Be My Strength

I think he loves her

I think he loves her

0"Please call me Xiao An. As for Kai Xin, I have always treated her like a queen and I would continue to treat her in the same manner after the wedding..." said DX seriously.     4

He wanted to say more but due to impropriety, he kept the last part of the sentence to himself, "...Or she can be the naughty runaway slave if she wants to..."     

"Wedding?" asked Grandma Zhen in shocked. He never said anything about wedding!     

"I'm going to propose to her soon. Please keep this a secret between us for now."     

Grandma Zhen smiled, "Are you sure you are going to marry her? She's pretty difficult to handle."     

He chuckled, "I know..."     

"Who's going to do the cooking?"     

"We have chefs at home."     

"The cleaning?" asked Grandma Zhen.     

"There are maids and butlers."     

"The welfare of your children?"     

"My sons are old enough to take care of themselves."     

With the preliminary questions out of the way, Grandma Zhen went straight to the most important question.     

"What if you and my Kai Xin have a child?"     

DX had expected this question and without missing a beat, he answered honestly.     

"I'll love my children in the same way. Of course, if our child is a girl, then she would be my favorite..."     

When Grandma Zhen frowned at his admittance to blatant favoritism, DX smiled politely and explained it to her,     

"The Du Family haven't had a girl for more than 10 generations. To us, baby girls are very precious."     

Happy with his answer, she sighed in relief, "I'm sorry to ask these questions. I don't know if you know this, but our Kai Xin was treated unfairly when she was young."     

He nodded, "I've heard something like that."     

Looking at her own wrinkled hands, she continued, "Her late grandfather was a traditional man. In his own way, he loved her but he believed that girls should be prim and proper...and to never questioned a man's decision."     

DX knew all about that but he kept quiet and allowed the old woman to continue to talk.     

"Xiao An..."     

As she reached across the table to pat his hand, she said, "Please don't treat her that way she was treated by her grandfather."     

He knew that she was worried about Kai Xin. So, instead of feeling insulted, he reassured her, "I would never do such a thing."     

"Good, good, "murmured the old woman.     

Looking at her, DX thought of something and asked her directly, "Nai Nai...Do you mind if I ask you a question?"     


"What is the relationship like between Kai Xin and her father?"     

When she heard the question, she was unsure of how to answer him. Kai Xin and her father did not hate each other. Rather, they treated each other indifferently.     

It took her a long time before she replied to him, "In many ways, Kai Xin and her father are too alike. I was told that you have met Qi Yan, is that right?"     

When DX nodded, Grandma Zhen continued, "Kai Xin got her looks and intelligence from her mother, but hard to believe as it is, everything else she inherited from her father."     

Grandma Zhen sighed. She was thinking whether she should tell him.     

After all, he was just Kai Xin's boyfriend. However, he was also her only boyfriend so far and based on what she saw, her eldest granddaughter was deeply in love with this man.     

"Nai Nai, if you are uncomfortable, we can talk about something else..." DX said when he saw the distressed look on the old woman.     

She shook her head, "I'm fine...Truth is, my son...I think he loves her. He might even love her more than Kai An and An Xin. However, because of that, he was unable to look at her."     

DX frowned as he thought, "What kind of reasoning is that?"     

Failed to notice his change of expression, Grandma Zhen continued, "My son...He and Qi Yan were childhood playmates. As far as I can remember, since young, his dream was to make her his bride. However, Qi Yan was in love with someone else. Sima Erden. Erden, he...He was a really unique boy."     

"What happened?" asked DX. He wanted to know more in order to better understand Kai Xin.     

Somehow, he felt that despite what she said, Kai Xin wanted to know why her father hated her so much.     

"I don't really know why but Sima Erden suddenly left the country. Shao Bang took this opportunity to pursuit Qi Yan and I think because of the pressure from her parents, she eventually agreed to marry him."     

Grandma Zhen smiled wryly as she glanced at the painting of a woman that was hanging on the wall.     

"You know, when they were kids, I once caught Erden watching Qi Yan when she was painting with Shao Bang in our backyard. It was odd. He was almost completely blind by then but it felt as if he could see her clearly. It was the same with Qi Yan. When she looked at Erden, it was as if he was the only one she saw."     

She stopped when she thought about those two lovers. As much as she loved her son, she secretly rooted for those two who had been in love ever since they met.     

"Nai Nai?" asked DX when she suddenly stopped talking.     

Grandma Zhen sighed, "I know that for the first few years of their marriage, Shao Bang tried his best to make her look at him in the same way but he failed...and I guess, eventually, he started to avoid her because he was afraid of what he would see in her eyes..."     

Looking at him, she said, "...and this fear would eventually cause him to avoid Kai Xin as well."     

Even though he disagreed with the way Mr. Zhen treated Kai Xin, at least he felt better knowing that Mr. Zhen did not actually hate his daughter.     

Mr. Zhen was just a weak man who was afraid of what he would find if he actually looked at her.     

The marriage between Kai Xin's parents was in a way similar to the ones between his parents.     

The only difference was that his mother never stopped hoping that his father would look at her in the same way he looked at Callum's father.     

While he was caught up in their own thoughts, Grandma Zhen took a sip of tea before glancing at the painting.     

In a soft voice, she murmured to herself, "God of Fate can play cruel pranks on people..."     

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