Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 520: Grinding 1 and Sera's Plan

Chapter 520: Grinding 1 and Sera's Plan

4Alkan's City.      3

A few days had passed since Alex destroyed Blood Chalice Guild; their guild almost turned upside down the city in search of Alex; however, no matter what he did, he could not catch Alex as if he had vanished after committing the deed. The guild master of Blood Chalice Guild was forced to stop the search, but Alex's name was put on the Red list; not only did the Blood Chalice Guild wants his life all other dark guilds wanted his life as well. Alex became popular overnight.     

Currently, the culprit, Alex, was doing a quest.      

Standing before Alex was a bull.     

The bull snorted, and two columns of smoke shot out of its nostrils as it looked at Alex as though he was his mother's killer.      

Alex used the Eye of Truth on the monster before him to get its information.      

[Abyssal Guardian: 2 Stars Boss     


Level 140     

H: 12000      

MP: 6000     

Skills: Dark Mist; Charge, Berserk.     

Special skills: Berserk; Whirlwind.     

Whirlwind (Active): Standing on the spot, without moving, turns the sword at a terrifying speed. Cause 600 points of physical damage to all targets within range. After use, it falls under dizziness condition for 5 seconds. Use rate: Low]      

The casual look on Alex's face disappeared upon reading the information on the boss he was about to fight.      

The abyssal guardian did not seem to intend to let Alex think too much as it immediately ran into him. Its speed was pretty for its big body.      

Just as the monster was about to arrive, Alex's figure blurred, and he disappeared to reappear behind the monster; before he could unleash it, he was forced to shift his body slightly to the right, a sword passed above his head. If it weren't for his sharp instinct and perfect control over his body, he would have been impaled.      

Using Drift to escape from the range of the monster next attack, Alex was greatly shaken by the monster's smartness; he acted as if he was surprised by Alex sudden disappearance while patiently waiting for him to appear behind him, and he thrust his sword backward while he immediately followed when his second attack failed to land.      


The Abyssal Guardian roared and went into a frenzied dash. The monster raised its sword high and cut down, intending to cut Alex in half as he arrived before him.     

Alex snorted and did not bother to look back, and took a step to the left. The abyssal guardian's sword missed its target and hit the ground, causing a great sound.     


Immediately after dodging, Alex turned 180 grades while cutting horizontally with his Reaper covered with green light, successfully striking the lower body of the monster.     


After cutting once, Alex passed by the abyssal ghost while running to the opposite side. A fraction of a second after taking the first step, a silver gun appeared inside his left hand, and he shot a phantom bullet at the monster.     


A gunshot rang out, followed by a red window flashing above the monster's head.     


Suddenly, Alex felt danger, and he saw the bull being covered in red light; the monster's speed got instantly doubled, he appeared behind Alex like a ghost; it seemed to have used his Charge skill and natural speed.      

[Time Acceleration]      

Alex was forced to use one of his time abilities. The Abyssal Guardian was shocked to see that its speed had reduced drastically; however, a dangerous glint flashed inside his eyes, and Alex felt an intense feeling of danger superior to the one he had felt a moment ago.      

''Fuck!" Alex cursed and immediately ducked down then a beam was shot out from the Abyssal Guardian mouth.      



Alex shot a piercing bullet at the Abyssal Guardian with his body still leaning toward the ground; however, he was not the only one that attacked; although injured, the Abyssal Guardian still raised his sword and swung.      

*Bang* -370     

Alex used Time Acceleration but was still hit on the back and was sent flying almost 4 meters. Even so, he didn't waste any opportunity, and even in the air, he fired another bullet.      

[Aurora Bullet]      

As if the Abyssal Guardian knew how dangerous the incoming bullet was, he copied Alex's previous move and dropped his head backward; it almost touched the ground.      

Alex pushed back the surprise he felt upon seeing such an absurd scene and disappeared when he appeared again he was above the Abyssal Guardian with his leg raised high as if he was about to perform a splitting kick, the Abyssal Guardian immediately crossed his arms, thinking that he could block the strike but upon seeing the nasty grin which appeared on Alex face before he pointed the silver gun downward and,      

[Time Decay]      

The gray bullet burst out from the silver gun, but unexpectedly, the Abyssal Guardian never intended to make things easier for Alex because he opened his mouth wide open and blasted a dark beam at the gray bullet; Alex's eyes widened he hurriedly jumped back to distance himself, not get caught in the explosion which was about to occur.      


A massive explosion occurred when the dark beam and the gray bullet clashed. The Abyssal Guardian was caught within this explosion as he roared; a huge red notification floated above his head, engulfed by the explosion.      




For the second time, a huge crimson light covered the Abyssal Guardian body, and he shot forward at an almost godly speed.      

Although he used berserk and charge for the second time and was almost running out of mana, the Abyssal Guardian was still shocked by the terrible luster inside Alex's eyes, for some who was about to be pierced by a sword, he looked away too calm, it was then the monster understood, however, he was already too late for him to stop his charge.     

[Time Stop]      

As if he had done playing, Alex calmly mumbled; the Abyssal Guardian froze in his charge; it was almost a comical sight to behold.      

[Aurora Bullet]      


The Abyssal Guardian head was instantly removed; he staggered forward a couple of steps before his body abruptly dropped down; he was dead.     


In another city, under the bright magic lamp light, sets of torture instruments were seen hanging on the wall.     

A naked fair-skinned woman was confined in the center of the room by a strange instrument of torture. She leaned down, and her body was      

lowered. Her head and hands were fixed on the      

shackles. Her buttocks were raised. The sexy hip of a woman was visible. This pose could undoubtedly accelerate the secretion of hormones in many males watching it.      

A man was standing behind the woman, waving a strange whip in his hand. In the woman's screams, crisscrossing welt marks appeared on the white back and hip.      

This image and sound appeared in a room of the      

White Moon Inn at the same time. A woman wearing a white fox mask frowned behind her mask. She waited until she acquired the information she wanted before cutting off the holographic image; she was sick seeing the image.      

After closing off the holographic image, the woman removed her mask, and a beautiful face appeared, brown hair, and brown eyes. Naturally, this woman was none other than Sera.      

Suddenly, with the flick of her fingers, someone appeared; shockingly, it was a white-haired girl, Alice, Gracier's bodyguard. Like Maria and Kuina, Sera and Alice appeared in the same city.      

Only Sera was aware that Alice was present almost all the time; her guild members weren't aware of her presence.      

''Alice, how are the preparations?" Sera asked without turning her head. Alice answered in the same emotionless tone she often uses.      

''All done.''      

Only two words, nothing more, nothing less, but for Sera, those two words were enough. She smiled; her smile looked devilish under the magic lamplight; even the emotionless Alice felt chill down her spine, she almost took a step back. For the second time, she felt afraid of someone, previously she had not thought much about this seemingly harmless woman but to think that she would prepare such a plan, it was too vicious. Alice was glad that she didn't have Sera as an enemy; most people would think that Sera was only good at killing people that she was not smart enough; however, this is a huge misconception; it was this misconception that was about to cost the guild master Sera was serving.      

''Good, good. We will enact the plan starting from tomorrow.'' Sera declared while repeatedly tapping on the table.      

Tap! Tap! Tap!     

Alice stayed silent for a moment before finally opening her mouth to ask a question, unlike her.      

''Will the plan start during tomorrow's quest or after?"      

Upon hearing Alice's question, the corners of Sera's mouth lifted into a smile, and she said.     

''You are pretty talkative tonight. Is it because this plan, once it succeeds, will benefit your master?"     

Alice didn't answer; Sera pursued her lips together because Alice chose to stay silent. She shrugged her shoulders and answered.      

''Who knows."      

Alice nodded before disappearing; once alone, Sera closed her eyes; lingering on her face was the same devilish smile she had before Alice disappeared.      

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