The Doctor Who Loves Me

Loving Him Again

Loving Him Again

1Cali suddenly felt bad as she realized how unfair it could be for Edward, so she nodded at him.     

Edward gave her his widest smile as he grabbed one of her hands on the table and gently squeezed it.     

"Thank you so much, Cali. You won't regret this and I will do everything that I can to prove myself for you to see that I'm worthy to be your man." Edward remarked and Cali smiled at him faintly, wondering if what she was doing was the right thing to do.     

"Common, let's continue eating. The movie we are going to watch is a blockbuster, so I'm sure you will enjoy it." Edward commented as he released her hand.     

Cali looked at her hand and tried her best to double-check if she felt something like that electricity she felt whenever her skin would touch Rui's. How come she couldn't feel the same with Edward.     

Cali heaved a long deep frustrated sigh and mused, 'Maybe later at the cinema when we get a little bit closer, I might feel something?'     

She had heard feelings could be developed over time, so maybe Edward was right, she should give him more time and see if she would start feeling something for him.     

She did not have a man her whole life nor did she fall in love yet, so it was technically her first time and she was really confused about how to acknowledge or name her emotions.     

Cali and Edward were about to enter the cinema theater when Cali's mobile phone rang. She halted and checked it. Seeing it was Rui on her caller ID, Cali answered quickly.     

"Hello?!" she asked.     

"Where are you now?" she heard Rui asked.     

Cali's eyebrows raised, but she still answered him saying, "I'm with Edward and will now be going inside the cinema. I just put my phone on silent mode so you can just text me if there's something important you want to tell me."     

Rui's nostrils flared as all the intimate scenes that could happen inside the cinema, between Edward and Cali, flashed through his active mind.     

He stood up on his seat and with a grim face barked, "Come back home right now, Cali! Next time I will lock the gates without telling you the code, so you won't be able to get out without me! From now on you must come back home before ten in the evening or you won't be able to enter too. And your grandpa will know about all of this. Why? because you're always coming home late...     

Don't test my patience or I will call your grandpa right this instant to tell him you're going out with a man instead of focusing on your studies!      

I will make sure he sends you back to country D if you don't come home this instant! I will only give you less than an hour, Cali! And if you're not home, then prepare yourself to go back home to your family!"     

Cali was about to say something but she heard the end call voice instead.     

"Sh*t! She cursed loudly in annoyance, wondering what was happening to Rui!     

'How dare he even threatened me!' she cried in annoyance.     

"What's wrong?" Edward asked worriedly, seeing how suddenly Cali's face turned dark and gloomy.     

"I need to go back, Edward. At this very instant. Can we cancel our movie for now and reschedule it some other time, please? I just need to deal with Rui." she apologetically said.     

Edward seemed to understand the situation and nodded. That very instant they went into the parking lot and Edward drove Cali back to Rui's place. When Cali was about to go out of the car, Edward asked, "Are you sure you don't need me inside? I'm just worried, Cali."     

Cali gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Go now. I can perfectly handle it myself."     

She went out of Edward's car and waited for his car to drive out of Rui's property before she heaved a long deep sigh and walked inside the house, ready to fire out her anger.     

Inside the house, Rui heaved a long, deep sigh while he gulped all the whisky in his glass in just one go. He sat at the bar counter while counting the days he had been with his wife, who had totally forgotten about him today, because of the side effects of that brain surgery.     

He thought of the improvements he had made over the past couple of days to make her love him again.     

He chuckled as he poured himself some more whisky in his glass.     

His path to have Cali to be his wife before all this was way too easy since it all started as an arranged marriage between families and also, he was lucky that Cali liked and fell in love with him first.     

He was lost in reminiscing about his wonderful time with his wife, back during those wonderful days when Cali had only him in her eyes and loved him endlessly. But he came out of his dreamland by the sound of footsteps of someone stomping towards him.     

He straightened his body… Ready to receive another row of complaints from his dear wife, who seemed to be getting irritated at him more and more because of his strictness towards him.     

But what else could he do if she chose to go out to party often and mingle with young men who were obviously ready to pounce at her at any opportunity they could get. He could not keep calm in such situations and ended up imposing strict rules on her, but then while doing so he tended to forget that Cali was not aware of their relationship, she had forgotten all that had ever happened between them, even how she made him fall for her and that she was already married to him.     

How much endurance he would have, what amount of frustration he would feel when he could not tell Cali about their relationship, because he was waiting for her... to at least fall in love with him once again before he could tell her anything about her past, about their past.      

Rui wanted her back and was not ready to share even a single bit of her with anyone. Although he was suffering through all this, but still, he had decided to start all over again with her. He was willing to deal with all and any suffering if it would lead to his wife loving him again.     

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