Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 490: Sparring 3

Chapter 490: Sparring 3

0Alex chuckled at Luna's sad voice. To cheer her up, he lowered his body and bit her ear.      3

''Hiyah! What are you doing? Can you see there are people around watching us?" Luna reprimanded him; however, Alex shrugged his shoulders while sending Maria and others a smile.      

''You have gotten strong. I'm proud of you. It's good to have such a capable healer amidst our force; not only can you heal us, but you are also a capable fighter, meaning you can take care of yourself. The enemy who would think you're just a weak healer will suffer greatly. I'm looking for to your healing skills. Thank you, and please keep up.'' Alex declared, his voice was so loud that it echoed through the training ground; the other girls nodded to this claim. Luna was pretty, strong as an attack-type ranker while not being one.     

Luna was overwhelmed by emotions; she just nodded repeatedly. She was delighted that her efforts had paid; she didn't want to be a burden, someone others would need to watch over constantly; it was why she kept trying hard. This was just the start, she continued, and one day became the strongest healer in the universe.      

Luna smiled and declared, ''Thank you, I'll work hard.''      

Alex smiled in turn while stroking her beautiful hair. After Luna left, Gracier jumped and landed not too far from her brother.      

''Big brother, now it my turn. You won't refuse me, right?" Gracier asked while removing her eyes patch.     

''Of course not,'' Alex responded with a smile while inwardly he was sweating.      

Although his right eye had offset most of the Dragon eye suppression, somehow, the air around him had turned hot.      


Gracier mumbled sweetly; however, her following action wasn't sweet at all. She flicked her fingers, and dozen of small fireballs of the size of an egg were shot toward Alex. They surrounded him from all sides.      

''Sigh! Your control over the Fire element has become even scarier.'' Alex mumbled; however, he was smiling. He moved his left arm. Bullets flew through the air and pierced through all the incoming small fireballs, completely extinguishing them.      

Alex, who had taken care of the small fireball, flashed next to Gracier and swung the knife in his right hand.      

Gracier didn't falter as she already knew about her strength and resourcefulness. She fell back and swung her shortened scythe; its appearance had changed entirely. Currently, it looked like a hand scythe with a chain; she swung her hand scythe towards Alex to bind him with its chains.     

But just as her hand scythe bound around him, Alex's figure faded away as if he was never there in the first place.     

'An afterimage!' Gracier's brows raised when she realized that it was just an afterimage and instantly turned around.     


She moved her hand instantly and protected her back from Alex's knife by locking his knife covered in green light with her hand scythe.     

''Great, however, you have forgotten about my main weapon.''      

Alex smirked and immediately tried to unleash Silveria upon Gracier; however, right before he could do that, he jumped back because he saw his sister grinning; those small fireballs he had avoided and which landed on the ground rose and turned into a small flame dragon that tried to bite him.      

If he hadn't reacted as he did, he would have received a bit of damage.      


Gracier clicked her tongue as her brother still managed to escape such a perfect attack.      

''Hahaha! My bad, I forget that when it comes to fighting, you're indeed resourceful. Well, too bad you couldn't take me down with that attack. You should try better.''      

''I will,'' Gracier responded before launching and an attack.      

The golden sickle sliced through the air like a better.      

Alex swiftly blocked the sickle with his knife and deflected it, sending it back in a certain direction.     

At the same time, dozen of fireballs appeared in the air and shot toward him. Artemia nodded her head, pleased with the way her discipline was handling Alex; although it was not near enough, it was a good start; Gracier was controlling the fight's tempo.     

Alex chuckled; he couldn't help but praise his sister tactic. However, this wouldn't be enough to stop him. Alex sheathed his knife and immediately used Xerox; another identical silver appeared in his right hand, then the fireballs surrounding him fell toward him as if to bury him.      

Aimed with the two guns, Alex moved his hands; it was so fast that those in the spectator's area had trouble following; his left hand moved faster than its shadow.      

[Blaze Step]      

A flame appeared under Gracier's feet, and she disappeared from where she previously stood; a bullet pierced there, boring through the hard concrete, a small hole appeared there.      

Gracier, who escaped Alex's bullet, immediately spun the hand scythe in her hand.     

*Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!*     

Metal clanging sounds continuously resounded. The shockwaves spread in the air as Gracier's hand scythe fiercely clashed with Alex's Homing bullets trying to pierce her body.      

Suddenly, Alex dodged to the side; somehow, Gracier could change her Gift shape faster than before; Alex was surprised at how fast she could switch Ignia's Bracelet form; however, not wasn't the time to muse over such a thing, he quickly dodged again.     

Golden arrows flew past him.     

*Tch! Tch! Tch! Tch! Tch!*     

The ground behind Alex cleaved a few inches as all five golden arrows strong as laser beam struck the ground and melted it.      

''Not good!" Alex mumbled as he saw his sister's eyes flash golden. He immediately put strength into his; the ground cracked as he jumped to the side and rolled.      


Gracier breathed flame from her mouth; it was like a flamethrower, the ground where Alex previously stood got scorched.     


Gracier dodged the bullet Alex fired at her; just as she was about to launch another attack, all the hairs on her body rose. Golden wings sprout from her back, and she used them to wrap them around her body before that bullet she thought she had dodged curved and struck her in the back.     


Gracier was sent flying; Alex didn't immediately go after her.     

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