Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 790: Escape

Chapter 790: Escape

0''It's that so? Then you leave me no choice other than forcibly taking her away.''     

Lord Thanos's eyes widened, and he felt like he had heard the funniest joke in his life, so he couldn't help but ask Alex.     

''Do you think it's possible? Do you think you can snatch her away from me?"      

''Yes, I do.'' Alex's reply was immediate. Incursio lying on the ground, couldn't help but shake her head, thinking that maybe after killing the pope, Alex had become complacent, thinking he was invincible; he could now take head-on the strongest existences in Mysthia. This was but a foolish thought.      

However, suddenly Incursio's eyes widened; she recalled everything she heard about this young man added to the little she knew about through their short interaction; he was not some brainless idiot; he must have some goal in mind. She wished to see what Alex was planning. The hopelessness Incursio felt after Lord Thanos came began to lessen; she could see the light at the end of the tunnel.     

Meanwhile, Lord Thanos, who had heard Alex's reply, turned silent; his face regained its calmness again, proof that he was getting annoyed already. Like Alex, he felt like he was being looked down on.      

Without hesitation, Alex summoned two silver guns, one original while the second one using Xerox.      

Phantom Bullet      

From his left hand, an invisible bullet was fired, while from the other hand, a normal bullet was shot.     

BANG! Bang!      

The invisible bullet and the normal bullet seemed to have combined and arrived before Lord Thanos instantly; the combined might of the two bullets was capable of causing a crack in the space, yet Lord Thanos was unfazed, effortlessly raising one of his hands, he crushed Alex's bullets barehanded.      

Alex was shocked; even if he had expected him not to suffer any damage with just this attack, it was beyond his expectation that he could crush his bullets with his bare hand; what kind of physics does he possess?      

However, not wasn't the time to be shocked; he had a goal in mind, so he would better hurry to complete it.      

Ice bullet×Flame bullet      

Combining two special magic bullets, Alex hoped to distract Lord Thanos by sneaking behind him and rescuing Incursio.      

''Hmph!" Lord Thanos snorted and raised his hand; mana gathered around his hand to form a green blade he swung, cleaving Alex's bullet in two.     

Alex, who had somehow activated his Asura's Form, appeared behind Lord Thanos and threw a punch forward.      


Space broke apart, and his punch arrived before Lord Thanos, who was surprised by Alex's form; however he was still able to perfectly defend against Alex's strong punch in his Asura's Form.      


A huge explosion that blew their surrounding away occurred when the two fists collided; Incursio felt a giant boulder was crushing her, her injuries worsened, and she vomited a mouthful of blood.      

Meanwhile, Alex felt his insides churning; he almost vomited blood. He understood that Lord Thanos's physics was slightly better than his; however, this would not stop him.      

In this exchange, he lost, and he got pushed back; using this opportunity, Alex aimed Silveria at Lord Thanos and unleashed one of his most destructive bullets.      

Crimson bullet      

Lord Thanos's eyes narrowed; he understood that this crimson bullet was by no means ordinary, unlike the previous bullets he couldn't effortlessly block or crush without putting any effort. Still, it was fun; he was having fun; he would show him the gap between them, and maybe like this, Alex would want to work under him because of his desire for strength.     

Summoning a big fireball mixed with golden lightning, Lord Thanos threw it toward the incoming crimson bullet.      



The whole area shook under the big explosion while Alex vomited a mouthful as his chest caved in; few of his ribs were broken by a magic missile shot at him by Lord Thanos.      

Despite the severe wound, Alex still succeeded in bringing Incursio toward him, he secretly used the Eternal Chain to bring Incursio to him, and he immediately stepped across the void, disappearing.      

His first goal, which was to test his enemy's strength, had been accomplished, and his second goal of rescuing Incursio was also completed. What was left was to escape. It wouldn't be easy, but he believed that inside the void, it wouldn't be easy for even Lord Thanos to track them. At this rate, they might escape.      

Just as the two believed this, something completely outside of their expectation happened.      

Outside, Lord Thanos, who watched them disappear into the void, snickered. He had come across a similar situation a few days ago, which left a bad aftertaste in his mouth as he was busy, but today, he would not let the same thing happen.      

Lord Thanos summoned his weapon, a plain jet black sword darker than the night itself. The moment this sword appeared, the surrounding darkened as if night had fallen.      


Lord Thanos slashed upward with his sword, and the world was cut into two; Alex running away inside the void, felt an ominous feeling, and without hesitation, he used his time ability to slow down time around him while at the same he secretly wrapped the Eternal Chain around his upper body.      


The void shook, and Alex was flung away by a terrific explosion.      

''Gah!" He vomited blood, and one of his arms was bent at an odd angle. Incursio was sent flying with one of her legs detached from her body; Lord Thanos's sword slash had somehow ended up touching one of her legs.      


Alex landed heavily on the ground creating a small crater, while Lord Thanos appeared and caught Incursio. She had lost consciousness due to immense pain.      


Lord Thanos, who was thinking of checking Alex's state, heard a gunshot. Annoyed, he tried to swing his sword when his body became frozen; an unknown feeling of danger filled his body, and he smelled the scent of death; if he made a mistake, he would die, he got this feeling. Lord Thanos wondered where this feeling was coming from; he had not seen Alex secretly taking out the black gun as he was too focused on the bullet he fired, the prime bullet.      

Before Lord Thanos realized he had been fooled, Incursio was snatched away from him, and Alex and her disappeared.      

''Alexander!" Lord Thanos roared after the two disappeared; he couldn't detect them; they had disappeared.      

After a moment, Lord Thanos calmed down and mumbled.      

''Her core is damaged, so there's nothing to worry about. I should head back and use the backup plan. I'll leave her in your care Alexander, and you better enjoy your time when you can because soon he will be unable to.''      

After mumbling these words, Lord Thanos left.      

Five minutes after he left, Alex came out from hiding; he had hidden under a rock; after catching Incursio, he stepped across the void, but he didn't go anywhere; he created a vanishing bullet to hide their presence and waited for Lord Thanos to leave. It was how he successfully escaped his detection.      

''I thought I was a gonna," Alex said while checking Incursio's state, but he couldn't help but frown; the current Incursio didn't seem like she was alive nor dead; it was truly bizarre.      

''Let's go back; I will figure out what's wrong once I return.'' Alex declared while dragging his tired body and the one-legged Incursio back to the imperial capital.     

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