Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 744: Into the tower of Babel Part 1

Chapter 744: Into the tower of Babel Part 1

2The Pope sensed when four cardinals died as their soul's crystals were broken simultaneously; his face turned pale instantly as he understood what this meant.      0

And before he could open his mouth, the fake goddess said anxiously.     

''He is here. We must hurry up and complete the ceremony before he tries anything else.''      

The goddess had never been so anxious as she was now. Like the others, she had utterly underestimated Alex, thinking before he could do anything, they would have long since completed the ceremony.      

Truth be told, she never took Alex seriously, never took him as a threat. Although where she comes from, his talent could be said to be rare, it was nothing; she had seen many things so naturally to her, Alex's plans wouldn't be worth worrying over.      

She understood that she was completely wrong, and she also sensed their desire to get rid of her. The fake goddess was talking about the real gods and goddesses watching over the worlds; the reason why she had not acted all these years wasn't only because of the lack of suitable vessel to possess but also because she couldn't recklessly act for fear of bringing down their wrath upon her, as far she knew she was not their match, none of the powerhouses in her hometown could do anything against them maybe only true powerhouses in the higher worlds could do anything against them.     

So she had been cautiously acting since she didn't wish to be killed, and finally, after a long time of waiting, she found the perfect vessel, and she knew she was an otherworlder like Alex and the rest; she didn't immediately act probing here and there just to see would the Gods would react, surprisingly they didn't react, and she took this as signal and acted but who would have thought that the situation would turn out like this? At least she hadn't; it was why she became anxious.     

''Don't worry, we will begin immediately. I have already activated the hidden mechanism inside the tower; I understand what he was trying to do and how he succeeded in killing four of my men. Those two must have helped him.''      

After the initial panic, he was now calm; the only emotion remaining on his face was his determination to carry out his mission at all costs. He quickly analyzed the situation and concluded that Alex must have received their help.      

''You are talking about Zero and Alpha, right?" The fake goddess asked.      

Unexpectedly, she was even aware of their existence.      

''Yes! I'll make them pay. How dare Elseria do this to me? Unforgivable, but that's not the point; let's finish the ceremony for your descent, oh! My goddess.''      

''Good, do not disappoint; my soul is getting ready for the transfer. Go check the last preparations.'' The fake goddess ordered, and the Pope nodded before disappearing.     

All the remaining cardinals, the high priests, and the death knights were summoned to the tower. Their mission was to stop anyone from going past the fourth floor.      

At the same time, under the tower, inside the sewers, the figure of Alex and two beautiful women could be seen. Those two were Sera and Althea, codename Zero, and Alpha. They are the strongest assassins currently in the world.     

''You two should go back, but if you truly want to help me, I can't say no,'' Alex said with a fake smile.      

Both girls rolled their eyes at him, Sera said.      

''Do you see? Didn't I tell you he is no good? You better not work for him.'' Sera said, trying to sound persuasive but failed.      

''What Althea wished to work for me? I'm honored. Feel free to apply; you won't be disappointed, and you will see your sister often. Isn't it is a good deal?" Alex said; the moment he saw her, that feeling he had when they first met came back; her purple eyes were exactly like Lilith's eyes; Silveria had confirmed she was Lilith's big sister.      

''How do you know?" Althea stopped, smiled, and asked. Sera was also curious as she didn't think she had left any clue that could indicate Althea was Lilith's big sister.      

''Intuition, you could say so. The first time I saw you, I thought you two looked alike, but I couldn't confirm my guess because you only appeared and left right after taking Sera with you. Today I saw you and looked closely at you. I concluded you two are sisters. Still, I was not completely sure of my guess, but just now, your reaction confirmed my guess. You are really Lilith's sister.'' Alex said with a teasing smile, it was a trap, and she fell for it.     

''Damn it, you are quite something. No wonder our proud little princess over here falls for you.'' Althea wanted to tease Sera, but the latter face darkened, and she glared at Althea. She felt goosebumps rising all over her body, and she hurriedly said.      

''Ok, ok, I admit defeat stop looking at me with those scary eyes; they might give me a heart attack.''      

''Humph!" Sera harrumphed and continued walking; they had left the sewers and arrived in a small room with a simple-looking black door.     

''We are here,'' Sera called out to them. Althea, who was about to say something stopped; she would continue after they entered the tower.      

However, Sera's following words made them frown.     

''Wait for a while; it seems that the Pope acted faster than we thought. He activated the secret mechanism. I-"      

''And?" Althea asked. She was started to get frustrated; although no sewer's water had touched her, she wished to quickly go into the tower to take a nice and clean bath before the killing party. If the Pope knew this, he would have puked blood because of anger.     

''Can you let me finish first?" Sera asked, annoyed.      

''Sorry, please do continue.'' Althea apologized.      

Alex watched everything from the side without saying a word; it was more wiser this way.      

''I will crack the mechanism in a few minutes; just wait over there; you can talk with Alex if you are bored,'' Sera explained before turning to face the door, and she started to crack the mechanism.     

''Alright, I'll talk with Alex.''      

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