone who's slow, it'll be me," Ye Jiao responded as her eyes watched a monkey leap on the rocky walls. Its movements brought some rocks to fall into their direction, which could possibly hurt them.     

Looking at Ye Jiao's swollen legs, Lu Wan knew that the girl must have done everything she could to withstand the pain and used Eon Energy to propel themselves. However, there was not much Eon Energy left in their body because of their constant run and the fight just now.     

"Dodge!" Ye Jiao yelled.     

Both Lu Wan and Qi Huan rolled to the side as rocks fell to the place where they stood before. Dust covered their clothes but no one paid any attention as they straightened themselves, looking towards the location where they stood before. Their expression was grim. Rocks at various sizes filled the area as if telling them that they would have died if they didn't dodge it.     

"Let's go!"     

"Uh!" Lu Wan felt sudden pain from his core. His eyes widened when he realized that there was no Eon Energy left in his core to help him. Pain assaulted him as his inner organs were in extremely bad condition. The raging Eon Energy inside his body worsened his condition.     

"Senior Brother Lu!" Ye Jiao called out in panic.     

"Just leave me and run!" Lu Wan yelled again. His expression was that of despair. Right now, he knew that he wouldn't have the time to run away anymore. Without Eon Energy, he wouldn't be able to run.     

Even though it might be possible to rely on his physical condition, he no longer has the strength to do so. His body was hurting so badly, and even moving just a little finger already sent him into a fit of pain.     

"Don't joke with me, get into my back."     

"What are you-!"     

"I said, shut up and get on my back!" Qi Huan yelled once again. Among the three of them, he was the one who was in the best condition after the fight. As the senior brother, it was apparent that he had to be the one to take care of the two of them. No matter what, he would never let either one of them die in this place.     

They would get out of here alive.     


Lu Wan stretched out his arm and climbed on Qi Huan's back. His face contorted in pain, but he didn't utter any other words as he silently stayed there. Every single movement caused his body to cry in pain, so he didn't want to aggravate the situation. Just by staying silent, he would be able to minimize the damage that was done to his body.     


He started coughing once more when Qi Huan started moving.     

'This is bad,' Qi Huan felt despair. The two of them were in extremely bad situations. If they forced themselves any longer, they wouldn't be able to survive. Ye Jiao has been trying to run, but she was also using a large amount of Eon Energy to make sure her ankle didn't give up on her.     

Once she ran out…     

"Jiao'er, can you see anything that can help us get away?"     

"What?" Ye Jiao furrowed her brows as she shook her head. She was also trying her best to find out a way out of this situation. However, there was no way out of this valley aside from the front. And from their current speed, there was no way they could outdo the beasts in front of them.     


"Watch out, behind you!"     

Qi Huan swiftly dodged the sudden attack from behind. Normally, he would try to fight back, but this time he had to make sure that Lu Wan was fine. He could only stomp his legs on the ground and propelled himself to move faster.     

Their mind was only filled with the thought of how they could get away from the beast's horde.     

"How much Eon Energy do you have left?" Qi Huan asked while dodging another attack.     

Ye Jiao's face was grim. She was also trying to run faster but her ankle has been screaming loudly at her. "Only for about one minute."     

One minute?     

Qi Huan felt like cursing out loudly. He himself could only last for a few more minutes, but it might be shortened because he had to carry Lu Wan and dodged the attack of the beasts.     


The sudden sound alarmed Qi Huan as he noticed that Ye Jiao stumbled and fell. The beast behind her ran to her with its teeth ready.     



The teeth slashed through part of her skin as Ye Jiao rolled to the side. As she stood up, her eyes noticed a different color of rock in front of them. The rock was black in color while the rest was brown.     

Wait, black?     

"Senior Brother Qi, there should be a cave up front!"     

"We should head there!" Qi Huan immediately changed his direction as he sensed that Lu Wan had started coughing once more.     

Behind her, Ye Jiao gritted her teeth as she initiated Eon Energy to her legs and used everything she could to catch up. They couldn't die here yet!     

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