Chapter 386: Stop Staring At Him, He’s Mine

Chapter 386: Stop Staring At Him, He’s Mine

3"Are you sure you're going to buy this house?" Dinah swallowed and asked.     

"A friend of mine in an agency introduced this house to me," Agnes said with a smile. "This is the best house in Garbo Palace."       

"I know, but..." Dinah looked at Stephen.     

There probably were many things Stephen wasn't willing to recall in this house, and it would remind him of somebody if he lived here.     

Dinah thought she and Kylie could be neighbors, but unexpectedly she moved into Kylie's house!     

Agnes thought Dinah was worried about its price, so she put on an arrogant face. "As long as you like it, money is merely nothing."     

"The layout of this house is quite good, but I think the transportation isn't very convenient here..." Dinah wanted to reject it.     

"I think it's good," Stephen said without hesitation.     

Dinah was struck dumb for a second, because she didn't expect Stephen would agree.     

"Don't you think it's too far away from the city center?" She tried to persuade Stephen to give it up.     

However, Stephen gave her a side glance. "Live here or not."       

"You..." All of a sudden, Dinah realized she must pretend that she didn't get along with Stephen before Agnes, so she rolled her eyes at Stephen and pointed at the upstairs rooms. "I'll live on the second floor, and you live on the first floor!"  Seeing both of them agreed, Agnes made a call to buy the house.     

When Agnes wasn't paying attention to them, Dinah said to Stephen, "Keep Kylie's room the same, so it'll be convenient for her to stay here if she comes to visit us in the future."       

Stephen gave her a glance and didn't oppose it.     

He walked upstairs. It was the first time that he had ever entered Kylie's bedroom, which was decorated in a more feminine style.     

Although her personal stuff was already cleaned out, it was still obvious how she had spent her time here from the home furnishings.     

Stephen closed his eyes, and sounds of passionate lovemaking he had often heard when he had stayed here the next door emerged in his mind.     

He even could imagine her every smile and movement here.     

Dinah stood afar, staring at him, feeling upset.     

Stephen is such a faithful man. If he could fall in love with me, we might be happy together forever.     

"Dinah, why are you standing here?" Agnes appeared behind her all of a sudden.     

Dinah wiped the tears overflowing out of her eyes and turned to look at her. "Don't forget your promise. Let me leave once the baby is out."     

"Of course." Agnes raised her outstretched hands. "As long as you are willing to leave."     

In fact, Agnes planned to use money and luxurious life to hold Dinah, so that she wouldn't be willing to leave.     

Even if there was only an agreement between them, no mother was willing to leave her own child. Nevertheless, Agnes never had her own child, so she couldn't understand it.     

Dinah put on a mocking smile, then strode into the room where she had lived before. "I think this room will be my bedroom."     

Agnes was surprised and pointed to the master bedroom. "Why don't you choose the biggest one?"     

"Because I know my position well, and there will be a new hostess sooner or later."     

Seeing Dinah insisting on that, Agnes didn't say anything further. Anyway, the two newlyweds would live in this house together from now on, and she didn't care which room they chose to sleep in.     

Nonetheless, Agnes always felt worried about Dinah's decisions.     

She rubbed the bracelet on her wrist. "Dinah, Stephen isn't good at expressing his feelings, but I can tell he cares about you."       

Dinah smiled. "Are you sure you know him? It sounds so ridiculous because it seems I know better than you,"      

Agnes didn't answer anymore.       


When Kylie woke up, she felt the coldness from her lower body.     

She tried to sit up, but a pair of big palms pressed her legs down.        

"Don't move." Ethan's head emerged from the middle of her legs, and there was a cotton swab in his hand. "It's already swollen."     

"It's all your fault!" Kylie lifted her leg and kicked his chest. "Couldn't you think a little about our baby? You didn't seem like a father-to-be at all when you went crazy in bed."     

Ethan helped her sit up and wore a shameless face. "I didn't go deeper because I know I can't hurt the little one inside you,"     

Hearing that, Kylie flushed red at once.     

Ethan smiled and said, "You can have a week break." Saying it, he took over the clothes Kylie was going to wear tonight.     

"A month!" Kylie bargained.     

"Ten days."      

"Half a month!"      

She jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Ethan followed her.     

"Deal." Ethan agreed and hugged her behind, showering tiny kisses at the back of her neck. He then squeezed some toothpaste out on the toothbrush and gave it to her.     

Kylie, instead, opened her mouth, waiting for his service.     

Ethan raised his hand for a while, then put on a resigned smile. He held her jaw with his hand and helped her brush teeth with another hand. "Are you nervous?"     

"For the event tonight, yeah." Kylie nodded, then shook her head. "There's some weird thought came in my mind last night, something strange seems to happen while you kiss me,"       

Ethan was shocked because he knew what she means, "A weird thought? Maybe your pregnancy brings a lot of hormonal changed, you talk nonsense lately," He looked at her with obvious affection in his eyes.     

"Yeah, maybe you are right," Kylie melted with his loving affection.       

"Forget it; I will be here for you, always!." Ethan gave her a cup of water.     

Kylie gargled and looked at Ethan with surprise. "How did you know what I was saying just then?"       

Ethan washed a towel to wipe her face clean.     

"You know everything about me!" Kylie said with a broad smile.     

"Of course, you're my wife. Ha-ha." Ethan laughed.       

At this moment, someone knocked on the door. Ethan quickly carried Kylie, gently put her on the sofa and move to open the door.     

Lucas and Faith were standing outside the door.     

"We're ready!" Faith said.     

"Come in." Ethan turned around, walking to the sofa. He took out a pair of slippers from the bedroom and placed them right in front of Kylie's feet.     

Faith was struck dumb by the scene. "Kylie, why you suddenly can't take care of yourself once Lord Ethan is here."      

Kylie put on the slippers, and she didn't seem to care about it. "I don't force him to do so. He's willing to do that himself."      

After that, she rubbed her belly and looked at the food in Faith's hands. "Are you going to cook for me?"       

"Don't tell me you haven't eaten in a whole day." Faith glanced at her, then walked to the kitchen.     

"I wasn't hungry when I just woke up, but I'm starving now seeing the food in your hands." Kylie smiled and followed her up.     

"Do you want to have some vegetables?" Faith asked.      

"Sure. I don't feel like eating meat these days." Kylie leaned against the door of the kitchen.     

Faith washed the vegetables and asked her, "The assistant director just called me, and he asked for our address to pick us up, but I told him we'd be there on our own."     

"Yeah, Ethan will arrange for a car to send us there." Kylie was very satisfied with that decision. The fewer people knew where she lived, the safer she would be.     

Faith put the vegetables into the pan, then turned back to glance at Kylie. "You can wear make-up after eating, but I think you can put on some concealer on your neck first. The evidence of your intense lovemaking last night was clear,"      

Kylie dashed towards the mirror in the bathroom near the kitchen.     

There were two hickeys left by Ethan on her neck!     

"Jesus! Ethan!" Kylie screamed, then walked out, looking for him.     

When she just walked to the living room, Ethan showed up in new clothing.      

He was wearing a handmade Armani suit, white shirt, and a black exquisite small bow tie. "I heard you're screaming and called me,"     

The man was too handsome to be ignored. "You! Ugh...you left two big hickeys on my neck!"     

He walked towards her and kissed her lips, ignoring Lucas, who's with them. "I love you!" He gave a pleasant smile. "I have to leave soon, I've got some business to do,"     

Lucas could barely move his eyes away from his body.     

"Stop staring at him. He's mine!" Kylie covered Lucas's eyes with her hands.     

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