Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 788: Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 788: Unexpected Meeting

1'Shit, this fox.' Leon cursed under his breath, but as if she could read his inner thoughts, Kuina smirked and said.      3

''I'm fine as well, but you don't have to be so jealous. I'm exceptional after all, and above everything else, I'm already taken.''      

''Fuck off, who would want a dangerous woman like you?" Leon shouted with his ears raised and his tail standing on its end.      

''Even if you wanted, I wouldn't have accepted. Who will want a gorilla-like you.'' Kuina responded with the sleeves of her kimono covering her mouth.      

Flame and lightning crackled around Leon's body as if they could go berserk at any moment.     

Looking at the two bickering at each other, Eris was reminded of the past when the four would be together while Leon and Kuina would be fighting among themselves; now, instead of four, they have been reduced to three, but still, the atmosphere didn't change.      

Eris couldn't help but smile in her brother's stead and said.     

''Hahahaha! You two, please stop. The reason we gathered this late in the night is to talk about important stuff, so stop playing around, and let's get started.''     

''Ok, Eris is right. Let's get started.'' Leon said after clearing his throat while Kuina nodded and stopped fooling around.      

''The reason I have called you here is to talk about our friend. You all have heard the exceptional things he has accomplished.''      

Both Eris and Kuina nodded, recalling how shocked they were when the news reached them that the Holy Crux empire had fallen; as Alex's potential women, they were extremely happy that their future man was this capable. Every woman dreams of the hero in the shining armor; they wonder if Alex would do the same thing for them if there were in danger?     

Deep down, they knew he would risk his life to save them. This was why they couldn't stop their admiration toward him, and slowly feelings started blooming; no woman would not feel secure when there was a man that could protect them, and once a woman started to feel secure with a man, she was bound to fall for the latter as time goes on and Kuina and Eris were no exception.     

''I want us to invite him to visit our respective empires, spending time in each empire. This will serve as a vacation and the same time, as a solution to strengthen our bond. We will also use this opportunity to strengthen ourselves through raids and competition; our subordinates will compete with each other. We need to get stronger so are our subordinates. This is my goal; what do you think?'' Leon asked after explaining his goal.      

Silence permeated the meeting room until Kuina opened her mouth to acknowledge Leon's plan.      

''I approve your plan. I have been thinking about something similar, but your idea is greater than mine. I haven't thought about our subordinates. From what we know, the situation might be peaceful right now, but who knows how long this will last. Will if we the heads are stronger it would help if our subordinates are strong as well maybe we might be able to survive what will come with lesser casualties.''      

''I concur!" Eris also seemed to share the same opinion as Kuina.     

''Good, we will notify Alex's group, inviting them over. Their first destination should be the Lionheart Empire; their second destination would be the Wolfang empire, and lastly, the Foxia empire. Is there any objection?" Leon asked, looking at the two; both nodded, not having any objection.     

''Good, with this, the meeting comes to an end. Wish you, ladies, a good night.'' Leon said before leaving. Eris and Kuina soon left, and on the road back to their temporary rooms, they chatted; their topic was mostly related to Alex and what they wished to do in the future.     


The peaceful, joyous night ended as the first rays of dawn spilled through the window, landing on two silhouettes, a handsome youth, and a beautiful girl.      


Alex woke up with Sakuya nestled in his chest like a little kitten, while the smell of their love nectar still lingered in the air. It had been one crazy night, where they both surrendered themselves to sensual pleasure and vented their lust on each other. They lost themselves in the role-playing, going crazy; it had been one hell of a night.     

As Alex watched Sakuya sleeping contentedly with eyes filled with affection, he couldn't help but praise himself for how lucky he was in this life to be blessed with so many women that loved him. Once again, he was reminded that in order to make them happy, not only did he need strength; he needed to understand them some more, build a solid foundation to make them feel secure like this they could share their burdens and live happily.      

''I love you,'' Alex said before kissing Sakuya's forehead, and as if she could hear his declaration of love, she smiled in her sleep; she was too tired to wake, and Alex was not going to disturb her rest after all compared to him she didn't have the undying body, not only this skill give you near absolute regenerative ability it also gives you near unlimited stamina. Even after six rounds, Alex was not tired; he felt like he could continue for another few rounds; unfortunately, his partner couldn't keep up and fell asleep midway.      

〖Master, you should head to this location; there is someone there.〗     

Suddenly, Alex's thoughts were cut off by Silveria's words; Alex was confused; just as he was about to ask what she meant, Nyx urged him to go.     

Alex left hastily after freshening up; he couldn't even do his morning exercise.     

Using void steps continuously, Alex arrived at his destination after one hour and a half. He appeared in the middle of a mountain, and lying in a crater in the middle of this mountain was someone Alex didn't expect to encounter.      


The person lying in the crater was Incursio, the enemy that caused Alex too much trouble, but currently, the strong Incursio was in a pitiful state.     

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