Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 499: My name is Grim, Alex Grim 2

Chapter 499: My name is Grim, Alex Grim 2

0Alex watched five men dressed in black step out and chuckle. Probably because none of the players who arrived in Exodus were weak, these men before him had a high level.     

[Hans Gretel Level 140      

Affiliated guild: Dark Fang]      

[Kiriel Level 130     

Affiliated guild: Dark Fang]      

[Las Level 130     

Affiliated guild: Blood Chalice]      

[True Seeker Level 125     

Affiliated guild: Blood Chalice]      

[Ludic Croft Level 120     

Affiliated guild: True End]      

Those were the information Alex saw when he appraised them using his Eye of Truth. Unlike what Hans had thought, he had perfectly hidden his name just that the level of the equipment he used was low compared to Alex's Eye of Truth; therefore, the concealment came undone.     

Suddenly Alex received a notification which further confirmed his speculation.      

[Warning: Player Alex has encountered members from the three dark guilds. Hidden quest activated: Slaughter party 1: The three underground guilds have since turned completely evil, slaughtering more than thousands of players. As the bearer of destiny, you must enact justice by slaughtering them. Will player Alex accept Y/N?]      

Alex, who saw such a notification window before him, his face contorted, he had the impulse to shout out, 'Where is the damn GM? What's up these cliché lines?'      

However, Alex took a deep breath to control his emotions. Considering that he would be eliminating these guys, he thought about accepting the hidden quest, not because he thought of being some kind of ally of justice, some kind of avenger, but because this quest was sure to reward him handsomely once cleared, it's a chain quest, he was about to start the first part.      

Silveria seemed to share his point of view as she said.     

Ludic Croft held his burning neck and tried to stop the bleeding but to no avail; slowly, life leaves     

〖Master, please accept we shall teach them the meaning of fear.〗     

Alex shook his head and accepted the hidden; immediately, more information about the hidden quest was updated.      

[Hidden quest: Slaughter party 1: Kill the members of the Dark guilds before you.      

Reward: + 1 Level, Kohl's necklace, 100 gold coins, and 200 Fame points.     

Failure: - 2 levels      

Difficulty: Medium     

Next quest: Slaughter party 2: This will be updated after the completion of the first quest.      

Final Reward:###### 1000 Fame points######     

Difficulty: Extreme]     

Alex's lips twitched; this system was sure cunning, dangling the bait before him like a piece of juicy meat; there was no way he wouldn't be enticed.      

During this time, while Alex was lost in the quest before him, Hans's face kept twitching like a worm wriggling under the mud. He had the feeling that despite their appearances, they weren't taken seriously at all, as if he could kill whenever he wanted, and this feeling wasn't nice, not in the slightest.      

Hans took a deep breath to take control of his burning rage; he knew in this situation better not underestimate your opponent because a person who reacted as Alex did was either confidant or a fool, but for Hans, Alex couldn't be classed in the latter category. Still, the former, therefore, caution was needed when dealing with him.     

''We mean no harm; we were just too shy to immediately approach you, so we hide to observe you first before approaching. We want to form a party with you you see. I'm Hans, the one on my left is Kiriel, followed by True Seeker, Las, and Ludic; nice to meet you. What is your name?" Hans said with the most friendly smile he could squeeze out.      

Alex smiled, a smile so angelic that it could be mistaken as an angel smile. However, those who knew Alex would immediately identify this smile as being the devil's smile.      

''I'm Grim.''      

Hans and his men's felt their bodies turning cold at the mention of such an omnious name, and before they could ask why did he choose such a name, like the grim reaper, Alex arrived before the weakest one and moved his hand.      


Blood splashed the ground as a head flew into the sky.     

He then heard Alex's full name; as if to ridicule him, Alex had the same smile since the beginning declared.      

''I'm Grim, Alex Grim, your worst nightmare.''      

''Fuck! Get that fucker.'' Hans, who became finally aware that they weren't the hunter, but the prey, roared, almost tearing apart his lungs.      

The four remaining men dispersed into four different locations to give Alex a hard. Unfortunately, it was not going to work.      

Alex accel-ed to reappear before True Seeker; faster than the man could react, Alex punched him, sending him flying, and soon a knife followed.      

True Seeker shouldn't be underestimated either; although he felt dizzy after getting assaulted by such a heavy punch, he still reacted, as expected of a veteran, he twisted his body midair to dodge the knife; however, to his utter horror, he still saw the notification announcing his death.      

[Player True Seeker has died. The third death, began immediate expulsion.]      

'Fuck!' the unfortunate man swore before disappearing forever from Exodus.      

The remaining men felt their blood turning cold; they could not understand what was happening, nor did they wish to understand; the only thought inside their minds their minds weren't to fight back; instead, it was to flee as far they could. Even Hans, the strongest of the bunches, could not see how True Seeker had died.      

''Fuck! Fuck!!"      

Hans kept swearing as he ran for his dear life, his life in Exodus flashed through his eyes, at first he was like any other newcomer; however, after his first death, having faced the harsh reality, it was the time for him to choose a camp and he chose the camp of the winner.     

He became the thing he despised the most; he became a slaughter; he slaughtered the new players just to live. There wasn't anything wrong with this thinking, not until now, he had thought that he would succeed, he would go back to his hometown with high praise, however, having finally met a monster such as Alex, a feeling he had forgotten after so long came back, fear, not your typical fear, a fear that erodes one existence.     

'What is his name again?' Hans tried to remember Alex's name. However, he never stopped running.     

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