Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



2~GAEL~      2

Her vows imprint in my head and they give me a sense of security that I haven't felt from anyone else before. It's the kind that makes me want to rely on her at the same time that I want to be the man whom she should rely on too. I've always known it, but I guess today confirmed it. I have been relying on Angela every day. And so I tell her that.     

"I realize that before you came into my life, I had never truly lived. And every single day that I wake up next to you, I'm reminded that you're my light at the end of the dark tunnels that I've been wandering lost for a while now. I don't regret ever meeting you, Angel. The only thing I regret is not staying with you longer than I should have the first time we met on the island."     

Moisture gathers in her eyes and I can sense that she longed for that too. I feel heat behind my eyes as I continue to stare at my beautiful bride who's going to be my wife very soon now.     

"But I believe we're right where we are meant to be. We were meant to part for three years to do things separately, to meet other people, to experience life how we were meant to—for us to learn from our mistakes and ourselves. So when I was brought to you again… I think our time was already in sync. I was meant to meet you again—broken as I was—and you made me whole.     

"I like to believe that as much as I would've wanted to have those three years with you, we needed that so we could be ready for each other. Because God knows I wasn't ready for you."     

Laughter and sniffs break out in the audience and Angela chuckles too. A tear slides down her cheek and I reach out and wipe it.     

"Angel… I don't want you to stop telling me you love me. Because I don't want to stop telling you the same. I want to hear it as much as I want to say it to you every day. I love you, Angela Kylie Su.     

"I love your quirks, your giggles, and the cute little crease between your brows when you're so focused on work. I love your imperfections because they're part of you…even the first dish you cooked for me. Who knew you could cook salt with a sprinkle of eggs?" Her jaw drops as she smacks my arm and I laugh it off.     

I take her hand—the one she smacked me with—and kiss the back of it. "And most of all, I love how strong you are. After everything… you're standing tall and proud right here with me. Because that's who you are. A fighter. I can't promise that you won't be angry. I can't promise that you won't cry and be sad… But I can promise you until the day I die, I will be with you always, especially during the times that you'll need me. I will be here for you and with you until I take my last breath."     

Angela nods, smiling as her eyes glimmer. The sun is setting and through my periphery, the beautiful hues on the sky make a halo around her. I really hope Oliver makes this faster because I want to kiss my woman now.     

I feel a tap on my arm and I turn to look. Giovanni is handing me the velvet box where the rings are. The pair is a simple white gold band with an internal engraving of our fingerprints on each other's ring—hers on mine and mine on hers. Angela and I take out the rings and we take turns reciting:     

"I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you and a reminder of my devotion to you."     

After sliding our rings to each other, Oliver says:     

"By the power vested in me by the City of Mayne, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Gael, you may kiss the bride."     

"Fucking finally," I mutter as I cup the back of her neck with one hand and hold her waist with my other. Leaning in, I softly brush my lips to hers. Angela wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer, deepening our first kiss as husband and wife.     

"I now present to you Gael and Angela De Luca," Oliver proclaims, and the audience erupts in cheer, howls, and claps. And I feel so fucking good. Because this right here, in her arms, is where I'm supposed to be.     



Our friends and family congratulate us as they come over and hug us. It's the first time I'm seeing everyone properly and I can't help the smile on my face. It's been there since I walked down the aisle earlier and I'm still wearing it right now because I've never been happier.      

I glance to my left and meet Gael's eyes, already staring at me. My smile widens even more and I hope I don't look like a clown because I just feel so good I can't stop smiling. I think Gael doesn't think so because his eyes turn heated and I know that look. He wants me. Right now. And he punctuates the silent message by placing a hard kiss on my mouth and squeezing my waist.     

Then he whispers to my ear, "I'm so going to fuck you hard later, Wife."     

"Mm… I'm looking forward to it, Husband," I purr against his scruff and he groans, tightening his grip on my waist.     

"Congratulations!" My cousin, Lyra, interrupts us and we turn to face her and her fiancé, Josh.      

"Thank you for coming," I say as they hug us.     

"I wouldn't miss it." Lyra glances at Gael and Josh, who are talking, and then she pulls me to the side by the wrist. "Listen… Angie. I… Uh…"     

I narrow my eyes on her. We haven't spoken since my birthday and I haven't really thought about her since. But she's family, that's why she's here. She stands there, wringing her hands as if she's having a hard time talking. "What is it?"     

"I just…" She clears her throat. "I'm sorry."     

"You're sorry about what?"     

Lyra's shoulders fall, looking resigned as she finally looks me straight in the eyes. After a very long time, I recognize my cousin. "For being a bitch to you. You didn't deserve it."     

That makes me chuckle. "Why were you being a bitch?"     

"I don't know. I guess… When we were growing up, I keep hearing mom say good things about you. She constantly compares us and that made me feel so inadequate. Why can't I be more like you? Why can't I have the things you have… And when you brought Gael to our family Christmas party, everyone was giving you attention. I got jealous… I feel sick thinking about everything I said to you."     

I nod. "Those were really hurtful."     

She winces. "I'm sorry, Angie… I know we can't be like how we were when we were kids. I just want you to know that I'm not going to be a bitch to you anymore." Lyra raises her hand very quickly. "I swear. I didn't even tell Evan when he asked me about you."     

Just as I start to relax, the hair on my back stands on end. "You talked to Evan?"     

"He saw the pictures I posted on Instagram when we went golfing. He asked how you were and where you were staying then. I admit I also got curious and was tempted to stir up trouble. But then I keep seeing how you looked at Gael that day," she glances at my husband and then back to me, "I didn't tell Evan anything, I swear. I think even though I was jealous of you, I didn't really want to stop your happiness. You and Gael look great together."     

My heartbeat races a little as I stare at my cousin. "I don't know what to say…"     

"You don't have to say anything. I understand that it's hard to forgive me." She pulls me into a hug. "I'm really happy for you, Angie. Your vows made me cry. I wish you both a happy ever after."     

Well shit. Maybe I'm too soft, but I can't not hug her back. Because once upon a time, I cared about Lyra. We used to play and tell each other's secrets when we were kids. Maybe we won't be the same, but I can let go of the past, right? "Thank you. Your wedding is next."     

She softly chuckles as we lean away and she wipes the corner of her eye. "I'll send you two the invitation."     

"Sorry, but I have to steal my wife now." Gael places a hand around my waist and he pulls me away from Lyra and Josh who give us knowing looks. He starts walking me towards the side of the house, ducking and staying behind decorations as if we're trying to escape.     

"Where are we going?" I ask as I try to keep up with him.     

We enter the house through a sliding door that connects to the living room. His warm hand slides up my bare back as he guides me inside. "You didn't think I'd last long with you wearing that sexy dress, did you?"     

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