The Doctor Who Loves Me

The Only Thing You Can Do

The Only Thing You Can Do

4Cali accompanied Rui to the airport where they would pick up Xander.       3

"I'm excited to meet them," Cali commented since Rui said that the Yangs were like his own family and she would finally get to meet one of Rui's closest friends, Xander, who was also brother to him.     

"They will be thrilled to meet you as well," Rui commented as he kissed Cali's hand while they were inside the car.     

He liked it very much how Cali's face would blush now and then with his simple gesture. Her cheeks were glowing pink, and she was so cute.     

"Stop that…" Cali muttered.     

"What?" Rui asked with a roguish smile.     

"You're staring at me…" Cali beamed because she could see him from the sides of her eyes.     

"Can you blame me? You're too beautiful…" Rui candidly expressed.     

Cali gently hit him on his arm and murmured, "Stop that already."     

Rui grinned and pulled her into his embrace instead.     

"Ahh this feels so nice…" Rui contentedly expressed, making Cali smile bashfully.     

Yes, it was indeed a nice feeling to be in Rui's arms for Cali as well.     

The two soon arrived at the airport and as soon as Rui saw Xander, he waved his hands.     

Xander on the other hand rushed towards him and gave him a tight hug.     

Yera shook her head as she watched her husband lift Rui and swirl him around like they were some lovebirds, who finally got to see each other after a long time. She smiled seeing Cali's mouth agape watching the two men.     

"They look like long-lost lovers, right? She commented as she paused beside Cali.     

"I'm sorry…" Cali whispered.     

Yera gave her a beautiful smile as she extended her hand for a handshake and said, "I'm Yera, Xander's wife. I presumed you were Cali."     

Cali nodded with a smile and quickly accepted the handshake.     

"Yes, I'm Cali…" she timidly answered. She paused for a while and stared at Yera.     

"Yes, dear?" Yera asked, wondering if Cali would recognize her.     

Cali shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, just that you look familiar somehow."     

"I heard about your condition from Rui. I'm also a doctor and my husband is one as well. Hmm, how are you feeling now? I heard you experience pain whenever you try to recall something."     

"Oh yeah, but I'm trying to avoid it now… So whenever I feel like I need to recall a person I will automatically shift my mind into thinking something nice like the good memories I'm having now." Cali answered, with her eyes still on the two men who kept hugging each other and playing like kids.     

"That's good then. Rui is doing a good job for you not to experience pain," Yera commented, presuming that Rui was applying a psychological technique on Cali so she would not experience any pain caused by the fragments of her memories coming back.     

"You two, stop playing already, and don't make us stand here for too long." Yera beamed at the two men who instantly stopped bantering that instant.     

"Sorry, we just miss each other too much, by the way, I'm Xander…" Xander said with a bright smile and introduced himself to Cali.     

Then he immediately pulled Yera into his embrace and said in a jest, "Why darling? Are you jealous already? Don't worry, I cannot kiss Rui like this…"     

To Cali's surprise, Xander gave Yera a smacking kiss on her lips before her eyes, pulled his wife to walk, and passed by them with his arm on her shoulders.     

Rui chuckled and whispered, "Let's go… You'll get used to their public display of affection soon…"     

Cali watched the couple before her. The two would live with them during their vacation, and she was grateful to meet them. She felt Rui's hand grab hers. She looked at him. Rui winked, and she smiled back.     

They went directly home. Cali and Yera bonded in the kitchen while preparing dinner while Rui and Xander had some drinks at the veranda.     

"Any word from Candice?" Rui asked.     

"Nothing so far. But I already contacted her right hand and most trusted man. He told me not to worry because Candice will ensure Cali's safety. All you have to do is not to do anything drastic. So for now, the best thing to do is act as if nothing happened." Xander commented.     

"That's too easy to say… You know I can't afford anything bad to happen at Cali at this point, Xander. I know they said that we are not to jeopardize Candice's mission, but do you expect me to just stand still? I must find out who that person is and until then, I can't just stay still..." Rui voiced out his concern and Xander could fully understand him.     

He patted Rui's shoulder and added, "We are doing that already. You know that our security team is all in disguise because it's better than putting them in a uniform and obviously better than putting them on standby to guard Cali."     

Rui exhaled his frustration loudly. He understood the importance of catching the culprit without causing too much fuss, but then he just could not compromise on Cali's safety. The way Xander explained everything to him, it was suggested to make Cali a live bait since she became a target.     

Xander could read Rui's thoughts so he looked at him directly and said, "Let's face the facts, Rui… Cali became the target of that psychopath whom Candice is trying to catch and we cannot change the fact. Whether we like it or not… Cali is already the prey. That psycho chooses random women as targets… And, unfortunately, that psycho chose a prey at that university where you and Cali were."     

Rui heaved another sigh full of agony. Xander already explained to him everything. That was why Candice disguised herself as a professor in that university because according to their intel, the next target was that university.     

"I told you already, right? How Candice works when it comes to protecting someone? I mean, you heard everything from Yera that time Candice saved her." Xander reminded Rui.     

"Xander, I know! I told you, I personally witnessed her killing someone by snapping his neck like it was just a rat!" Rui beamed, recalling how he even passed out after that. But still, it was Cali, so he could not just stay still without doing anything.     

"The only thing you can do right now Rui is to stay with Cali twenty-four seven…" Xander added, understanding the frustration of his friend.     

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