Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Light Night

Light Night

0Sunday — April 21     

After yesterday's fiasco at the orphanage, Angela and Gael cooperated with the police in the afternoon. Since they were being helpful, along with the other witnesses, they didn't stay much longer. In a few hours, they were back home.     

It was such a tiring day that their supposed plan to buy more stuff for the house in the afternoon was forgotten and they decided to do it in the next few days instead.     

In the morning, Charlie called Gael while Angela was still asleep—the older man knew his daughter usually slept in. Charlie invited the two of them over for dinner. Not having any plans in the evening other than checking in on his family in New York with a phone call, Gael accepted the invitation.     

In the late afternoon, the engaged couple drove down the long driveway that led to Charlie's mansion. It was strange for Angela to see the massive house where she grew up in when she now had a house of her own with Gael. The day she moved out, her father had told her, "Even though you already have a new house—a permanent one where you will build your own family—this will always be your home, no matter what. You can always come back here whenever you want."      

That meant a lot to Angela because back when rented apartments in tall buildings, her father didn't say anything. It was when their relationship was still tense. They loved and cared about each other, but there was a clear gap between them. So while she loved having her apartments, she didn't really feel like they were her homes. She always missed her father's mansion despite the lack of warmth over the years.     

She realized that she just needed to get away because it was easier to have separate places to go back for resting or sleeping—or staying away from each other's spaces. Using it as an excuse to not be with each other because she didn't live with him anymore. Not only that, it gave her the comfort and convenience that she could work on her book without her father finding out. Of course, she didn't know he already found out but just kept mum about the whole thing.     

Now, Angela's relationship with her father had taken a huge turn. They were more open to each other. And whenever she was with her family, she enjoyed being with them better than before when she used to want time to pass by quickly so she could go back to her place.     

Now, she got to spend time with them frequently, and the best part was that Gael was there too. She swore, ever since he came along, meals with her family became warmer. Would it always be like that? She hoped so. Because she was really looking forward to expanding their family.     

Just as their car stopped in front of the mansion, Angela's phone rang. It was her mother.     

She stared at the screen with her heart racing a mile a minute. It had been three weeks since the last time she'd seen her mother. Gael had said that ever since the Pakhan died, the Bratva had been quiet, so he hadn't heard any news regarding their organization. Though he reassured Angela that her mother was safe after he confirmed it with Volkov.     

Angela sent her mother a text message once last week after hesitating several times. All she got in response was:     

[ Mom: We're okay. Don't worry. I will call you soon. Take care, my Kylie. ]     

She relaxed a little after that, but in the back of her mind, she was still worried.     

Gael placed a hand on her arm and gave it a squeeze. "You can take that. I'll check on Chicago for a bit and wait for you at the door. Take your time."     

Angela blinked and took a deep breath, nodding at him. As soon as Gael left the car, she answered the call.     


"Kylie… Honey, how are you?"     

There was a prick in her chest upon hearing her mother. She used to feel pain when she was reminded of the past, but now, there was more longing than the ache in her chest. "Mom… I'm good. We've just arrived at Dad's place for dinner. How about you? Is everything okay?"     

"It's so good to hear your voice. I'm doing okay, considering…" Cynthia sighed. "Your father did tell me you were going home for dinner."     

Angela drew her brows together. "You…spoke to Dad?"     

She swore she could hear the smile in her voice. "Yes… I called him this afternoon. It's been so many years and yet he still sounds the same over the phone." Cynthia softly chuckled.     

"I don't understand… Are you two…speaking now?"     

Cynthia paused for a moment before answering, "I wouldn't say we'll be speaking to each other regularly. That was the first time we've talked since our separation. But I owed it to him after the recent incident that involved you. Truth be told, I would've preferred to talk to him in person, but…a phone call was easier."     

Angela didn't know what to say to that. So instead, she asked, "What did you talk about?"     

  "Mostly apologizing about the fact that I put you in danger. And the rest… Can I just keep it between me and Charles?"     

She nodded even though her mother couldn't see her. "Okay…" She had a lot of questions, but it was hard to talk about those while she was still reeling about the fact that she was on the phone with her mother now and she wasn't feeling the animosity towards her compared to before.     

Fortunately, Cynthia continued to talk, leaving no awkward silence. "Your father brought me up to speed regarding your engagement and you moving out and moving into your new house with Gael. I didn't want this life for you, but I realized you're already old enough to make your own decisions and I can only tell you that being married to a De Luca will have its risks—so you have to be stronger. I know we still have a lot to work on between us, Kylie. But I just want to tell you that I am so proud of you. So proud of the woman you've become."     

Angela sniffed, wiping the corner of her eyes. Those words coming from her mother held a lot of weight, knowing that Cynthia was living the life of a Bratva's wife. She knew firsthand how it was. And despite the heartache that passed between Angela and Cynthia, the former felt so happy hearing that her mother was proud of her. She no longer wanted any more pain and was ready to move on. "Thank you, Mom. You have no idea how much it means to me hearing you say that." After all, she spent years believing she was unwanted by her mother.     

"Kylie…" Cynthia blew out a long breath and then her voice perked up as if wanting to lighten their conversation. "I would like to have coffee with you one of these days. When you come back to New York, do let me know, okay?"     

A small smile lifted on Angela's lips. She didn't plan on going back to New York with Gael next week, but perhaps she could go with him. Her smile grew wider when she found herself looking forward to it, thinking about the things she could do while she'd be there. "I would love that. Maybe you can bring Anika and Aleksander?"     

"Oh, honey. That would be so nice. I'm sure Anika would love to see you. Aleksander is much like his father. He doesn't show it, but I know he cares about you too. I hope you give him a chance."     

That was true. Aleksander was a tsundere. He appeared like he didn't like Angela, but he was the one who tried to warn her back then.     

She was about to respond when her mother quickly told her that she had to go. So they wished each other a good evening and promised to text soon. It was a short phone call, but it made her chest light and her shoulders relaxed.     

Angela got out of the car and walked over to where Gael stood by the door with his phone to his ear.     

"Give me a call when you find something." Gael paused. "Alright. Tell my sister we miss her. Mm. Bye."     

"Mariano?" she probed.     

"Yeah." He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. "How's the call with your mother?"     

Angela took a deep breath and smiled at him. "Good. You ready to go inside?"     

"Hell yeah. Charlie told me the chef prepared Chinese cuisine tonight, and I'm fucking starving." Gael placed an arm around her shoulders as they walked inside the mansion. She chuckled, already knowing that they would have a feast that night. What better way than to spend it with the three most important men in her life?     

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