The Doctor Who Loves Me

Heart At Ease

Heart At Ease

2Yera was having tea with her mother-in-law when her mobile phone rang. It was the private doctor she had assigned for her cousin Jam.      0

Mom Liz noticed Yera's aura changed while talking on the phone, so she asked, "Is everything alright?"     

Yera smiled and nodded, then heaved a long, deep sigh.     

"Mom, my cousin just gave birth. I will go now and visit her." Mom Liz nodded and watched Yera leave through the door.      

She heard about Yera's relationship and feud with her cousin from James and she admired her daughter-in-law for her decisions, because not all people had the capacity to grant forgiveness once they were wronged. And not all people could change for the better, like Yera's cousin as well.     

In a private room of Life Hospital, Jam was sobbing while she looked at her newborn baby girl in her arms. It was time to pay her debt and say goodbye to her baby.     

"Mommy will come back for you so while you wait you have to grow healthy and a good obedient girl. Don't be like mommy who is stubborn and causing a lot of troubles to everyone. I hope your aunt Yera will let you see daddy sometimes while mommy is away…" Jam muttered in a cracked voice.     

Yera entered the room and saw Jam was there crying. She heaved a long sigh and asked, "What did you name her?"     

Jam was startled. She quickly wiped her tears and tilted her head to answer Yera.     

"Her name is Hope." She replied with a half-smile. Yera smiled and walked to her and asked Jam, "Can I?"     

Jam nodded, and Yera gently picked baby Hope in her arms. "She's so cute," Yera praised as she sat on a chair beside Jam's bed.     

"She looks more like her father." Jam murmured. "Right… Her eyes, nose and lips are from Lyndon," Yera seconded.     

"Yera… I'm ready to pay for all my sins as soon as I get discharged. I know this is too much to ask from you, but can you look after Hope during the time I am home away?" Jam timidly whispered. She knew it was too much to ask, but Yera was the only one she could trust for her daughter.     

Lyndon's family had already left the country to start a new life abroad, and she did not want her baby to be that far away from her. With Yera, they could visit her often with her baby Hope and the nanny.     

"Hmm, Jam, as you know I am carrying triplets. I think that's a handful enough for me to handle already to add baby Hope also, so why don't you yourself fulfill this responsibility and take care of her?" Yera said with a grin.     

Jam's jaw dropped. She wondered if she heard those words correctly from Yera, and her interpretation was right. Yera lifted her head and met Jam's eyes.     

Yera smiled and said, "Don't you think it will be too cruel for me to separate baby Hope's mother from her. Baby Hope needs her mother Jam. I have already forgiven you… You and Lyndon. Seeing you both living in the right path and seeking repentance is just enough for me.      

Hatred, anger and keeping the pain in my heart will make us all miserable. I will not send you to prison Jam, but I hope that what we experienced in life will be thought of as both a moral lesson to live our life on the right track."     

Jam's tear fell from her eyes like a rigorous river while she repeatedly said the words, "Thank you" to Yera.     

"Stop crying Jam or baby Hope will also cry. Look at how adorable my niece is. I'm sure Lyndon will be delighted to see his daughter…." Yera whispered.     

After a heart to heart talk with Jam, Yera went next to visit Lyndon in the prison to personally deliver the good news about Jam's delivery.     

She waited at the visiting room and saw Lyndon entered. Until now, his head was still down. Yera sighed because she understood Lyndon why he couldn't look at her straight yet. Though she had already told him that she had forgiven him, Lyndon felt that he still had no right to lift his head up to look at her straight.     

"Congratulations on your baby girl. She's so adorable. Jam named her Hope and she will soon bring your daughter as soon as she recovers to visit you." Yera murmured.     

"Thank you Yera for everything…" she heard Lyndon whisper, stuttering. He was crying.     

"Hmm, they say that you must look into someone's eyes if you're sincere in thanking them. I guess you're not sincere enough since you can't look at me in the eye." Yera said in a jest that immediately made Lyndon to rise his head up and look at her,     

"There… It's better talking with you looking at each other Lyndon. Let's all move on please and don't let the past pull us down. You're a father now and after a few more years you can finally be free and be with Jam and baby Hope. I want you to know that the one responsible for attempting to kill me has already been punished. It is a long story, but everything is now cleared. Serve your years well inside and once you come out… If you want, you can still work for the group as Dion's aid." Yera offered with a smile.     

She and Dion already talked about it. Lyndon was a capable man when it came into handling the company, and he could be a big help to Dion someday. She herself wanted to focus as a wife and a mother while accepting a few minimal surgeries if needed.     

Lyndon stared at her with a shocked expression and parted lips. He did not know how to react with Yera's kind words.     

"Stop staring at me like that, Lyndon. What I said is real and you're not dreaming," Yera said with a chuckle because Lyndon's expression was like Jam's.     

"But Yera… After everything…" Lyndon breathed. He did not know whether he deserved all the generosity Yera had been doing not only to him but most especially to Jam and their baby.     

"Everyone who repents for their sins deserves a second chance Lyndon. You and Jam deserve a second chance," Yera genuinely stated. Only a person like Yun who did not know the word repentance did not deserve a chance in life.     

Seeing Lyndon and Jam who wanted to live an honest life and start their life in the right path made her heart at ease.      


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