Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 783: Role Playing 1*

Chapter 783: Role Playing 1*

4Night arrived, and after eating with the others, Alex left with Sakuya; they appeared above the capital.      

''Beautiful but not beautiful as Tokyo,'' Sakuya whispered into Alex's ears after they watched the Kyo, the capital of the Far East Empire, from the sky.     

''You are right.'' Alex nodded while holding hands with her. In silence, the two spent their time enjoying each other warmth; this continued; Sakuya secretly whispered something into Alex's ears; he smiled and accel-ed, reappearing in their temporary villa.     

One hour later, as promised, Alex visited Sakuya's room; she was lying defenseless on the bed. For a moment, Alex wondered what she was up to; she said she would show him something amazing.      

''Let's see what you are planning.'' He mumbled before pinching Sakuya's cheek.     

''Kyaa!'' Unexpectedly, Sakuya gave a girly scream as she looked around cautiously before retreating until her back was against the head of the bed.     

''Who are you? And what do you want?" Sakuya asked with panic written on her face.     

For a moment, Alex was lost for words until he recalled what she had said.     

'Oh? So you want to play it like this. Good, let's play then. This is going to be fun.' Alex thought while grinning.     

''Hehehehehe! I'm the big bad wolf who kidnaps beautiful women, and I'm here to claim my prize, which is none but you. Let's get started.'' Alex announced as he started slowly advancing toward Sakuya, whose body was trembling non-stop.     

''No, no, don't come closer. I'm the one of the otherworlders one of the summoned heroes that will save this. I have a lot of friends, and my friends won't let you off if you assault me. You can stop now. I'll never tell anyone what you have done; I will even reward you with a lot of money. Please stop.'' She begged Alex with teary eyes.     

It was so realistic that she deserved a reward for her performance.     

Meanwhile, seeing Sakuya, the S Queen, like this stirred an unknown desire in Alex's heart; grinning evilly, he started discarding his clothes, and in a matter of seconds, he was nude. Seeing this, Sakuya seemed to have fallen into despair; she started shouting hysterically.     

''No, no.. don't come closer, or I'll kill myself.'' She said, trying to sound threatening.     

Alex was amused, and he decided to play; it was too fun not to get immersed in this role-playing. Therefore he crossed his arms and looked down at Sakuya and said,     

''Try it if you want.''     

Sakuya's body trembled, and she appeared to be struggling, not knowing whether or not she should do as she said, but in the end, she decided not to do anything.     

Alex smirked before he vanished, and when he reappeared, he had already undressed her.     

''No....'' Sakuya shouted, trying to cover her body.     

Alex approached the trembling girl while not trying to conceal his excitement.     

''Do not approach me; you pervert; you shall die a horrible death,'' Sakuya swore.     

''Said the girl who is aroused. You are the one to talk while being drenched down there.'' Alex said while pointing his finger toward her pussy which was drenched in her love juice.     

Looking at her drenched pussy, Sakuya hastily closed her legs; her face was red as a tomato feeling ashamed.     

''No, that not tr-"     

Alex wouldn't let her finish; he sealed Sakuya's lips; her eyes widened in surprise, then in horror; she started struggling, scratching Alex with her nails, he was injured, but it healed thanks to his undying body. He went for a deep kiss; slowly, her resistance lessened, and he stopped kissing her to give her room for breathing.     

''Ha. ha..... Die, you pervert.''      

Using this opportunity, she tried to assault Alex, but he caught her fist and sealed her lips again; he repeated this several times until her resistance became weak; she looked at him with puppy eyes.     

''Time to go for the main dish,'' Alex announced; Sakuya only looked at him pitifully; she was too weak to offer any resistance after the onslaught of kisses and light caresses.     

Grinning, Alex caressed Sakuya's legs and slowly moved towards her honey hole. Her legs opened and closed constantly, and her mouth emitted repeated unconscious moans.     

While Alex's fingers stimulated her sacred place, he used his tongue to lick Sakuya's neck, biting and sucking her beautiful skin. In less than one minute, he had filled her breast and shoulders with several hickeys.      

"… Ugh… Amm…~" Sakuya moaned and hugged Alex's head. At the same time, her legs wrapped around his waist like she was cooperating with him.     

Alex's body was tightly entangled with hers. He breathed on her ear again and kissed her lips. Then, he used his hand to point his erected shaft towards her slit.     

Slowly, he rubbed his lower head against her slit. Sakuya let out a soft moan and bit her lips. But at this moment, her last bit of resistance surged.     

''N-No… It's wrong. Please stop, I beg you. I have a boyfriend, no a fiance.''     

Hearing her ragged words, Alex stopped; she breathed a sigh of relief, happy that I seemed to be thinking of stopping but to her dismay, Alex smirked. Then, he thrust forward!     

"Ahnnn…" Sakuya shivered instantly. Her sensitive body tensed up, releasing a massive flood of love juices.     

Then, her body collapsed on the bed.     

Just like that, Sakuya had cum.     

''So big,'' She muttered softly and hugged Alex's back.     

''More than you said, fiance?" Alex asked her, but she refused to answer.      

''Come on, it is just the two of us present here. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, so tell me I'm bigger than your fiance?'' Alex slowly caressed her body; his fingers imbued with mana sent a jolt of electricity through Sakuya's body, and the pleasure was intense.     

''Mnnh!'' Sakuya tried not to make a sound like she was afraid to say something if she were to moan properly.      

''Come on, just tell me.'' Alex insisted, but Sakuya was still stubborn, refusing to talk.     

''I'll take your silence as acknowledgment then,'' Alex said before piercing Sakuya's pussy again.     

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