Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

[Bonus chapter]

[Bonus chapter]

3~Gael~      2

It's been five months since we got married, but our honeymoon hasn't stopped yet. Whenever we have time, we're out traveling and enjoying the gifts we got from our generous friends and family.     

Yesterday, we arrived in Los Angeles and despite my dislike towards Vincent Fucking Rock, we're at a hotel in Beverly Hills; all expenses are charged to his fat card. I may not like this asshole, but I'm going to take advantage of his generosity—so I'll try out all the services this hotel offers, even those I don't usually care for like the premium mud therapy body mask? That sounds expensive. We'll sign up for that. And I'll definitely order the purifying back treatment for my wife—can't forget her sexy back.     

We've just come back from a scrumptious dinner in Rodeo Drive and are now on the balcony, enjoying a bottle of red. My wife is leaning against me as we lounge. The Hollywood sign can be seen from here, but I'm more drawn to the very few stars in the sky. L.A isn't so blessed with it, unlike Mayne.     

"Can I ask you a question?" Angela probes.     


"When did you know you were going to marry me?"     

I consider her question for a moment, thinking back on all the things that happened to us. "I'm not sure, but I think I always knew I wanted to be with you for longer than just…dating. It wasn't an aha moment. I guess I just felt it." I kissed her temple and she pressed up against me, so I tighten my arms around her.     

My fingers leisurely rub her arm as I continue to recall if I did have a moment. And then there's this one particular detail that I haven't told her yet. The memory of that makes me chuckle.     

"What?" She glances up, arching her brow.     

"I just remembered that I thought it would be nice waking up to see your face every morning when I first laid eyes on you."     

Angela narrows her eyes at me. "You wanted that…when you first saw me at the bar drinking mudslide at the Cho's wedding?"     

My smile tips into a sly one. "Oh, that wasn't the first time I saw you."     

She sits up straight and angles her body to me, seemingly interested. Her eyes sparkle just like every time I tell her a story. "What are you talking about? Becca introduced us at the bar."     

"I know, but I saw you first the day before that."     

Her lips part as she gazes into me. I give her a moment, wondering if she would ever remember something or if it was just me. And then her eyes widen as realization dawns on her. And I know we're thinking about the same thing.     


Hillberry Isle about four years ago~     

It's been twenty-four hours since I arrived on this island for the Chos' wedding. It's strange how I'm here but my brain can't shut up about the work I left back in New York. I'm on my way out to the beach bar to unwind and probably lie under the sun, determined to forget about work for a while and succumb to this much-needed vacation.     

Just as I think about that, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I already know who it is before I even check my screen. "Gio," I mutter as I press the phone to my ear.     

"How's your vacation, Boss?"     

My uncle has been ribbing me since I rose the ranks ahead of him because he's a year older than me—not that he wanted the position—but he finds it funny to call me that at random times.     

"I was going to enjoy it until you called."     

He laughs. "I miss you too. But don't worry. I'm taking care of things here for now."     

"Good. Don't forget there's a shipment coming—"     

"Yeah yeah yeah, you workaholic. I already know."     

Some loud laughter from the pool catches my attention and I briefly glance in that direction, not seeing anyone I know. "I just—Oof!" I collide with someone's soft side. On instinct, I reach out to steady her but only briefly, removing my hand right away when I felt a zap. "Sorry, I didn't see you."     

She smiles, not saying anything, and then she walks around me and heads over to the front desk with a phone to her ear, glancing back at me once. I guess her attention was also somewhere else.     

I blink a few times, unsure of what I saw just now until Giovanni's voice pulls me back to our conversation. "What was that?"     

"Nothing, I just bumped into someone."     

"Hot chick?"     

I'm still staring at her from a distance. The beautiful lady stands near the front desk with her back to me, but she's busy on her phone. She has her hair up in a messy and soft ball on her head and is wearing an open-back white top that gives me a titillating view of her neck and back, making my throat dry. "Yeah…"     

"Well, what are you waiting for? Ask her out."     

I'm tempted, but… "Nah. She looks nice. I don't do nice. I might break them," I say, but I haven't taken my eyes off her.     

"Break the habit. Come on, this is an order."     

I snort. "Order? Do I need to remind you that I'm your boss?"     

"Pft. Temporary. I'm older than you, fucker. If you don't want her, get her number for me. I like nice girls."     

For some reason, I don't like the sound of that. "I saw her first."     

"So you're going after her?"     

"No. Yes. I don't know." I continue to stare at her back like a fucking creep, tilting my head to the side as I rake my eyes from her head to her ankles and then back up again. She's hot, alright. "Though… Something tells me she's not all nice."     

"If she caught your attention, I bet she looks like a bombshell. Just don't forget to wrap it. I don't want to be a young uncle."     

"You're thirty."     

"Hey! That's young, okay?"     

"And you wouldn't be an uncle. You're my uncle. You'll be a grandpa if that happens." I laugh and he groans.     

"Fuck you. Don't be silly, wrap your willy. That's an order."     

"I never do it without." I roll my eyes. "And I didn't come here to get laid."     

"Ugh. You're on sabbatical. You should fuck and get fucked."     

The lady approaches the front desk, talks to the staff for a few seconds, and then she walks away, disappearing at the corner. There goes my bombshell.     

When I don't respond to my uncle, he asks, "Becca's there, right?"     

I turn around and head to the bar, my brows furrowing deeply. "I haven't seen her and I've got nothing to do with her anymore. I don't fuck exes, so don't go having ideas."     

"Obviously, not her. She's a little crazy. I just thought I'd make a bet with her…"     

Shaking my head, I reach the bar and take a seat on the stool, flagging the bartender for a drink. "Whatever. Just don't involve me."     

Giovanni laughs in my ear. And I know that laugh. He's up to something.     



The resort is so beautiful that I can't even be mad at my brother for dragging me here. And since he's "babysitting" me, I'll take advantage of it. He won't mind treating me to a spa; I'll just tell him I charged it to his room later.     

"Forget about Andy. You told me you don't love the guy, so why are you still moping?" Nina scolds me in my ear. She called a couple of minutes ago after I told her I'm not meeting her today because I had to get away from Mayne for a while. She doesn't know what's going on yet so she thinks my recent ex is the problem, and I don't correct her.     

Taking a deep breath, I say, "Because I realized… What if I'm not capable of love? Isn't it ironic how I'm a hopeless romantic and want to experience it myself? And there's Andy... The perfect guy who said he loves me and the first thing I did was run away. Who does that?"     

"You can't force yourself to love someone, babe."     

"How'd you know? You basically have different men every month."     

"Exactly. I love their dick but that's it."     

I laugh. Oh gosh. I love my best friend. I'm already forgetting about the reason why I'm on this island in the first place. This feels nice.      

Then she adds, "But seriously, Anj... Go out there... Have fun. Meet hot fuckable guys. I dare you."     

"You dare me? Do we still play that?"     

"We'll play it until we're a hundred and we no longer have teeth."     

"Maybe you will lose your teeth. But not me."     

"Come on. I dare you to ask the first hot fuckable guy you meet. No attachments, just one night of pure... hot and wild, unbridled, book-worthy sex... And then call me in the morning to tell me all the details. I want a play-by-play."     

I roll my eyes so hard it hurt. I just don't think sex is what I need right now. "I didn't come here for a one-night stand, Antonina."      

"Stop calling me that. You need a good fuck, I tell you. Something that will leave you sated and filled. I hope he has a big package and is great in bed. You need to enjoy it, Anj."     

"I don't know... what if it will just...suck? Like, what if I end up regretting it? I've stopped hooking up with guys since…well before Andy."     

"Then you'll learn better after. You haven't been laid in months. Doesn't that leave you frustrated? Besides, what if it will change your whole life?"     

"I don't know..."     

"You don't have a choice. It's a dare. Fuck his brains out."     

I laugh again and then nearly stumble when a hard chest slams into my shoulder. I look up and meet the man's beautiful grey eyes, and I quiver at his brief touch on my skin as if he electrocuted me. My heart races when he mutters in a panty-melting deep voice, "Sorry, I didn't see you."[1]     

[1] Check out my 4th book: Gabriella's Hellfire.     

You'll get to see Gael and Angela from different points of view. Writing Hellfire has been really fun so far. It's different and leans more into the Villain or anti-hero theme than GNA. But if you love Gael and Angela's story, I'm sure you will love Gabby and Mariano's as well! Can't wait for you to check it out. See you there!     

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