Death Guns In Another World

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 568: The Others finally arrived

[Bonus Chapter] Chapter 568: The Others finally arrived

4In another location, in another city, another starter's village.     

A green-haired beauty had just finished killing a 2 Stars Boss; it was an alligator.      

Pandora tapped her feet on the ground while mumbling.      


The vines sealing the dead boss's body against the ground vanished.      

''You two, have you finished clearing the monsters assigned to you?" Pandora shouted, her voice traversed the forest, the leaves seemed to carry her words until here.      

Two people fighting against what seemed like an illusion stopped and exchanged glances; it was one man and a woman, Zwei and Drei, members of Alex's special force.     

They didn't hesitate anymore; they immediately used their ultimate combo; they vanished to form a thin line that passed through the illusion's body; the monster was cut into multiple pieces. They called this move, thousand cuts, only usable when the two are together.      

''Let's head back; let's not let the mistress wait!" The man said the girl wanted to say something but, in the end, chose not to say anything.      

The two disappeared in a flash, and when they reappeared, they stood before Pandora.      

''Greetings, Mistress !"      

''Greetings, Leader !"      

Pandora furrowed her brows at Zwei's words.      

''How many I have told you not to call me that? I'm not one of his lovers, nor one day I would be. So stop it before I get furious.'' Pandora said in a cold voice.      

''Eeek!" Zwei stepped back and shrunk his neck; the fear he was feeling was not a joke, so was the pressure.      

Finally, the pressure receded, letting Zwei breathe a sigh of relief.      

Looking in the direction of the capital, Pandora announced.      

''Let's go; the others must be waiting for us.''      

Zwei and Drei nodded their heads; they could not hide their happiness; this would be their first time working under their master.      

Pandora, Zwei, and Drei took the Sky Vessel to the capital.      

Simultaneously, in another location, Leonardo happened to be heading to the capital; in another part of the city, the Holy daughter who had rallied the other students she had chanced upon departed toward the capital as well.     

Like this, almost every student from Mysthia began heading to the capital.     

However, there was still someone who had head to the capital yet; this person was none other than the demon princess, the reincarnated demon's goddess, Lilith.      

Currently, she was inside the Shadow Forest. As the name suggested, it was a dark forest filled with undead monsters.      

Facing the purple-eyed girl, an intangible shadow above its head was the following description.     

[Creepy Shadow]      

[Level 105]      

HP: 3000     

MP: 2000     

[Description: A intangible shadow that exists between planes, it disappears after being killed.]     


[Shadow Movement: Can move freely in the shadows once every 5 seconds]     

[Possess: Can possess someone's body, depending on the host level and mental capacity. Usable once]      

Before the Creepy Shadow could close the distance between it and Lilith, it was hit by a bolt of lightning and immediately disintegrated.     

Immediately after killing one Creepy Shadow, Lilith felt a movement coming from behind. She chuckled.     

A Creepy Shadow who somehow managed to sneak behind Lilith raised its black-looking sword high and cut down.     



The monster's attack only hit the air without hitting the target.     

Lilith had dodged; she looked to her right and saw another Creepy Shadow emerge from the shadows of another tree, charging towards her.     

The Creepy Shadow made a quick move and struck with its claw from the bottom up. However, she easily dodged the monster's attack by taking three small steps to the left, avoiding the attack for a few inches.      

Then a huge lightning vortex burst out from Lilith's body and hit the two Creepy Shadows closing in.      

It was like getting by truck; although intangible, they still felt the pain before getting erased from the world.      

''Time to head deeper and clear this dungeon.'' Lilith spat and walked deeper into the forest.      

The more she walked, the more creepy the forest became; ordinary people would have been scared a long time ago; however, Lilith felt nothing; she had seen more ridiculous things, more creepy things than this.     

Shaking her head, Lilith continued to advance and slowly enter deeper into the Forest of Shadows.      

For about an hour, she was killing Creepy Shadows without rest, so her experience bar increased a notch, and at this rate, she will be able to level up soon.      

Suddenly, the forest turned quiet for a moment before,      




The creepy sound of bones could be heard everywhere.      

From the darkness, countless skeletons appeared and surrounded Lilith in the blink of an eye; she did nothing as their level was, too; she would spend too much stamina fighting them one by one.     

''Great, now that we have an audience. Let's us test this ability.''      

Lilith mumbled before pointing one of her fingers at the sky, and from this finger, purple lightning shot out.      

[Lightning Descent!]      

Ziiiii! Ziiiii!      

Like her voice was some signal, the small lightning shot in the sky became a giant lightning vortex that immediately descended onto the ground.      


These hundred or so Shadows skeletons were immediately erased; they couldn't put any resistance, the ground was shared. The remaining lightning vortex that struck the ground rippled outward and went crashing into a certain direction.      


''Hehehe! It would have been boring otherwise.'' Lilith spat out when she saw the giant skeleton hiding in the depth of the forest block her attack like nothing.      

The Shadow Lord Skeleton was truly enormous as he raised its body, fifteen meters tall, dressed in black armor; ominous black energy was oozing from his armor while the huge spear he carried seemed to have come from hell.     

[Shadow Skeleton Lord Vanir]      

[Level 160]      


[Skills: Thousand armies! Corrosion! Shadow Domain]      

''Well, let's end this!"      

Lilith shouted and closed her hands; mana gathered around her, and black flashed through her purple eyes, and she declared.     

[Cosmic Heaven Flame Tribulation!]      


A Golden black flame enveloped the giant skeleton making him cry.     


It died shortly after while Lilith kneeled, gasping for breath.      

''I guess that I still can use it. Well, I shall rest and head to the capital once I have recuperated enough; Artemia must be waiting for me, others as well.'' Lilith said before sitting in a lotus position to recuperate faster.     

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