Chapter 361: It Was Getting Strange

Chapter 361: It Was Getting Strange

4Kylie looked through all the photos again.      3

From the time she left the house to the fire was put out, not only Lauren, but the man wearing a khaki trench coat also disappeared.     

"Is there a blind spot?" Kylie asked.     

The assistant director nodded. "The owner of the B&B set the surveillance camera himself, and the public surveillance cameras aren't working."      

"What do you plan to do next?" Kylie asked.     

"Let's call the police. I seriously don't know what else I can do now. If we don't call the police, I'm afraid..."     

Kylie hesitated instead. "I'm worried they'll kill Lauren if they find out Lauren isn't me after you call the police."     

The assistant director was obviously struck dumb for a second. It seemed he never thought about that.     

"Di-did anyone contact your family?" the assistant director asked.      

Kylie shook her head.     

If it was an abduction, the kidnapper would contact Laurence for sure. If the kidnapper was someone who had a connection with Dora, they would contact Ethan as well.     

Why hadn't they heard any news yet?     

It was said that the best time to find someone who was missing was the first 24 hours. However, a day almost passed, and Lauren was still nowhere to be found.     

"Well, don't be too worried. It probably has nothing to do with you. Let me contact Lauren's family first." The assistant director called Lauren's family right before Kylie's face. "Hi, this is the assistant director of Dangerous World. May I talk to Lauren?"     

Kylie didn't know what the other person said on the phone, but the assistant director seemed very surprised before he nodded. "Oh, right. I understand. Thanks. Bye."      

"How is it?" Kylie approached him across the table. "Did anyone contact her family?" "Yes," the assistant director said.     

Yes? Kylie was confused. Was it true that this abduction had nothing to do with her?     

"Did the kidnapper call her family?"      

"No, it was Lauren," the assistant director said with a smile. "She just called her family and told them she was going to stay abroad for a while to shoot an advertisement."      

It was getting strange.     

How come Lauren went abroad all of a sudden?     

It was impossible that she could take a job right after Ethan had shut her out from the entertainment industry, and the advertisement must be shot abroad?     

"Are you sure she just got a new job?"      

The assistant director was unwilling to be involved in this mess, so he seized this chance to exclude himself from it.     

"Kylie, Lauren is shut out from the entertainment industry in our country, and it's a way out for her to find a new job abroad, right?" The assistant director stood up with a smile on his face. "Well, I think that's it, and you can focus on your job now."     

Although Kylie thought it was the best result, she somehow felt it wasn't that easy.     


They finished shooting after a few days.     

However, Kylie still had to attend film promotions in different cities around the country in the following days.     

Luckily, no matter which city she flew to, there would always be a gentleman who appeared with foot washing water in the night.     

"Your feet are swollen. Don't wear high heels tomorrow." Ethan held her feet with great care. He lowered his head to kiss her feet, but she escaped away laughing. "Stop! They're smelly."      

"They're not." Ethan insisted on holding her feet to his face, then gently kissed the back of her feet.     

Hearing a shutter sound, Ethan looked up and saw Kylie smiling with her phone in her hand.     

"Did you take a picture of me washing your feet?"      

"Yes." Kylie showed the picture to Ethan. "I didn't shoot your face, but your hands only."      

Ethan had a look of it, then asked in a low voice, "Why not?"      

He felt displeased that Kylie was unwilling to reveal their relationship.     

"I'm afraid the staff in your company will feel heartbroken if they see their boss doing that."      

"I'm more heartbroken if you're unwilling to admit that I'm your husband."      

Kylie giggled. "I don't think it's good timing now.      

I just announced that I've secretly married William. Even though I'm going to announce that you're my husband, I must wait until he finds a girlfriend or people will say I cheated on him."      

Hearing that, Ethan stood up and called William at once.     

"I'll give you three days to find yourself a girlfriend."      

"Uncle Ethan..." William was struck dumb when he heard that.     

It was already very difficult to find himself a girlfriend, but he still had to do that within three days?     

"You can't bear the result if you don't," Ethan said in a cold voice, then hung up on William.     

William held his phone in silence for a long time, then said to his agent, "Be quick! Find me a woman."     

"You can't control your desire any longer?" Larry said in surprise.     

"F*ck off!" William kicked him. "I'll be dumped after three days!"      

"What?" Larry was confused.     

"It's all because of Kylie! Didn't she announce that we've secretly married? My Uncle Ethan is going to reveal their relationship in three days, and I'll be the one who is dumped by her!" William almost roared.     

His Uncle Ethan indeed only cared about Kylie.     

In the entertainment industry, whoever cheated on his or her partner would face strong criticisms.     

Ethan was unwilling to see Kylie being criticized by William's fans, so he forced William to be the one who betrayed Kylie.     

In that case, people would defend Kylie, who seemed to be the victim, which could help Kylie gain more attention and be with him without any trouble.     

Larry still didn't understand it, so he asked with his jaw laid in his hand, "Then what's their relationship?" Without hesitation, William kicked his agent off from the chair.     


The weather was getting cold.     

Kylie's feet moved upwards by Ethan's legs at a slow pace.     

The man was focusing on the documents and felt the coldness around his calves all of a sudden, then sandwiched her cold feet between his calves.     

"Your feet are so cold," he said in a deep voice, but his sight still fell on the documents.     

"My feet and hands became so cold in winter every year." Kylie approached his chest. However, when she just wanted to glance at the documents, the man closed the folder and put it on the bedside table.     

She wasn't interested in the business secrets of the Century Group. However, everything was different now, because he became the chairman of Peak Pictures.     

His decisions would change the direction in which the entertainment industry developed.     

Therefore, Kylie wanted to know more about that.     

Seeing he wasn't willing to show her, Kylie pouted. "What are you hiding? Is it a love letter from a woman in your company to you?"      

Ethan hugged her in his arms and covered her cold hands in his big palms.     

His jaw was laid on the top of her head, then said in his husky voice, "I'm going to build a worldwide superstar, and she'll be the dominant actress in Peak Pictures."     

Kylie understood it clearly that she and Ethan worked in two different companies, and they must gain a better advantage for their own companies.     

However, she still felt upset when she heard Ethan saying that he was going to help another woman be famous.     

Seeing her being jealous, the man laughed and said by her ear, "I love to see your face when you're jealous."     

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