The Typhoon's Wife

Ryu And The Supermodel

Ryu And The Supermodel

4Ryu drove to the Four Seasons Hotel where he was to meet the model.He stopped at the entrance of the hotel and getting down feom his car left the keys to the valet.As he passed the old guard,the guard caught a whiff of the feminine fragrance coming from the man.Looking at the power car and the built of the man,the valet thought to himself,"Men these days sure have odd tastes..he looks normal but the perfume he wears smells like a girl!!how odd..maybe the guy in in the closet still."Paying no heed to the odd glances,he was receiving from the employees he went towards the dining area where a slim woman wearing a light blue dress was sitting.Cat Jones was a super model and an actor with her thin figure,exotic almond eyes,long legs and a perfectly proportioned face.Her acting abilities were such that she could portray any character from innocent to seductress and as such she was at the peak of popularity.Her contract with Lance Cosmetics was about to come to an end next month after a successful partnership of 2 years.It was for the renewal of this contract that Ryu had met Ms. Cat Jones for the first time last month.But after the meeting,rumors had spread about their so called relationship.He had not curbed the rumors giving them no importance and firmly adhering to the fact that all publicity is good publicity.But it seemed,it had given Ms Jones and her managers a false sense of security.It was time to take off the protective gloves.     

As he reached the table,the woman extended her hand with palm down as if expecting him to kowtow and kiss if.Ignoring her extended hand,he sat down on the chair,the waiter had just pulled for him.Embarassed that her hand was so rudely rejected,Cat still kept her smile and said ,"Ryu Long, how are you doing.It's been some time since we met."     

Annoyed at the woman's intimate way of addressing him,he answered concisely,"I was not aware that we had any reason to see each other."     

The waitress serving the table had initially thought that here was another rich man who after getting out of one woman's bed was wooing another..but it seems that was not the case..the flowery scented man was really a gentleman.After discreetly placing the leather bound menus and moved to a distance to offer some privacy to the guests.     

Cat Jones,had never been spoken to so rudely so she was confused for a moment.But she soon recovered and purposely misunderstanding said,"of course we don't need a reason to meet."     

Impatient and in no mood to spar,Ryu pointed out,"Ms Jones,my company offered to you a good remuneration and benefits on the next contract.All your conditions were generously met so may I ask,why have you yet to sign the contract?"     

Cat Jones was a smart woman.Seeing how her overtures had been rudely rebuffed,sge decided to change tactics."Mr Ryu Long,I have yet to meet all my requirements.Your company has agreed to fulfill all my monetary conditions but I am not satisfied yet because my main condition is you.I want you ,Ryu Long."     

Ryu smiled mysteriously and said,"I didn't realize that I was a commodity,Ms Jones.Please forgive my stupidity.So since I am not a commodity I will consider this to be your refusal to renewing our contract.So,goodbye and wish you luck in the future."     

Finishing what he had to say,he made a move to leave but was stopped by a cold voice and the sound of something being placed on the table,"Mr Long,do you know what this is?This box contains the upcoming product of Lance Cosmetics. What do you think will happen if your competitiors launch a similar cream just ahead of your launch date.Also, this file contains evidence against your President at Lance Cosmetics,he likes younger women so he uses his position of power against them.."Her eyes suddenly filled with pitiful artificial tears,she said "I am tired of being the victim.I am going to expose him tomorrow.I don't think that you can afford any big scandals right now Mr Long.After all ,your son's custody hearing is due soon and a negative public image will reflect badly on you..I will also do my best to implicate you and your brothers.So your best bet presently is to get me on your side.I can even marry you and be a good mother to your son and help you get him....You have until tomorrow 9am to decide.I have called a press conference at that time.It depends on you what piece of news I release.Relationship or..."     

Being threatened was nothing new to Ryu Long.But this woman was something..he had been careful that the news of the custody hearing not be leaked yet she had found out.This was only possible if either there was a mole among his people or if she was one of *her* people.     

Unconcerned by these threats ,Ryu sat     

back in his chair.His lips had curved up but you could not mistake it for a smile,"Ms Jones,you should have accepted my good wishes and let the matter rest.The one thing I absolutely hate is blackmail.Do not worry you will have my answer before 9am.Enjoy your meal tonight.It is on me.Goodbye."With these words, Ryu left the woman alone at the table.     

Sitting in his car,he noticed the time and realized it was already 10 pm..He took out his cell phone and called Assistant Yang,"You have made the arrangements as I asked?Hmm..Good."     

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