Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 581: Alice Vs Incursio 1

Chapter 581: Alice Vs Incursio 1

4After killing the five men that came out.     2

Silence returned to the wonderland; however, it didn't last long as Alice opened her mouth and declared.     

''Won't you come out?"     

Alice's voice was cold; she acted cool because of her personality. Unlike her cold exterior inwardly, she was pretty disturbed because the thing hiding since the arrival of the others, as she wouldn't call it, a person was giving a dangerous feeling. It was a deep sense of crisis she had never felt before; not even Alex, her master gave this feeling; it was her first time. The fear she usually doesn't feel resurfaced again; it had taken her a lot of effort not to tremble.     

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the person who was hiding came out; it was a small girl shorter than Gracier; she had a head full of white hair reminiscent of snow; somehow, this girl seemed to share some similarities with Alice.      

Unconsciously Alice gulped; she took a step back without even knowing it.      

Surpsurpringly the person who appeared was none other but Incursio, Alex's nightmare. Alice remembered the instructions Alex gave them; among them, there was one which he emphasized the most, that is, not to engage Incursio individually no matter what the reason was. In a group, they would have more chance of surviving; alone, the chance of survival would be zero.      

Therefore the first reaction Alice had after seeing Incursio was to flee; however, for some unknown reason she couldn't move, something, an unknown emotion began to surface inside her, it was the feeling of proving herself, as to whom Alice had no idea, if she explained this feeling into words, it would like felt like her existence was being denied by this girl presence, and not to lose her sense of self she must prove herself, prove that she was real.      

As if she could read through Alice like a book Incursio finally opened her mouth and said, her words shocked Alice, who usually doesn't show any emotions on her face.      

''Hello, it's our first time meeting, but for a fake, you do possess a sharp sense, not even Saint could easily detect me as you did well except for a few talented individuals, but for a copy to be able to do that and easily take care of five above Level 120 you are quite good fake copy.''      

Incursio's declaration was like a clap of thunder inside Alice's ears; she doesn't care about her praise; what she wanted to know is what Incursio meant by saying she was a fake copy?      

For the first time, the usually not talkative Alice began talkatively. She took the initiative of asking a question that burned her.     

''Stop yapping and tell me what you mean by I'm fake.''      

Alice's voice became more profound, and the chilly air that exuded from her body almost turned into a substantial cold breeze that froze the entire world around her. However, for Incursio, this chilling aura was nothing but a breeze that she could shatter at any time.      

''Fufufu! You wish to know?" She asked if she would give Alice the answer she sought depending on her answer.      

Alice nodded because she wished to know the answer; however, how could Incursio make things easier?      

Upon seeing Alice's gesture, the corners of Incursio's mouth lifted into a smile, and she tilted her head to the side with her arms crossed.     

''And why would I entertain you? Who do you think you are?"      

Alice sighed despite not wanting to; she quickly decided; she didn't forget Alex's instruction. She dashed forward and unsheathed her sword.      

Seeing Alice charging recklessly toward her made Incursio disappointed as she had expected more from a copy of them; however, she soon changed her opinion.     

Just as the white sword sliced through the air and was about to reach Incursio, it changed trajectory like a whip; the tip of the sword curved and inched toward her heart, Incursio was forced to act. She coated her fingers in the wind element and moved them to stop the sword; however, because she could, she noticed Alice opening her other hand, one of her hand fingers was pointed toward a stomach, and white beam was shot out from this finger.      

Everything happened too fast, from the time Alice unsheathed her sword to the time she attacked, making her sword curve while secretly unleashing the move she had prepared since the beginning ten seconds didn't even pass. Normally, people shouldn't have been able to do anything with this combo; however, Incursio was nothing but usual; at the last moment, she twisted her body like a snake, simultaneously dodging the sword and the beam which passed above her belly.      

Incursio launched a kick with her body still in the London bridge pose, it was Alice's turn to be surprised, yet her body still reacted instinctively; she dodged the kick before flipping her body above Incursio's body using her leg as support.      

Incursio chuckled, facing Alice's quick judgment; she was about to follow with another attack when Alice passing above her body, sent a double downward kick; Incursio was forced to cross her arms for the impact while her long white hair hardened before piercing the ground to stabilize her body.     

Just as Alice's double kick was about to connect with Incursio's chest, a white flame erupted under her feet.     


A small explosion occurred which propelled Alice into the sky like a rocket, and once midair, she twisted her body to land on one of the tallest trees in front of her, then she began running at a first speed, jumping from tree to tree at fast speed and soon she was out of Incursio's sight.     

Finally, Incursio, who was so shocked by the situation that had just transpired, fell onto the ground, completely bewildered.      

''Did that girl just use me as a foothold to escape?"      

Even though the reality already her the answer, Incursio couldn't help but ask this as she raised her upper body and sat crosslegged.      

''Hahahaha! What a strange girl. She did all these things to escape; how interesting. But do you think you could escape if I decided that you can't?"      

Incursio said with her head tilted to the side; suddenly she vanished, no she tore through space and disappeared; her last words before disappearing were.     

''It's time to hunt some rabbits.''     

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