The Doctor Who Loves Me

Scream For More*

Scream For More*

0The wedding party continued at night during dinner. Josh and Shane hosted the party and made sure their families and closest friends would enjoy every moment of it.     

Rizie and Dion expressed their gratitude to all their guests.      

"We will always be thankful for everyone who became a special part of our love story." Rizie stated, then she also shared to everyone how she and Dion met and gradually became friends and finally fell in love.     

Dion was blushing as the guests teased him. He himself was very grateful as he approached Rizie that day and offered her his handkerchief.      

"And finally, he ended up not only offering a handkerchief but even his shoulders to cry on!" Torin interrupted Rizie's brother-in-law, which made the guests burst out in laughter.     

Xander on the other hand was mostly busy on the mobile phone and cursed as soon as the call ended.     

"I shouldn't have let Ron take that long vacation…" he murmured as he went back on his seat. Rui laughed and commented, "You look so stressed out. Don't worry. I'm back now and will help you out until Ron is back from his vacation."     

Rui came back from his trip just to attend Dion's wedding ceremony, so Xander said, "No need… Go and enjoy yourself. Besides, Dion is there with me. Just that Ron is a very competent and reliable person, you know that… I just got used to his flawless working style. He should soon train someone to be like him, or better, as his assistant to be around in his absence."     

Yera chuckled at her husband's crumpled face and gently pinched his cheek saying, "This is a celebration so stop frowning."      

Xander quickly smiled and nodded.      

The couple, Rizie and Dion, soon bid their farewell to the guests and left the party.     

"Is it okay for us to leave the party in between?"      

Dion chuckled and answered, "Of course… They will all understand that we'll be on our honeymoon."      

Rizie shook her head as she walked with Dion within the vicinity of their villa. They left the party early since Dion said they would go somewhere, but they were still inside Lim's territory.     

"You mean honeymoon under the evening sky? Just holding hands and embracing each other?" Rizie mumbled with pouty lips.     

Dion laughed and kissed her hand that he was holding lovingly.     

"Hmmm, do you expect us to do more tonight?" Dion teased. Rizie pouted her lips and remained quiet. It had been awhile since they made love because Dion was always busy. He would often come home late and very tired lately, not to mention how protective he was regarding her pregnancy and their baby's state.     

She did not complain though because he was extra thoughtful about her, always checking on her and making sure they still had that bonding everyday even with some simple talks and by having first and last meals together. But she was missing getting intimate with him.     

She knew that even she could initiate it anytime since she was not the shy type and he would never reject her. But seeing how restless he was for the past few days and even looked tired, she rather chose to let him have that good night and long deep sleep with him embracing her.     

"I miss you…" Rizie responded. Dion smiled because he understood what she meant. Rizie was looking down at the ground while she said the words so she did not notice they were almost there, the spot Dion wanted to bring her to.     

Dion signaled his helpers to turn on the lights and disperse afterwards.     

"Look…" Dion whispered and Rizie raised her head. She gasped as her eyebrows raised, seeing the lighted path to a tent. It was very romantically arranged, very much like that night when Dion gave her that surprise camping date. Her face flushed so hard, suddenly recalling that night when they first came physically close.     

The arrangements tonight were grander, and the view was superb from that spot. She told Dion how she loved hanging out there a lot.     

"Let's have our honeymoon here tonight since we cannot travel very far and be gone for long at this time," Dion apologized.      

He wanted his baby's safety and the joint venture with Yang Globals was also taking too much of his time at this point and the same goes to his bro Xander, who often complained lately for agreeing to Ron's long vacation.     

Rizie entered the tent excitedly. It was big and with a cozy set-up inside, including those added petals on the bed that gave a relaxing scent.     

As soon as Dion was inside, he hugged Rizie tightly from behind and kissed her neck.     

"Sorry that lately this husband of yours has been very busy. God, I missed you so much. If you only knew how much I have missed you, Riz." Dion whispered, very grateful that he had all his energy that evening to give more attention to his wife and make love to her until they were both exhausted.     

Rizie, with a glowing face and pink cheeks, turned around and gently kissed her husband.     

"I missed you too, you know…" she murmured in his mouth as she savored those soft lips of her husband. She bet they would have gentle and very careful lovemaking knowing her husband, so she initiated aggressive movements, wondering if her husband would still scold her.     

She pushed him so he would lay on his back while she let him watch and removed all of her clothes.      

"Did you make sure no one would peak on us here?" Rizie teased.     

"No… This tent is like soundproof so no one would hear your scream." Dion exaggeratedly commented before rolling over Rizie so she would stay beneath him. Well, no one would dare unless they would want to get fired from the villa since Zach and Josh secured the vicinity with CCTV cameras and that spot was off limits from workers.     

"I will make you scream for more tonight than I had ever done…" Dion whispered before hungrily capturing Rizie's lips. He would not spare any skin and sensitive parts of her wife untouched tonight.     

His hand started trailing from Rizie's upper body to caress and make her shiver before those palm and finger trailing and caressing were replaced by his lips, tongue and mouth as he licked, sucked and nibbled on each and every part of her body.      

He sucked her sensitive nipples, and Rizie squirmed under him. After staying away from each other for more than a week, they both were loving even a single touch initiated by the other.     

Dion sucked on both her breasts and trailed his kiss down to her navel, then her lower abdomen, and finally he took her to the height of desires when he kissed her between her thighs. He used his hands to flick her clit and rubbed his fingers inside the folds. Rizie was drowning in the feelings and loving his touch that she had been missing for the past days.      

Dion then ducked and took her clit between his lips and slipped his finger inside her hot, wet cave. Rizie inhaled as he did that and trembled slightly under him. He kept on sucking on her clit and rubbed his fingers on her upper inner walls, touching her most sensitive spot, making her flinch with ecstacy.     

Her husband seemed to be focussed on making up for those days he missed, and Rizie tried her best not to make loud moans as she lovingly hummed her husband's name repeatedly. She might end up screaming out for more like what he said.     

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