Mark of the destiny



4Father Ru closed his eyes helplessly, still refusing to give up, "You are judging her, that's unfair! Give her some time; I'm sure everything will be fine once she grows up."      4

"Kim is showing very serious psychopathic behavior. Once she grows up without proper help, I'm afraid her condition will worsen and she might commit a serious crime after which nothing could save her. There is a long history of such cases; if you don't believe me, you can always search it online." He Jeff explained as calmly as possible.     

Mrs. Ru was crying by now. Looking at Kim's anti-social behavior she once searched it online but got the same results. But a mother's heart refused to believe that her daughter was a psycho!     

"Mrs. Ru, It's not too late, I request you to get Kim tested and send her for treatment. She's still at a developing age and can be helped with therapy. It's not only best for you and Mingyu but for Kim as well. Give her this chance!" Zhao Suyin's cold and fierce attitude turned into a soft and gentle one. "I know this is difficult, but that's what parenting is. Sometimes you have to take tough decisions for the betterment of your child."     

Mother Ru held Zhao Suyin's hand as if her life depends on it. "W-will she go to jail?"     

"What are you saying?" Father Ru stopped when his wife begged him with her eyes.     

Zhao Suyin answered, "Kim, no! However, police will be notified as you have tried to put false blame on Chu Yin and manipulated the facts. If she decides to pursue the case, you have to bear the charges, otherwise not. Above that, she will face charges too for taking Mingyu without parent's consent."     

Hearing Zhao Suyin's reply, Mother Ru nodded, "I'm willing to accept any punishment. Just save my daughter. I-I always feel scared whenever around her, help me….."     

She realized it's their last chance to save Kim before she fell into the dark abyss forever and become something that people call 'Anti-social element'.     

No parent wants to see their child becoming a danger to society. Instead, they better harden their hearts and become bad parents in the child's eyes to bring him/her on the right path.     

Father Ru sighed…..     

"We'll apologize to Chu Yin as well and bear her hospital expenses." Unlike Mother Ru, who was sobbing, Father Ru was holding himself strong. "What Chu Yin did for Mingyu, should have been done by us, yet we failed. I won't held her liable for taking Mingyu."     

"I'm glad you understand. As far as Kim's treatment and the procedure are concerned, Dr. He will help you to his best." Zhao Suyin looked at Dr. He and nodded, acknowledging his help in the case. She got up and left her mobile number, "I'll take my leave. If you need any help, feel free to contact me."     

Ru Couple thanked her from the bottom of their hearts before they turned to Dr. He to discuss Kim's case.     



Just when she walked out Bai Xu stuttered, he could not bring the courage to talk to her. He literally pissed in his pants when she scolded him.     

"Meet me in my office tomorrow." Zhao Suyin then looked at Woo Meng who tried to become part of the hospital furniture. "Minus ten." Then she shifted her gaze to Yu Mixi, she was the only confident person of the lot, "Good job! Plus five. You'll be working with me from tomorrow."     

Yu Mixi "…."     

'WHAT? Secretary-general not only gave her bonus points but allowed her to work with her!? This is insane! This is unbelievable!' She took her all will power to not dance in front of everyone.     


"Good job! Marvelous!"     

Zhao Suyin turned at the sound of applause and saw Wang Shi leaning against the wall. He stood there with unbuttoned lab-coat and his hands shoved casually into his trousers, occupying the entire corridor with his tall and muscular stature.     

"Dr. Wang," She forced a smile and continued walking towards the elevator, "I did nothing; credit goes to you for getting the videos and Dr. He's help."     

Wang Shi walked aside, matching her pace, "Don't be modest; it was because of your keen observation and persuasive skills that Kim and Mingyu are receiving timely help." He pressed the elevator button for her.     

"Then, I take that as a compliment. Thank you."     

She frowned when Wang Shi followed her into the elevator, but she doesn't have a reason to question him.     

As the doors began to close, she could feel her heartbeat into her head. They were alone in the lift, and it made her nervous, sweaty….     

Wang Shi took a step forward to press the button on the panel, reflexively she moved back in shock.     

It didn't go unnoticed, but he remained silent.     

She sucked in a deep breath, trying to ignore his presence and only concentrate on the conversation if he initiates any. If only!     

Surely he did!     

"Going home?" He asked, startling her.     


"Got a message from the nurse station, police left your bags with them. You can retrieve it before leaving,"     

"Sure." She felt his gaze on her and managed to reply.     

The awkward atmosphere returned.     

Wang Shi cast a sideways glance at her and saw her staring at the panels as if he was the ugliest creature on earth and his face could make her nauseous.     

'What the hell is wrong with this woman? Is she weird with everyone or I'm the exception?'     

Least he knew that Zhao Suyin's condition was worse, Wang Shi's presence prickled across her skin, making her shuffle on her heels restlessly.     

Her breathing came as ragged as her heartbeat, she just wanted to avoid this hot doctor and hide somewhere before her 'secret' comes out, leaving her embarrassed.     

If only she could assume this six feet three-inch tall man as invisible or maybe furniture.     

Ha! If that's possible!     

To divert her mind, she typed a message asking her friend to pick her from the hospital.     

Wang Shi tapped his fingers on the cell-phone lying in the pocket of his trousers. He wanted to ask for her number but don't want to give any wrong impression. It was purely for work purposes, nothing else!     

Yup! Nothing else!     

Zhao Suyin recalled something and looked up, "The cab driver?"     

"Dislocated bone, discharged! He has insurance, no need to worry about his bills."     

How did he know I wanted to pay bills? He surprised her, sending her to a momentary daze where she forgot she was staring at him continuously.     


She jumped, coming back to reality by the sound of elevator reaching the ground floor.     

"Goodbye." She stepped out of the elevator, secretly taking a breath in relief with the first step.     

Wang Shi stepped out too, but he could only nod and looked as she picked her bags from the nurse station and walked to the exit.     

"A moment, Miss Zhao," Wang Shi said, taking fast strides and stopped before her. "People's hospital gives importance to the social wellbeing of its patients. Looking forward to work with you again." Saying he offered his card.     

The staff present in the ER stopped in their tracks, casting an incredulous gaze in a certain direction. They blinked in surprise, glancing at her, then at Wang Shi and so on.     

Since it was work-related, Zhao Suyin accepted the card. It would be rude if she didn't do the same. "My card is still in printing, but I've left my number with Dr. He. Contact me if any of the patients need help."     

He smiled, "Then I won't hold you anymore."     


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