Mark of the destiny

Clingy Bat

Clingy Bat

3"Pfft..." what burst from her lips was a peal of uncontrollable laughter as she placed a hand at her chest and laughed until her eyes teared up. "You are so funny Wang Shi... hahaha…..ME??? Zz??? Hahahaha…. Thank god you are a doctor, not a detective!"      3

Wang Shi leaned against the glass railing, looked as she moved to the corner, her laughter echoed in the otherwise silent night.     

What does she think she can hide it in her laughter? Dream on!     

"Right. If I was a detective, I might have discovered Zz's identity years back." Wrapping her wrist, he pulled her from the corner and stood facing her. "But it's never too late. At last, I found you."     

"I. AM. NOT. Zz." She pointed at her lips, enunciating word for word. "I. AM. NOT. EVEN. A. DOCTOR."     

He pissed her off by showing his charming smile. Despite her irritation and anger, she could not help be impressed how marvelous his skills were to make her feel pressured. This was the first time someone had gained the upper hand opposite her.     

"It was a trap," He said, "I texted you deliberately while you were at the conference to see if you'll reply or not. Guess what? You did! And so as Zz! Moreover, you both solve the case in a similar way…. by analyzing it step by step."     


'Such long planning!'     

Her eyes darkened, she pushed him on the chest and backed out of reach. "I think it's enough for the day. Since the rain has stopped, I'll leave."     

"Zz used to contact me from Country T but from the last few days, my assistant tracked his location as Imperial city. Still in denial?"     

She heard him.     


'F*ck! He's fully prepared!     


"Why did you flustered in the car when you received the message? I didn't ask for the explanation and neither had you owed me any. Still a no?"     

"SO WHAT IF I'M Zz?" She made a frustrating noise in anger and turned, feeling horribly vulnerable. She wanted nothing but to be home, hidden. "These evidence are only good to make assumptions. You'll never be able to provide a valid link between me and Zz. You'll never be able to prove it to anyone! For the medical world, Zz would forever be a mystery…. an unknown man who works with a handful of doctors. For money!"     

"So you admitted it?"     

"Yes… Now go announce it to the entire world. I doubt anyone would believe you."     

Intending to leave ASAP, she strode to the door but felt him come behind her. Before she could escape he pulled her to the couch and caged her by placing his hands beside her head. His chest faced her like a sturdy wall that she'll never be able to cross.     

"Suyin, you really thought I was doing all this to expose you? Is this all you've understood me?" He was visibly upset. The strength of his voice had created an invisible barrier around her, closing her in. "I was so happy when I learned you are the famous Zz with whom I've solved some of the trickiest cases of my life. My crazy search of over four years for this unknown FRIEND stopped at YOU. YOU!!! I couldn't be any more happier. Finally, we could work-"     

"THAT'S your wishful thinking. Zz would forever be an unknown identity, working behind the curtains. I just helped you in this case to fulfill my commitment. That's it!" She could feel herself be drawn towards him and averted her gaze. His effect was so profound on her that despite being irritated her mind was fuzzier because of his closeness.     

This was the first time he was this close to her!     

"Suyin, look at me," He softened his voice but the stubborn woman didn't buzz. "Please… look at me once,"     

Her eyelids lifted slowly.     

"It requires years of hard work to become a doctor. And the level at which you are it definitely does not come easy. You really don't want it?"     


He sighed, "I won't lie, my intention to find Zz was to get him to my hospital. Not to earn money, but to help as many people as possible! Because-" he pointed a figure at her and then at him "-we can. You can."     


"Then who did Suyin works for? Money or people?" He asked. "You'll never be able to hide the passion for your first career. Otherwise why would you help people in need. Let them die."     

"What career are you talking about?" She snapped, "I'm sure you've inquired about me. Don't tell me you don't know I'm debarred by the medical council for cheating in my exams."     

When she said that, her eyes fluttered, she had the urge to cry.     

He lifted her chin, and she forced herself to not look into his eyes but he held his silence until their eyes met. "You are not a cheater. I can bet my degree over it,"     

His words kissed her heart, engulfing her senses in warmth that took away her worries. At that moment she was only alive in the present, all thoughts of past and future melted away. The medicine he was, was making her addicted.     

Why? Why was he so sure? Why does he trust her so much?     

They have only met once, ten years back…. And that too when she was his student. There's no way he would remember that ugly nerd.     

"Wang Shi…" She called out his name in a soft yet broken tone. "Why do you believe me so much?"     

Silence engulfed…     

All she could hear was each other's breathing as his chest heaved up and down over every breath. It's been a while she was caged around him.     

She closed her eyes, understanding she wasn't lucky enough that he would let her go easily.     

"Should I reason it by heart or by my brain?" His words flew open her eyes as they looked back into his brown orbs. "By heart, I refuse to believe Zhao Suyin can be a cheater. By brain, Gu Feng's case is an open proof."     

Suyin's lips parted in disbelief. It's impossible to win over this man. Her brain was already half muddled because of the intoxicating fragrance he emitted, and the other half was giving up in front of his honey-coated attacks.     

He can be a lawyer as well! Hmpf!     

All the rumors are false, who say Dr. Wang Shi stays away from women. Just look at him right now. He hovered over her like a clingy bat for don't how many years.     

She swallowed.     

"What do you want from me? Come to the point."     


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