The Doctor Who Loves Me

Too Comfortable 

Too Comfortable 

0Cali woke up past midnight to go to the restroom. She glanced at the clock and saw it was past three am. She was about to go back to bed when she felt her stomach grumbling.     

"Weird…" she murmured, because she suddenly craved for hot chocolate and some bread.     

Cali tried to sleep but couldn't do so, and finally decided to get up to attack the kitchen. Her forehead creased seeing the lights of Rui's bar area were put on. She walked towards it, and saw Rui sitting lonely there  as he drank.     

"You didn't sleep yet? What are you doing here alone?" Cali asked as she approached him.      

Rui saw her approaching him and smiled at her and muttered, "why are you awake? Were you waiting for me?"     

"Huh? Did you go somewhere?" Cali asked as she sat beside him.     

"And why are you drinking at this hour? Are you facing some problem? You should not drink like that at this hour." She continued with lifted eyebrows while scrutinizing the level of the remaining brandy in the bottle. He had quite a lot to drink and was looking a little tipsy as well.     

Rui chuckled lightly when he heard her concerned tone. A melancholic expression crossed his face. He missed Cali scolding him like this. Then he heaved a long deep sigh and said, "I went to see Kane…"     

"What?!" Cali exclaimed with a little fear in her heart.     

Another sigh came out from Rui's mouth. He honestly did not want to tell Cali all this because he did not want Cali to get involved with Kane anymore but he respected the friendship between the two of them and Cali at least deserved to know Kane's condition.     

"He's emotionally unstable right now so I had to contact his family." He said because he had called Shane that instant to inform her about Kane's state. He believed Kane shouldn't be alone in such a condition. He had to wait for Kane's brother to arrive who luckily was in the neighbouring country for a business deal so it only took a few hours.     

Cali felt her knees weakened and with trembling lips murmured, "I was too harsh on him. I told him that I can only see him as a brother and a friend, nothing more…"     

Should she at least give Kane a chance for him to be happy? But she thought things would be more prettily messed up if she would, since she couldn't really picture herself to be romantically involved with him at all.     

Rui could feel Cali's uneasiness and guilt so he held her hand and gently squeezed it saying, "It's not your fault Cali. There are a lot of people who are emotionally unstable when they experience things like this. You did what is right.      

Besides, judging from my assessment, it will be worse if you gave Kane a chance of hope then turn him down later. So don't feel bad because you were only honest to him. It's no longer your fault that he has a weak heart and is unable to take the reality as it is."     

Cali felt really bad but Rui's words helped her to be sane. She was hoping that she really did the right thing by rejecting him.     

"How is he now? Do you think I should see him?" She asked because was really worried about him.     

Rui exhaled loudly and said, "you should not see him for now. You're the last person he wants to see at this point Cali. He would not want you to see his devastated condition at this time. We need to give him time to heal at this point. He didn't take it well the first time and the second time was much worse…"     

"First time? What do you mean? Did I turn him down before also?" Cali asked, totally confused.     

Rui cursed on his carelessly blurting out anything. It was too late to retrieve his words back and he did not see anything wrong in simply telling Cali about it.     

He smiled and explained, "Hmm, it turned out you turned him down once before, much before you lost your memory, so he thought this time he could have a chance because you do not remember all that from before."     

"Oh that dummy… But didn't he already know me? Once I decide on something, then that's final! If I turned him down earlier, then that's it…"     

"He probably wanted to try his luck Cali. Besides there's no harm in trying and also if I was him, even I would definitely give it a try if you're still single and not married…" Rui commented.     

'But you're already married and that's his mistake for not honoring such a sacred bond. He shouldn't try messing up with someone who's still legally married and bound to someone by heart, because in the eyes of the law and God… it's still wrong…' Rui wanted to add.      

It could be a harsh thing to say but Kane got a dose of his own medicine. However, he was not hoping for him to be in that condition. He was hoping he could move on and start his life with a new light and better perspective for his own good.     

"Come here…" Rui murmured and pulled Cali for a tight hug to console her.     

"Whatever happens… Don't ever think that it's your fault. You did nothing wrong. You just wanted to be honest with him and that's a good thing. People are responsible for their own actions. He was a grown up man already cCali and he's responsible for his own actions. Always remember that… And he is not your responsibility but it doesn't limit it for you not to care or share care for what he is going through."     

Cali bit her lip as she controlled her tears. She could sense with Rui's words that Kane was indeed in bad shape. But she knew what Rui wanted her to do.      

"Thank you…" she whispered as she felt him gently stroking her back. She really loved it… Being near him like this seemed not foreign to her. She was too comfortable in his arms despite the throbbing of her heart.     

Rui gently pushed her and asked, "By the way why are you up?"     

Cali bit her lip and replied, "I feel hungry and craving for milk and some bread.. "     

Rui stood up and pulled her to the kitchen counter to sit.     

"I will get it…" Cali whispered.     

"Nah, just sit there. I need to sober too so let me get it to you. I will join you by drinking coffee." Rui answered followed by a wink.     

Cali could feel her stomach churning… Butterflies were flying inside her stomach and she suddenly realized she liked her private doctor a lot.     

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