Mark of the destiny

Antibiotics and Steriods

Antibiotics and Steriods

1"Eleven?" the unexplained finding baffled Suyin. She looked at the scattered documents on the small table in the cafeteria, no wonder she couldn't find anything suspicious about the hospital. This was not hospital related, but something bigger. "Any patient undergoing treatment at the moment?"      2

"Um….." She heard the sound of paper shuffling, "No. The last patient was discharged two days back. But if this is something bigger, I'm sure more will come."     

Suyin thought of something, "Wang Shi, Ace hospital has a patient undergoing treatment with similar symptoms. Let me try talking to the family, maybe they will allow me to see the patient."     

"Okay," He let out a sigh, pushing against his chair. For a brief second his gaze fell on the clock, "Did you eat anything?"     

The concern that came out of his magnetic voice had her heart racing. Don't know how, but he always does something that made her shy, happy, and speechless. "Not yet. But I'll grab a burger after talking to the patient's family."     

"Take care. I'll send you the patient's details for investigation." his reply came.     

After hanging, she glanced at her four interns who were putting a magnificent show of not noticing her. What nosy interns she had got. "All of you. Take fifteen minutes break and eat something first. We have something big in our hands. Call others too, divide yourself into a team of two and collect every possible information you can get about the deceased."     

"Go to their houses, talk to their parents, family, check their rooms, and everything…. The more the better,"     

Intern, "But mam, the family will ask questions."     

"Then tell the truth. It's an important matter which involves death. We cannot keep things from them. I'm sure, after listening to us, they will cooperate. But if someone rejects, don't pressurize them."     

Suyin picked her bag and glanced at her assistant who was on call for over an hour. Considering how stressed he was, she let him be. "Babies, don't disappoint me. Remember, the people you are going to meet have lost their dear ones. Be polite and understand their mental condition."     

The interns nodded in unison and rushed to carry on the task. Suyin once more glanced at her assistant and pulled out a tissue from the holder. [Family first, work next.]     

She touched his shoulder, and he turned. Startled. Guilty. Confused.     

She handed him the tissue and left.     


Suyin was not new to the Hospital, she checked the details of the patient and went to the ICU where the patient was admitted. Outside the room, a man's tear-stained eyes were staring into the blank. Dejected. Worried. Helpless. Inside, his wife was sleeping on the bed with contraptions attached.     

"Excuse me, sir." The man looked up at Suyin, frowning as if trying to recall where he had seen her. "I'm Zhao Suyin from social services, may I have a few minutes of yours? It's about your wife."     

The man suddenly looked wary and stood up. "Why social services is involved?"     

"Because I suspect there is a reason behind this. There are other women too who had shown similar symptoms," she explained her concern and findings. "I know it's a tough time for you, but can you please let me see your wife once, and answer some of my questions?"     

"M-My wife's condition is serious. What about those other women? Did they recover? Are they fine?" he tried to look for solace, grabbing Suyin's palm. "Tell me if they are fine?"     

The hair on Suyin's nape stood up. "Sir, some have recovered. I'm sure doctors are trying their best."     

"This means some have not. What happened to them? Give me a figure."     

"WHO ALLOWED YOU TO COME HERE?" Suyin felt like a headache coming hearing an annoying voice as Ling Xeumo came out of nowhere. "Your authority is limited to hospital staff and doctors. You cannot disturb my patients."     

"Sir, please allow me," Suyin ignored Xeumo and looked back at the man. "It will barely take two minutes. I promise I'll see her from far."     

"I'm her doctor and I don't allow you." Xeumo shot back. "Get out of this place."     

"I'm not interfering with the treatment. Just let me see her once."     

Her chin lifted, "And what will you do by seeing her? Examine!? Do you have the license to examine a patient?"     

"Whatever." Suyin looked back at the man, "Sir, I have the records of sixteen cases, out of which ten have recovered. I'm only trying to help you."     

"Don't link this patient's case with others, they are different. She had delivered a baby a few days back and had developed complications. It happens, I'm giving my best to help her." Xeumo looked at the man, "Though it's your decision, if you will allow a non-doctor to interfere it will be a disrespect for me and my profession."     

The man was caught in a dilemma, and looked apologetically at Suyin, "I'm sorry. But I've full faith in Dr. Ling."     

Leaving them alone, he went into the room to accompany his wife.     

As the door opened, Suyin eagerly looked at the frail woman hooked to the contraptions.     

The door closed…..     

"Stop being desperate, Zhao Suyin. Give up."     

Suyin's mouth thinned seeing the ugly, proud smirk on Xeumo's face.     


Suyin connected her hand with Xeumo's cheek, and everything went silent. A minute passed by, and everyone stood there in silence, looking at the two women.     

"This is for what you did just now. That man has blind faith in you and you just took advantage of him. Disgusting! But for his sake, let me tell you something….. You are right, this woman's case is not related to others. Their skin color was slightly purple because of the toxins found in blood, but hers is pale…. This is what I wanted to check and have come here."     

"….I've read her medical reports and did some background check. She's a perfumer working with harsh chemicals. These chemicals have settled in her system, causing inflammation in the organs that gets worse over time. The treatment is to give her steroids. But you suspect she contracted the infection during her C-sec, therefore treating her with antibiotics."     

"Antibiotics and steroids are opposites, that's why her condition has worsened. Antibiotics have suppressed her immune system, causing the inflammation to get worse, thereby, killing her faster. Now go treat your patient with steroids and don't forget to take the credits."     

Xeumo stood there is shock, anger, and humiliation as Suyin left after blabbering. Once more leaving her as the center of attraction.      

A human shadow that had witnessed the scene from the beginning appeared in the corner and narrowed its unfathomable gaze. His eyes locked on Ling Xeumo.....     

Suyin return to the cafeteria and sagged on to the chair. Xeumo's words did not affect her, but she felt bad for that poor husband. His apologetic gaze and blind trust irked her.     

"Cough…. Cough….."     

Suyin looked up and saw a tall man standing near, wearing a mask.     

"WANG SHI?"     

"Shhh…." He covered her mouth, gesturing at the number of people present in the cafeteria. "Let's go. This place is not for you."     

He brought her to the parking where her white beauty was parked. Understanding, she took the keys out of her bag, but the next second he grabbed it and helped her to the shot-gun seat. His large palm on her head made her feel conscious.     

A small gesture, but heart-touching!     

When he settled beside her and closed the door, she realized the car now smelled of his fragrance. She breathed him in, enjoying how good he smelled.     

"Suyin," the next moment his hand went at the back of her head and his mouth was on hers....     


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