The Doctor Who Loves Me

Keep It From Rui

Keep It From Rui

4Cali saw herself wearing a beautiful creamy white, off the shoulder lace dress. She gasped when the door opened before her. She was inside a church and everything looked breathtaking, it was beautifully decorated with many varieties of flowers.       4

She found herself walking down the aisle while looking closely at the figure of a man wearing a creamy white suit, the man looked extremely handsome. She could feel that he was waiting for her. The moment was magical. She had never felt happier in her entire life.     

He was smiling brightly at her, not breaking eye contact with her for even a moment. She smiled back at him, it was a smile of contentment. She was filled with so much joy and it made her shine brighter than the sun.     

'Oh, God…. Please don't let me forget him.' Cali found herself praying silently as she continued to walk towards him.      

'Even if my brain cannot retain any memories and forgets everything about him… please my dear heart, make sure you never forget my Rui and beat only for him… no one else.'      

Her eyes rounded as those thoughts came back to her.     

The man of her dreams, the one she succeeded in conquering… He was Rui…     

"Rui…" she called out before opening her eyes.     

"Sweetheart? Oh God, finally, you're awake." she heard that familiar voice. Cali turned to face him. His eyes were all swelled up, he had been crying.     

"You cried…" Cali whispered with a faint smile. Tears were flowing from her eyes too. Rui kept his vow, he promised her that no matter what came their way, he would always stand beside her and never leave. He did stay with her...     

"Yeah, I was so worried, sweetheart. Let me quickly call the doctor to check on you." Rui said as he stood up, but Cali grabbed his wrist.     

"I love you so much Rui Dee," Cali weakly whispered.      

Rui wiped his tears and whispered back, "I love you more. Let me ask for the doctor first, to check up on your condition."     

Cali meekly nodded. She looked around the hospital room where she currently was and heaved a sigh of contentment. She just had some recollections and she was sure it was a part of the memories that she lost. But she was glad that she could finally remember Rui… her husband...     

The door opened and Cali saw Yera enter with Xander, with a basket of fruits in his hands.     

"You're finally awake."     

Cali nodded and Yera helped her up.      

"You're safe now. Candice arrived just in time to get you. You passed out because of the chemicals in that smoke." Xander explained.     

Rui arrived with the resident doctor who immediately checked her condition.     

"She's fine already. I will issue a discharge…" the doctor informed and Rui nodded. Yera also looked at her and asked how the condition of her head was.     

"I'm good sis…" Cali answered with her sweetest smile.     

Yera's eyes suddenly rounded. Cali used to call her sis before her surgery.     

"You remember?" Yera gasped and Cali nodded as tears fell from her eyes.     

Yera hugged her and Cali whispered, "Can we keep it from Rui?"     

Yera looked at Rui who was talking to the doctor and then back at Xander, she then shifted her gaze to Cali.     

"Why?" she asked.     

Cali had a mischievous smile…     

"Alright… I understand. Oh my God, Rui will be so happy, I know for sure." Yera murmured.     

"Hey, why are you two whispering?" Xander interrupted with knitted brows as he and Rui approached Cali's bed.     

"Nothing…" Cali said and quickly wiped her tears.     

Rui sat beside Cali and grabbed her hands.     

"We will leave you two lovebirds alone now…" Yera commented.     

"But we just arrived," Xander complained but Yera immediately pulled him out of the room.     

"They will remove the dextrose soon. You've been sleeping for almost twenty-four hours, I got so scared…" Rui said.     

"Where's Candice?" Cali asked.     

"She's at the scene with the elite force, doing some cleaning. They actually found some remains and bones of victims in the secret basement. Some of Edward's victims from this country, Rui further explained. I do not know what I would've done Cali if by any chance I happened to lose you…" Rui stated, his eyes glistened with tears.     

Cali cupped his face in her hands and said, "If anything bad happens to me… I want you to continue moving forward… I will be happy if you will move on and find another love of your life…"     

Rui's face crumpled as he scolded, "Let's not talk about all that rubbish. All that's important is that you're safe now…"     

"I would like to talk to Candice. I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating but I saw Edward turn into something, something so scary… he's not human Rui..."     

"You're hallucinating," Candice, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, interrupted them.     

"You see, Edward, injected something in your body when he abducted you. It's some drug that can make you hallucinate…" Cali explained with a wide smile. She had a paper bag of sweets that she handed over to Rui.     

"How are you?" Candice asked her with a wink.     

"I'm better now… Thank you for rescuing me. I heard your voice before I totally lost consciousness." Cali said with a smile.     

"I told you. I will not let anything happen to you or else Rui here would hunt me down to the ends of the earth. You see, he threatened me big time…" Candice snorted.     

"As if I will ever get scared of him," Candice added with a wink.     

The nurse arrived to remove the dextrose from Cali's IV.      

"Are you finally leaving us alone?" Rui whispered with a grin.     

Candice's eyebrows lifted as she said, "Is that how you'll thank me?"     

Rui laughed and reiterated, "Well you can stay with us as long as you want but on the condition that you will sleep in your own room from now on. Also, don't be too clingy with Cali."     

Candice's face twitched as she mumbled, "Maybe you'd prefer me being more clingy to you then, huh?"     

"Youuu…" Rui beamed but Candice only sniggered at him before she walked over to Cali's bed.     

He then heaved a long sigh of relief while looking at Cali who was now exchanging pleasantries with Candice. It was so nice to see her smile once again. He felt like he was going crazy since the moment she was abducted.     

He still found everything too weird, especially with how Edward managed to abduct Cali as if it was nothing. There was no break-out and even the CCTV footage showed no signs of him at all.     

Candice said that it was a very confidential case and the matter would be handled by a special elite force in a very quiet manner. He only hoped this time Cali and he could finally have a normal life together, where the two of them could only focus on their relationship and create more memories together without worrying about anything else.     

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