The Doctor Who Loves Me



4At Lua's Residence.      3

Cali was too excited about finally being allowed to go out. Her doctor had given her a signal since she was fully recovered after a few weeks of rest in the hospital and later at home.      

"Nanny Shine I still can't believe Shane is already married. I mean, did I miss a lot of things already in that span of time?" Cali mumbled while Nanny Shine helped her in combing her hair.     

"Don't think much about it. Like what Dr. Han said, you should not overthink about past things." Nanny Shine answered.     

"Yeah right, because I feel my head bursting whenever I try to recall things that happened in this time." Cali confessed gloomily.     

"Oh, God dear! We told you many times not to push yourself to remember anything. Let time bring your memories back. And my dear child, if there will be anything or anyone important that you do not remember right now, he will come to you eventually and so will your memories!" Nanny Shine panicked that made Cali chuckle.      

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm good now. I'm managing it well, just that I'm shocked to see Shane with a man. Can you imagine this? She's like a late bloomer and to be honest I always thought that I would marry first." Cali blurted out with a grin.     

'You are already married also, my child, just that you do not remember him and your marriage anymore.' Nanny Shine thought with a heavy heart and breathed a sigh of frustration as she fixed Cali's hair.      

She could not help but pity Rui. She and Ben, Cali's grandfather, were both in a dilemma because of it. They wanted to tell Cali about him but like Rui suggested, it would not be good for Cali's condition at this time so they sealed their mouths as tightly as they could.     

'I am sure he already misses Cali a lot.' she mused.     

They heard knocking on her door, and Cali screamed seeing Shane opening it and entering inside.     

"Oh, you're here!" Cali burst and ran to Shane  for a tight hug.     

"Of course. You said you will soon leave to study abroad, so I want to spend more days with you here." Shane stated with a grin.     

"Did your husband agree to let you come and live here for so many days?"      

"He has no choice or I'll beat him up," Shane replied.     

"But wait…" Shane muttered, looking at Nanny Shine then continued, "Will it be safe for Cali to study? I mean, exams and pressure won't be good for her."     

Cali laughed, hearing those and defended, "Hey, what do you think of  me? My brain is functioning well, so no pressure besides did I experience such pressure while studying business with you, huh? I am almost a genius when it comes to studying, don't forget that!!"     

Shane nodded, recalling how happy Cali was and enjoying her college days. She had a habit of enjoying whatever it is that she did.      

"I heard grandpa will not let you go unless you take along a personal doctor with you. So tell me… Did you somehow meet him already? Is he handsome?" Shane teased then she exchanged meaningful sneaking glances with nanny Shine.     

"What are you saying? He's just a babysitter, duh. I told grandpa I don't need one, but then I agreed since they will not allow me to go without a chaperon. I have not met him yet, but I'm sure he will not last long with me because I will make sure he would regret accepting such a job offer of babysitting me." Cali scoffed with a smirk.     

Shane suddenly felt sorry for Rui, seeing those playful and naughty grins of her friend. She could still remember Cali playing pranks on some of their teachers. She had a knockout in it.     

"Calli your a grown up woman now so be more mature. Oh, and be good to your personal doctor because he's someone respectable and very nice. He's a friend of the Han's and I heard he is really impressive and still single and young…" Nanny Shine commented.     

Cali's eyes narrowed because she already heard an overrated praise all over again that it pissed her already.     

"Why do I feel like you and grandpa have some agenda behind sending him with me? You keep saying nice things about that doctor all the time and that makes me feel like you both are selling him to me.      

Nanny Shine… I still have a lot of dreams okay so I hope you and grandpa will not dare get me into an arranged relationship or something. That's why I'm refusing to have a private doctor, and why the heck do I get a male one?      

Always keeping an eye on me! Why could you not assign some female doctor who could at least live like a friend with me the whole time?" Cali, like a volcano, finally erupted.     

Shane laughed and grabbed Cali's hand.      

"Hmmm, I heard he is the best among those who are willing to accept the job so don't be like that Cali. I'm sure grandpa and nanny Shine say those words only so that you stop rejecting the idea of him being around you. Anyway, stop sulking and let me hear about all your plans…" Shane interrupted.     

Nanny Shine bit her lip to control the sudden nervousness she felt from Cali's outrage. She should warn Ben not to overdo their endorsement of Rui since Cali was getting irritated instead of getting inspired.      

Then she thought because they pity Rui too much, that was why they mention him a lot to Cali, hoping she could somehow remember her loving husband.     

"I'll leave you two and go get some snacks for you…" Nanny Shine informed.     

When she left, Shane listened well all to Cali's plans. She was too excited to become a professional chef.      

"Hmm, did you remember about your cooking? I mean, when was it when you became fond of cooking and baking?" Shane curiously asked.     

"Not really, I just feel it, Shane. Also, I saw the email of acceptance so I probably submitted my intention to go to their school and for some reason I feel so excited."      

"So you will meet your private doctor there in that country directly or you two will meet here and travel there together? What's his name?" Shane asked naively.     

"I'm not sure and really not looking forward to meet him. He's Dr. Rui Dee. I always heard his name from nanny Shine and grandpa." Cali replied plainly.     

Shane had an ear to ear smile and said, "I know him!"     

Cali's eyebrows lifted. She was surprised, so Shane took that time to say all good things about Rui.     

"Why would someone like him accept such an offer from grandpa? Didn't he know how hard it will be to babysit a stubborn woman like me?" Cali mumbled.     

"Well, maybe there's some specific reason for him to do so." Shane simply responded.     

She heard Rui was abroad studying more about Cali's case as a doctor while Cali was still recuperating. Shane subconsciously squeezed Cali's hand and added, "I hope you enjoy your stay there Cali and don't cause a lot of trouble to the poor doctor since he's a family friend of my husband's."     

"I'll try but I won't promise… You see I hate being guarded!" Cali stated with a wink.     

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