The Doctor Who Loves Me

Beat Only For Him

Beat Only For Him

4The next morning, Rui took the initiative and informed grandpa Lua and nanny Shine about Cali's current condition. Cries from nanny Shine and grandpa Lua filled the living room. Grandpa Lua couldn't support himself and fell down on the sofa     

"My dear child. Oh, my poor child…" grandpa Lua cried, hugging Cali tightly while he stroked her hair. Nanny Shine's heart was aching too much for Cali, who was like a daughter to her.      

"Grandpa… your granddaughter will fight like a strong girl so please stop crying. Besides, we should prepare now. Please accompany me at the registrar's office." Cali murmured.     

Grandpa Lua gently pushed her, then looked at Rui in a bewildered state.     

"Yes sir. I want to marry your granddaughter before she has the surgery." Rui finally informed Cali's family.     

Grandpa Lua nodded while nanny Shine pulled Cali back to her room to prepare Cali for the wedding.     

"Sorry if it's a bit rushed sir… I will give Cali a grand wedding ceremony as soon as she recuperates from the surgery. There is limited time to prepare for it and Cali must have the surgery as soon as possible." Rui added.      

He had already talked to Dion, who explained to him everything about Cali's condition. He wanted Cali to have the operation as soon as she was ready mentally, physically and emotionally. Time was very crucial for her at that point, so he would not allow her to wait more than a week.     

"Rui you should start calling me grandpa from now on and not sir. Thank you so much for staying beside Cali and doing this much for her. I really appreciate this," grandpa Lua commented and understood Rui's meaning.     

After some time everyone was ready to leave. Cali went out and asked for Rui, seeing his grandfather was alone waiting in the living room.     

"He left first to change his clothes and we'll just meet him there. You look so great, dear. Rui is so lucky to have such a beautiful bride," grandpa Lua commented, admiring the beauty of his granddaughter. Without his knowing, tears streamed out of his eyes.     

Cali, with hazy eyes, walked towards her grandfather and hooked her arms on his to pull him out their house.     

"Grandpa stop crying, please. Let's go now and not keep Rui waiting for too long." Cali commented, guiding him inside their car.     

Nanny Shine who was also crying followed from behind. Her dear child was all grown up now and would soon have her own family. She only hoped that everything goes well for Cali after the surgery. She quickly wiped the tears that came out from her eyes when Cali turned around at her.     

"Nanny Shine… You too please don't cry. This is a happy day so all of us should smile," Cali encouraged and nanny Shine wanted to slap herself because it was too hard for her to contain her emotions and she bet Cali's grandfather was going through the same.     

"Child, these tears you see from me and your grandpa are tears of so much joy because we are too happy for your big day." Nanny Shine stated as she entered the van to join them.     

Soon the van stopped and Cali's eyebrows crumpled, seeing it did not stop at the registrar's office but in front of a church.     

"Why here?" Cali looked at her grandfather, who also did not understand why they stopped there.     

"Rui wanted to give you a memorable wedding and not just to register your marriage in the registrar's office. He asked my help to instruct our driver to drive in this place, saying he wanted to give you a surprise church wedding. Let's go out, Cali. He's already inside, waiting." Nanny Shine explained.     

Cali went out and was escorted by her grandfather inside…     

She gasped when the door opened up for her. The insides of the church were breathtaking and beautifully decorated with varieties of flowers, but what surprised Cali most was seeing her closest friends inside, anticipating her walk on the aisle.      

Rui was waiting there for her in his creamy white suit and pants. He looked so handsome and manly that Cali could not believe she did succeed in conquering the heart and finally be the woman of the man of her dreams.     

He was smiling brightly, not leaving eye contact between them. Cali smiled as well to him, a smile of contentment and so much joy that was even brighter than the shining sun.     

She might have a tough fight ahead, but she was lucky to have someone like Rui by her side. No matter how tough it would be, Cali was confident she could succeed them all.     

'Oh God…. Please let me not forget him.' Cali prayed. Then she again inwardly talked to her heart, 'Even though my brain, head and memories forget everything about him… But please my dear heart, make sure you never forget my Rui and beat only for him… no one else.'      

Rui sighed blissfully, seeing Cali walk down the aisle. She wore a beautiful creamy white, off the shoulder lace midi dress that showed her perfectly sculpted body and lovely slender legs.     

Dion had told him about the high possibility of Cali forgetting a part of or her complete memories, should she successfully surpass the operation. He did not care whether she forgot about him. What matters was Cali must live, even if it means that she would totally forget him.      

He made a vow that should Cali forget about him, he would not stop in making her recall about him no matter how hard that would be. He would endure and give her fresh memories of him until her heart could recognize him again.     

He felt he was on cloud nine because the beautiful woman walking towards him was his… his woman... and would soon become his official wife now…. The love of his life... his wife...     


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