Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 861: Battle between beyond the Demigod realm 1

Chapter 861: Battle between beyond the Demigod realm 1

4As the feather vortex (thousands of feathers) continued to swirl fiercely, the expressions of Lucifer's right-hand man paled.     

Only Lilith's expression remained the same as ever, cold and detached. She made a squeezing motion, and in response, the glowing vortex brutally shrank inward, becoming smaller and smaller, trying to squeeze Lucifer to death.      

Just then, everyone thought it would be the end for the emperor; an ear-piercing crackling sound erupted from the vortex. Dazzling, twisting colorful dark purple light followed, scattering through the layers of feathers. As the feathers spread apart, the colorful light shot straight into the sky, turning it into psychedelic.     

The expressions of the onlookers drastically changed, and they looked at the collapsing vortex in utter disbelief.     

Among the swirling feathers, Lucifer stood, his eyes shut and body torn and opened with wounds; however, soon enough, he was healed as if everything that happened before was a joke.     

"Purgatory: Void Domain!"      

He murmured, and the world changed; he transformed into something sinister with three horns; his angel's wings disappeared and were replaced with something that resembled a mix of bat and dragon's wing.     

Suddenly Lucifer's eyes opened up violently, glowing with warping colorful patterns.     


The psychedelic sky split apart, and an aperture burst into existence, forming a gateway to another dimension; this dimension was filled with depthless, twisting, colorful stripes.     

These stripes shot down and spread around like a curtain.     


They covered everything, from the ground to the sky, making everyone feel like they were thrust into a kaleidoscope.     


Vengeful cries and shrieking howls rang out as colorful shadows emerged from the stripes, resembling ghosts and demons.     

"What the hell are they?!"     

Lucifer's right-hand man eyes dramatically bulged. He sensed energy so dreadful and menacing that his very soul trembled, feeling as if it was both refined and punished.     

The people in the surrounding c seemed to agree with his feelings as they scrambled backward. Just seeing the shadows made them feel as if they were in the presence of the almighty figures that carried the power of judgment, murder, and mercilessness. Something that shouldn't exist in this world, they felt weak; the unluckiest even fainted with foam coming out of their mouths as their bodies kept twitching nonstop.     

For the first time since the beginning of their first, Lilith showed another expression besides a smile; it was a frown. She frowned; the evil energy from the gate reminded her of what happened that day when Lucifer massacred their entire family; he was emitting the same scent.     

Lilith rapidly reigned in the rage threatening to swallow her consciousness. The current Lucifer was a bit stronger than her; even her past self would have a hard time easily killing Lucifer, much less her current self. Still, it was made this fight exciting; any mishap could lead to a defeat, and who said defeat meant certain death.      

As two energies clashed, the world trembled as if an apocalypse was happening.      

''So it is what beyond the Demigod realm?" Lucifer's right man mumbled as he butt kissed the ground. He was frightened yet excited to witness such a historical fight; he was once reminded that his choice to follow Lucifer on that fateful day was not wrong; he did not doubt that his master would triumph in this fight. It didn't matter what method the second princess had used to bypass the curse put on Mysthia; the final result would never change. So, the man believed.     

Meanwhile, Lilith, who remained silent after Lucifer's transformation, finally acted. She lifted her arms as the vague shadows flew towards her. Her six pairs of wings began to glow in Holy light despite their black color. Suddenly, she swung them forward like a weapon, a deadly weapon, as thousands of glowing feathers shot out.     

Not only were her feathers extremely sharp and filled with the power to penetrate anything, but they also shouldered the weight of thousands of tons, strong enough to crush everything.     

Such frightening feathers made the surrounding space tremble.     


They tore through the air at a speed that left behind hundreds of afterimages, making it impossible for others even to notice the movements.     

Space trembled again, air whooshed ominously, and piercing winds spread around.     

A ghost howled as a glowing wing stabbed through it.     


Its frightening figure shattered like a brittle mirror, fading into the air.     

Even as this ghost disappeared, more feathers were reshot at Lucifer.     

Swoosh~! Swoosh~!      

As colorful dust scattered into the air, she thrust one wing at Kiba while using the other to fend off more ghosts.     

Seeing the wing stabbing forward, Lucifer was calm; he simply pulled a colorful stripe and snapped it. Ghosts flew out and crunched down on the wing with their mouths.     


Sparkling colorful lights erupted, turning into purple flame patterns embedded on the wing like a tattoo.     

Lilith narrowed her eyes and observed the purple flame tattoo rapidly expanding as if trying to swallow that wing, and she was not about to wait to see what would happen if that tattoo managed to cover her wing.      

The corners of Lilith's lips couldn't help but tilt upward. There was a little bug watching the fight since earlier; now, it was time to get rid of this bug.      

Lucifer frowned when he saw her sister swing that wing, and that wing detached itself from her back and disappeared into space. It was already too late for him to do something without suffering himself, so the only thing he could do was to warn his foolish subordinate.      

''Dodge, you fool!!!"      


A chill crawled up the man's spine as he realized what Lucifer meant; however, it was already too late for him to do anything.      


From behind, a black wing almost fully covered in purple flame tattoo pierced his chest.      

''Cough! Cough! How? Cough! Cough! It... it's the power of beyond the Demigod realm...?"      

He was not a weakling, he could be considered an early Demigod, a Level 142, but he was still unable to detect that attack. This showed that the realm above the Demigod realm, the famous God realm was the domain of the overlord, at least here in Mysthia.      



The man howled, clutching his eyes. The black wing ignited into a purple flame that swallowed him, and he was reduced to bones in an instant.      

''Bug eliminated.'' Lilith declared with a smile.     

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