The Doctor Who Loves Me

Quality Time

Quality Time

4At Yang Mansion.     

The next morning, James and Liz got up early and went out for a jog. It would be the first time for them to exercise together since James would only do some exercising in the gym inside Yang's mansion.     

Liz rarely liked exercising using machines and equipment. She preferred running and doing dance exercises even aerobics but James did not want to accompany her in dancing while she followed the tv screen so they decided that they would both jog in the morning together.     

Liz was panting heavily when she came running and sat on the blanket spread on the grass. She had already instructed a helper to put those there as their rest stop, where their bottled water and towels were kept as well. She chuckled, seeing James was still almost one meter apart from her.     

He stopped near her while catching his breath. He was profusely sweating and his shirt was completely soaked in his sweat. He hastily pulled up his shirt and removed it in a swift motion. With his hands both on his side waist, James looked up with eyes closed and felt the cool fresh breeze passing through his body.     

Liz gulped, witnessing the mouth drooling sight before her. 'Oh, yummy!' she thought as she bit her bottom lip while watching the lean muscles on Jame's chest and belly.     

"He is looking utterly delicious right now." Liz breathed and quickly scolded herself for being so naughty in her thoughts so early in the morning. James looked younger than his age and was still very fit, he was comparable to a middle-aged man in his looks and stamina.      

Her brain wires started sparking and recalling their intimate moments together. She indeed fell in love with him because of his charm that acted like a magnet when they met for the first time in Han's mansion.      

Little did she know at that time that his flawlessly built would supersede all that drew her to him and she would, one day, be bewitched by his muscular body and their intimate bed exercises. Oh, how she loved being enclosed in his embrace every time they slept together.     

She forgot. James was already her husband, so maybe she would just make him sleep topless from now on and enjoy caressing his muscular body as much as she wanted.     

She unknowingly squealed on her own, feeling happy with her decision to sleep with her topless husband. Her super naughty thoughts were about to give her a nosebleed when she was intercepted by James's voice.     

"Liz?" she heard James whisper as he joined her on the blanket on the grass.     

Liz blushed and bashfully smiled while she handed him the bottle, then grabbed a towel to wipe his sweat off his arms and chest.     

"You're zoning out," James commented after drinking water.     

"I'm not zoning out… I am drooling…" Liz candidly mumbled with a grin while her cheeks were still red.      

"Hahaha…" James burst in a fit of laughter, realizing what his dear wife meant.     

Liz pouted her lips and squinted her eyes on him so he immediately wrapped his arms around her and defended, "Don't get me wrong, just that I feel it's funny that at this age, someone like you still adores me and drools over me."     

Liz's eyebrows arched as she beamed, "And why should I not? You're even hotter than most of the youngsters I have met, nowadays."     

That time, Jame's was the one whose face turned crimson red. So Liz's face changed, forming a teasing smile on her face. "Oh, my dear husband is blushing hearing praising words for himself! So cute!" she muttered, followed by her poking on James on his sides.     

James' eyes rounded as he complained, "Stop that…" But Liz only made a teasing face, not minding herself acting childish, not so her age.     

That was what James loved the most about his wife. He felt so young whenever he was with his wife, so carefree, like he was back to his youth.     

His wife continued to tease and poke him, so he grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, and her head bounced on his chest. Liz had a mischievous grin before showering Jame's chest with kisses.     

Jame's body stiffened with her shameless actions out in the open. The sun was about to rise and someone could see them, so he whispered in his hoarse voice, "Stop that Liz… Someone might see us fooling around like kids here."     

"So what if someone sees us? I'm having quality time with my husband so they should leave us alone. Besides, it's still early. None of the children would be awake at this time." Liz commented, enjoying how her husband was being shy. She of course stopped kissing him, but she was startled when James suddenly stood up and lifted her on his shoulder like a sack of grain.     

"Hey put me down… Stop!" Liz complained because James was walking back briskly back to the house. She was too surprised when he even spanked her on her butt to make her stop making any more noise.     

"This is your fault… You need to be punished for teasing your husband so early in the morning!" James mumbled as he strode with long steps back to the house.     

"Someone might see us, James…" Liz beamed. They looked like kids, acting not their age, and the sun was rising already.     

"So what if someone sees us? I'm having quality time with my wife so they should leave us alone." James replied, repeating the exact words she said to him a while ago.     

Liz chuckled and screamed when James suddenly ran.     

"Put me down now, James. Let's watch the sunrise…"      

James stopped and gently pulled Liz down, but instead of sitting on the nearby bench, Liz gave him a peck on his lips before running back towards the lawn. Behind her ran James, trying to catch her once more, but Liz was a quick runner.     

She went in circles while letting James run after her, trying to catch her.     

"Liz… I will really punish you badly. Stop running…" James yelp and Liz laughed replying, "Catch me if you can. Don't tell me you can't even catch me."     

Meanwhile, outside their balcony, Yera witnessed all that since she woke up earlier than usual that morning, since she slept early last night. She grabbed her mobile phone on the table and got a video of that scene.     

"Oh… They are so cute." she whispered, enjoying watching her in-laws playing outside. Later she would definitely tease her mom Liz.     

She then felt a powerful embrace from behind.     

"Darling… Why are you peeking on the adults playing? Let's go back to bed..." Xander sluggishly commented.      

"I'm not sleepy anymore. Go back to bed and I'll follow soon. Our parents are enjoying and playing and I'm enjoying watching them so happy together." Yera answered, grinning.     

"Darling a few more months and I think it will be difficult to hug you like this," Xander teased that made Yera pursed her lips and grunted, "But being fluffy like this is so huggable!"     

"Of course, darling. Besides, I will never stop hugging you… and kissing you..." Xander added, trying to pull back his wife to bed.     


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