The Typhoon's Wife



4As Ryu and his entourage settled in the office,the atmosphere was tensed outside.Many employees had only heard of Ryu Long and not even seen pictures.Seeing him in the office so suddenly,everyone could only pray for their jobs.Many employees knew the dire straits that the subsidiary was in and the fact that they were still employed because Lance Inc. was covering the losses.But with the entry of the boss none of their jobs were safe.     3

By now, an electronic trail on the messages had been set up by Ah Hai who was in Country A.He had already been working undercover for Ryu since coming here.Ah Hai had been responsible for managing the security team for Al and Ru as well as planting the bugs in the computers and other devices.Due tohis injury,Ah Hai would have been unable to participate in the physical activities but he had been monitoring the situation closely.     

Edward who was still shivering uncontrollably after the sudden arrival of the Boss wanted to seek reassurance from Alicia but she was still the same ice cold personality.Edward had been working with Alicia for the last month but was totally unaware of her real personality.     

He believed her to be a cold and unemotional persononly interested in the files.This could be attributed to the fact that Alicia had been suspicious when working here as well as the fact that during the last month,Ryu had been absent from her life.As Edward stared at Alicia,he couldn't put a finger on anything but she seemed different somehow.His musings and stare were soon interrupted by the Big Boss."Mr. Edward,Would you like to keep your job?"     

Immediately gulping at ths abrupt question,Edward nodded vigorously.     

"Then I suggest,you stop staring at Ms Lu and do your work. Prepare a notice for the meeting of senior managers in another 30 minutes.Assistant Kim will give you the list of each manager's appointed time to see me.Inform all employees to prepare a statement of their usefulness stating reasons why I should not terminate their contracts.Start with yourself.Go!"     

Edward rushed out of the office as if his pants were on fire.Once everybody was given time to panic the persons involved would definitely make mistakes.On the other end,the police had already been informed by Assistant Kim and were on their way in civil clothes.     

The first manager who had been called in was the HR manager,followed by Sales,Marketing,PR,Administrative and finally Finance.Each manager was shivering in their boots as they submitted their Statement of Purpose and the required paper listing reasons for non termination.Ryu glanced at none of these pieces and every time a manager submitted one,the papers were fed to the shredding machine and the manager was asked to take a seat.Once all the managers had suffered through this humiliation,Ryu stared at them and smiled,"Now give me your papers from the shredding machine."     

One of the senior and older managers was insulted at this and replied angrily,"You just converted our hard work into trash and now you wish us to sort it out!You are too much!You must be a big businessman but I am on the verge of retiring so I do not need to tolerate this humiliation!"     

A lethal smile appeared on Ryu's face and in a low tone,he claimed,"Mr. Admin manager,I turned your work into trash?What about the fact that you have been turning my money into trash for the last year.Your so called hard work took you 30 minutes to complete whereas my money I have accumulated for over a decade!Humiliation?That is not all that you will have to suffer!Very soon you lot will be handed over to the police for being a part of the money laundering scandal.Alicia Lu passed a copy of all the findings and evidences.The expressions and body language of each manager were being noticed and recorded.     

Ryu Long had laid a game of chess for everyone and all of them had fallen into the trap.As the managers were cooped inside,outside the junior employees were sent into another state of panic.Their computers had been hacked suddenly and all the files were being transferred to an unknown user.They were unable to turn off their computers or stop the attack.Next was the time for their mobile phones.Many mobile phones started vibrating and when the owners saw that their personal stuff had also been attacked by a simailar virus,they were terrified.     

The situation that Ryu had created was enough to sent anxiety into the most innocent employees as well as the culprit.With the tensions escalating,the arrival of the law enforcement was the last straw.     

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