Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 1054: Ice Empress Vs Lightning Empress

Chapter 1054: Ice Empress Vs Lightning Empress

2The darkness responsible for this tragedy glowed in Maria's eyes while black ice blossomed under her feet as she declared.     

''What is next?"      


As if to respond to her words, another tomb opened and another grotesque man appeared and launched an ultimate attack.      


Unfortunately, it didn't work as he expected.     


The grotesque man growled as his ultimate attack failed. Maria then appeared before him like a figure from hell, her porcelain white hand reaching out for her throat.     

The grotesque man might be under the dungeon's will but he still has his own will, something that wouldn't allow him to be defeated by a human. He leaped back while blasting out a rain of black energy on Maria.     

Dark threads of ice emerged from her stretched hand and pierced through the rain droplets before converging into a thick spear.     

"Ah!" The grotesque man cried.     

The spear expanded and drilled into his chest. Dark blood sprayed out, and the spear emerged from his back, turning his body into an icy statue.     

Maria pulled the spear from the grotesque man before kicking it flying.     


The grotesque man's body shattered upon reaching the ground into a million pieces.      

Maria whose level rose after killing the two bosses moved to the next floor.      

On the next floor she met someone unexpected, it was Artemia and the first thing she said was to suggest a sparring match thus Ice and Lightning clashed.     


An explosion resulted in this clash, and the two figures backed away as the aftermath of the explosion was trying to swallow them.     

Artemia appeared in mid-air, with three pairs of gigantic lightning wings flapping from her back. In one hand, she wielded a golden spear while in the other, the streak of lightning.      

Maria also emerged from the explosion, her right hand holding an ice blue sword made from the darkness.     

Terrifying coldness blasted from her, obscuring the world with a dark snowstorm. At the same time, pitch-blackness erupted from the ice-blue sword, enveloping the surroundings.     

Despite the total negation of light, she was visible. The outline of her pearly-white face was wrapped with luminescent ice crystals. They covered her to her shoulder blades, from where they blossomed as wings. She took the sky as well and now the two were facing each other and their respective aura clashing midair.     

The sky continued to roar with furious lightning and release an absolute disintegration force that collided with the coldness, causing the air to quiver violently.     

The masters of these two forces checked each other while their wings drew buoyant hues in the catastrophic environment.     

With a smile, Artemia gazed at Maria's sword and then focused on the weapons she wielded. She brought them together, colliding the streak of lightning and the spear. A blinding glow splashed out, and the two concentrated into one, morphing into a thick bolt of lightning.     

The bolt stretched from Artemia's hand to the stormy clouds and entangled with the flashes of lightning.     

Maria didn't react. She only smiled in return, she understood that right now they were fighting on equal terms as Artemia seemed to have suppressed her strength at the same level as her, she ought to make use of this.     

"Let's go all out, it's that right?" Artemia asked.     

Maria nodded, and they charged at each other, their weapons slashing out.     


Her sword met Artemia's bolt of lightning. A series of shockwaves surged out, filled with dark Ice shards and crackling golden lightning currents.     


An explosion occurred and Maria heavily pressed her sword onto the bolt of lightning, pouring bone-piercing coldness into it.     

Artemia felt her hand turning numb, with dark frost moving on her fingers. She swiftly pointed her other hand at Maria's face.     

A beam of explosive light burst out, and at such a close distance, it was all but impossible to dodge.     

Yet Maria was able to dodge by leaning her head to the side, causing the beam to brush past her. Simutanosuely, her wings curved out, and the pointed corners stabbed Artemia from the sides.     


The third princess was surprised nevertheless she was able to react by quickly pulling back, and flying a few meters away. Maria's wings failed to stab Artemia, so they started swirling in her direction, creating a typhoon of ice shards.     

In the meantime, Artemia looked at her numb hand. The frost particles were quickly wrapping it, and it was a real pain to hold her weapon.     

"Maria's new skill is pretty dangerous as it's able to erode my strength. I can't underestimate her." Artemia concluded before summoning golden lightning into her hand, and the frost faded in thin air. She then brought his attention to the incoming typhoon.     

Instead of retreating further or blocking it, Artemia did something unexpected.     

Grabbing the bolt of lightning with both hands, the third princess charged straight into the typhoon, the dark ice shards whipping at her.     


The bolt of lightning plunged into the typhoon's upper swirls and cut them with absolute obliteration force.     

The typhoon turned unstable and started fading, but the shards managed to gash her. Though her regeneration ability erased the gashes before they were even formed.     

Even as that happened, Maria who understands that no opportunity should be wasted acted, and she appeared before her. She stabbed Artemia's stomach, and she ducked to the side while bringing her weapon at her neck.     

But Maria was faster, and even though she missed the third princess's stomach, the sword stabbed into her left rib. Hot blood gushed out like a fountain, and dark frost burst into Artemia's ribs.     

Artemia's hands stopped, and her weapon stopped a hairsbreadth away from her. She looked at Artemia without any emotion, their faces separated by a few inches, with her sword positioned between Artemia's ribs.     

To her absolute surprise, Artemia didn't grunt or cry in pain.      

''Fufufu! Now it's my turn.''     

Artemia declared with a wicked smile.     

Naturally, Maria was startled she had an ominous feeling and before she could wonder what this ominous feeling she had meant, a terrifying gravitational force enveloped her.     

"Earth Element: Gravity Cage."     

The horrifying gravity couldn't turn someone of her strength into nothingness, and Gravity Cage didn't attempt to do that.     

All it did was pull her body to her, like a needle to a magnet.     

And before Maria became aware of it, she got punched hard in the stomach, the punch felt heavy and she lost consciousness in an instant. She has lost this sparring match, those were the last thought Maria had before losing consciousness.      

Artemia caught her body before it reach the ground.     

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