Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 527: Infiltration 2

Chapter 527: Infiltration 2

1The following morning Simpson left his small manor; as usual, he acted haughtily and headed to the same tavern.     

Unlike what one would have expected, the tavern was packed in the morning; NPCs and players were drinking even while the sun just rose.      

The moment Simpson entered, there was a momentary silence before one of the customers, a player, whistled.      

''Wow! Our leader sure enjoyed himself last, judging by happy he looked. I'm so jealous.''      

''Hahahaha! Benson, you're right. Leader never misses out on an opportunity to taste any pretty flower. It's a shame that they wither after leader's rough treatment; if not, we would have enjoyed it as well.'' Another man said, another one of Simpson men, a skinny man with a shiny head, he got the nickname Shiny head.      

Most of the customers burst into laughter as they were well aware of how the women who caught Simpson's interest ended up.      

Simpson snorted but couldn't hide the grin forming on his face; he sat down next to Benson and ordered.     

''Bart, a Spirit ale, please.''      

The bartender was not surprised by Simpson's order as it was the same drink he used to order after spending a streamy night with a girl.      

While serving the drink, the bartender could not hide his curiosity any longer, so he asked.      

''How was it?"      

The others nearby perked their ears as they were also curious; hearing the details of another man streamy would help them have a nice day, so they believed.      

Simpson gulped down one mouthful of Spirit ale, the burning taste of the strong alcohol burnt his throat, making his body slightly tremble, his eyes turned misty as if he was drunk before he suddenly burst into laughter, he laughed for a moment before answering. Nobody found his movement unusual as it usually how he acted.     

''Hehehehe! That chick was a rebellious one.''      

Upon hearing the past tense in Simpson's words, those still harboring the thought of tasting the ice beauty dropped the idea as they knew it was no longer possible.      

'What a shame.' Thought most of them, but they chose to continue listening to Simpson's story.      

''Ah! Although drunk, it was not easy to tame her; she was so unruly, really unruly. Ah! I still remember those sharp nails piercing my back as I finally pierced the heaven door.''      

The men shuddered and a certain part down there threatening to rise as they imagined being in Simpson's place; the few women frowned in disgust but dared not to show it.     

Simpson's following words made the male hormones skyrocket     

''And you know the good part? The bitch was still a virgin, so imagine the pleasure, hehehe, I don't need to describe to you, do I?''      

There was a silence that temporarily permeated the tavern before curses started to rain down. Most of the men cursed for their inaction; nowadays, to chance upon a virgin girl even among NPCs was extremely rare if you don't want to go to the Lolicon route, something none of them was sick enough to attempt.     

''Hehehehe! Fall into despair, only a strong man with a heavenly aura like myself could enjoy that kind of woman. I don't mind you praising me; maybe if I'm happy enough next time, I might think letting you have a taste after I'm done.''      

'Here he goes again.'      

Thought most of the men but dared not to voice out, every single time Simpson slept with a new woman, he would boast and would end up saying these same words; it was almost like a catchphrase.     

Suddenly, the tavern turned silent because someone barged in, a weak-looking player, he was panting, he took him some time to finally catch his breath, lifting his head the man looked directly into Simpson's eyes and announced.      

''The guild master asks for your presence; there's an emergency meeting.''      

Benson and others members of the Dark guild sighed, for it to be an emergency meant that they would be busy from now on; maybe they couldn't have the time to enjoy a good drink for a while. This made them depressed, as they were lost in thoughts; none of them noticed the evil smile on Simpson's face when he heard that they would be at an emergency meeting.      

Half of an hour later, Simpson, Benson, and a few other men arrived before a small storehouse; the same messenger that informed them about the emergency used a password. The warehouse door opened, single stairs led downward; taking these stairs, the group arrived in an underground cave looking spacious; after a few turns, they arrived in a big hall where the other members of the Dark Fang were waiting.      

Simpson quickly scanned the hall and memorized a few faces first, inwardly he chuckled while mumbling. 'Infiltration succeed'      

Naturally, the current Simpson was none other than Alex disguised as Simpson, the real Simpson was beating up beyond recognition and was imprisoned deep underground in an abandoned somewhere, and even if he wanted to end his life, he wouldn't be able to as Alex had made sure he couldn't use anything to end his life, if he were to do it then there would be any meaning to everything Alex had done so far.      

After destroying Blood Chalice Guild and grinding for one day, Alex decided to move on to his next target; as he received that hidden quest ordering to erase the three dark guilds, he could only do it. So, after careful consideration, Alex decided to go after the Dark Fang located in the western part of the city; the reason for this choice was simple, this guild was slightly stronger than the Blood Chalice while True End Guild was the strongest, the guild master of Blood Chalice Guild would be probably with the True End Guild master as the rumors had it that, Blood Chalice Guild master and the Dark Fang guild master didn't like each other and never get along.     

Alex's plan was simple; after sneaking into the western part, he collected information and coincidentally learned about the Dark Fang deputy leader's strange hobby; he likes women, too much even. After praying for Maria's forgiveness, Alex changed into her and lured Simpson into a trap, beat him up, and tortured him to learn more about him to impersonate him with the only purpose of infiltrating the Dark Fang headquarters for the second part of his plan to be executed.     

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