Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 620: A small step

Chapter 620: A small step

0Facing Silveria's honest declaration, Alex smiled and declared.     

''Let's start anew.''      

This time he didn't speak inwardly but voiced out his thoughts; Ferīr was surprised when she heard her master's declaration, she knew it was not directed at her, which made her more curious, she wondered what might have happened for her master to say those words, but she didn't dare to bring herself to ask as she knew the only answer you will get would be a punishment.     

Meanwhile, Silveria, who received a positive answer, smiled. She happily chatted with Alex; itas like they had encountered each other for the first time as if all the bad blood between them had disappeared.      

'I'm curious about the Void Steps ability; I'm sure it comes from that small wolf.''      

While saying those words, Alex stared at Ferīr as if she was some treasure box; he only scraped the surface but not the entirety of the treasures.      

For an unknown reason, Ferīr shivered; she felt like she would be stripped of everything she got and would be left with nothing, the predatory look in Alex's eyes was not a joke; she even thought of running away but remembered that she could not escape even if she wanted. She was bound to Alex with an eternal contract.      

Alex stopped looking at Ferīr like she was some kind of treasure box; he felt pity for the mighty beast shivering because of fear; even he was afraid of his face when he turned into that state. In a state, only what mattered was the endless benefits he could get from his target.      

''Let's test my new ability,'' Alex said and immediately called the name of his ability inside his head.      

''Void steps!"      

Immediately following Alex declaration, his figure vanished he appeared inside a dark space, from this space, Alex could still see the outside, he could see Eri and Incursio still sleeping, he could see Ferīr with a shocking expression on her face, he judged that it must be because she did not expect Alex to acquire this ability among all other abilities, it was an ability she was proud of, it was one of her unique abilities. Seeing Alex acquire it so easily left her feeling complicated; she wondered where the fairness is? However, she forgot that life was and would never be fair until the end of everything and maybe after.      

Alex, who was feeling smug after seeing Ferīr's dejected expression, immediately canceled Void Steps because, in less than two minutes, he lost more than half of his MP. He didn't travel twenty meters inside the void; it was a good skill, but the mana consumption made one think twice before using it; it was not an ability to use as one wants, with the amount of mana he possessed right now, he can stay in the void for five minutes at most, as for the distance he could travel inside the void it was unknown as he had not explored this ability to its fullest, besides he got an idea which needs experimentation to know if this idea could work or not.     

Just as Alex reappeared, he heard Silveria say.     

〖Did ability is like a space skill movement but more advanced. I wonder between this ability and that freak ability which one is the strongest?〗     

Before Alex could speak, he heard Silveria's voice; her following words shocked him.      

〖Talking about that freak, she seemed to have woken up and is coming.〗     


Alex didn't have the time to ask Silveria to explain what she meant before Incursio attacked him.      

Her sword was so fast that it cut through the air and arrived before him; she was grinning, sure of her sword knocking Alex back, but to his surprise, after the initial look of surprise on Alex's face, he became perfectly calm he waited. When the sword was close to his neck, a bullet came from nowhere and knocked the sword back.      

Incursio's eyes widened; she was shocked. Still, because Alex did not give her the time to be more shocked, she immediately placed her sword vertically and coincidentally cleaved a bullet in two; she didn't even hear a gunshot.      

For the first time since she woke up, Incursio decided to fight seriously; she wanted to toy with Alex because he was the only one standing when she and Eri were out; she wanted to ask him what happened, how the Desolate Forest landscape completely changed from what she remembered, but to her dismay, the guy she could easily mess with in the past had turned into someone she could not see through, for Incursio who was feeling frustrated because she got beaten and passed out, she decided to vent her frustrations on Alex who from her standpoint had become full of himself.      

Incursio sent dozen of sword slashes in one attack, it was a test to judge Alex's current level, but she was shocked by how easily Alex dealt with her attacks.      

She disappeared into space and reappeared behind Alex with her knife aiming for his back, but unexpectedly Alex still blocked the blow with a bullet; he didn't even turn back, maybe because of his new ability, the Void Steps, which was like an advanced version of normal space element movement skill, Alex didn't need to use his Divine Sense to locate Incursio when she uses her space element.     

''Interesting!" Incursio said with a smile, but she was not smiling at all; she was feeling more frustrations as Alex was easily dealing with her attacks; she wondered if by some miracle she had regressed but immediately shook her head upon checking her status, she was still herself, the only explanation she saw was that Alex had changed.     

Immediately upon realizing this fact, she unlocked her full Gift; Alex was shocked to see two swords; he immediately suffered from the two swords apparition, he was turned into a bloody mess when his own bullets were sent back added with Incursio attacks, Alex was soon at a disadvantage.      

Just as Incursio felt the joy to have made Alex suffer greatly, she was shocked by his next move.      

''Golden Hour: Five Seconds Time Rewind!"      

Immediately all Alex injuries were healed, as Time user herself, Incursio, was shocked by the progress Alex made, to not repeat the same mistake, she combined her time ability with her two swords and used one of her stronger abilities, time was accelerated for seven seconds, she even added her special element.      

''Infinite Re-petrification!"      

Alex, who was experiencing this ability for the first time, was shocked at how quickly his body was getting petrified; he understood that Incursio must have accelerated time to make it faster, to which extent he could tell, but he could only gamble, it was time to use his ultimate time ability.      

''Golden Hour: Prime Time, Ten Seconds Time Rewind!"      


A giant blue clock appeared behind Alex, and time has been rewound, to ten seconds in the past, three seconds more than Incursio acceleration (A/N: She accelerated time forward by seven seconds)      

Before Incursio could understand what was happening, Alex used the last bit of mana he had to activate another ability he acquired during his thousand years of training.      

[Hellsing: Full Burst!!]      

Thirty silver gun muzzles appeared behind Alex and fired at the same time, and even Incursio, strong as she was, could not take them head-on, she immediately escaped but only after getting struck by a couple of bullets and losing one of her arms, Alex didn't have the time to celebrate this victory, this small step before falling unconscious.      

Ferīr and Eri, who happened to wake up before the final assault, gulped and stared at each other; they saw fear in each other eyes, they wondered how strong Alex would be in the future; he would be more terrifying than the current him.      

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