Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 472: Third Seal 3

Chapter 472: Third Seal 3

2Immediately after Alex came back to reality, he saw the gray flame almost before him, he mumbled.     

[Time Stop]      

And the gray flame stopped; he didn't wait, and immediately Accel-ed to reappear on the ground. However, Incursio was waiting for this; she appeared behind him and said.     

''I thought you could do it.''      

''What?" Alex freaked out, and before he could dodge, Incursio's small fist connected to his back, his spine cracked,      

''Guh!" Alex groaned in pain as his body was sent flying, his body was almost bent in V shape as it tore through the air and crashed against the other side of the hall.      


He got embedded in the wall; however, Incursio, who should be happy to have dealt terrible damage to Alex frowned, her instincts were warning her, suddenly something exploded behind her, and her small body was flung backward. However, she quickly stabilized her body and chuckled.      

''You are interesting; even you was sent flying, you still attacked, your body, your mind is truly strong, you're strong.''      

Hearing her praise, Alex responded this time, however only after crawling out of the hole he was in and placing back his broken arm.     


''Thank you.''      

Then he spat blood, the two looked at each other, a distance was forty meters separated the two, Incursio was the first to open her mouth, and she said something unexpected.      

''Well, as a reward, I'll you glimpse at my status.''      

Alex immediately used his Eye of Truth on her; knowing more about your enemy could you make a better preparation, so he believes.     


Class: ????     

Age: ????     


Race: ?????     

「 Rank 1????]     

Level ???     

Experience Value (XP): ???     

Magic Power: 6800/9000     

Magic: Fire; Wind, Dark; Ice, Space...     

Attack: 6000     

Defense: 5000     

Agility: 5000     

Intelligence: 3500     

Luck: 20000     

BP: 0     

SP: 0     

Gift: ??????     


Skills: ?????????????????????     

Special Abilities: ????????????????????     

Titles: ???????????????????     

'This girl is a monster.'      

〖She's monster〗     

Both Alex and Silveria said the same thing; Incursio chuckled when she saw Alex frown; although he was shocked by her status, no fear could be seen on his face as if he believed that he would win even when she showed her this.      

Incursio was not disappointed by this; on the contrary, she was pleased; there wouldn't be any joy breaking a scared Alex, the Alex that believes that he had a chance would be more fun to break; she would break him and turn him into her pet. Incursio laughed evilly when she thought this; however, her expression changed, turning serious.     

''Time to put an end to this game.'' She declared, and Alex nodded.      

''I guess too.''      

[Meteor Bullet]      

Incursio snorted, a hammer made of lightning appeared in her hand, and she fiercely smashed the hammer into the exploding circle toward the ground.     


Shockwaves mixed with lightning rippled forward; Alex raised his right leg covered in green light and smashed it down.      

Bang! Crack! Boom!     

The ground cracked, and an explosion sent shockwaves forward, which clashed against the incoming shockwave.      


Alex drifted to avoid Incursio's dark spear; she switched to a short sword and raced toward Alex, knives appeared inside Alex's hands, and he swung.      

Clang! Clang! Clang!      

The two fought at extreme speed while moving around.     

After a short exchange, they unleashed their time ability, this time instead of attacking with Silveria, Alex summoned Nyx, the moment the black gun appeared, Incursio, who had a leisurely smile since the beginning feels threatened, she tried to fall back but she couldn't, she grinded her teeth. A bullet struck her stomach, and she was flung away.      

Alex was shocked; the situation he had expected after the gray bullet struck Incursio didn't happen; space twisted around her belly before the bullet could reach her.      

''No good!" Alex shouted and tried to accel but froze, a furious Incursio appeared before him, a black sword appeared in her hand and she swung it, Alex's right arm flew in the air.      


Incursio, who seemed to have become another being, swung her sword again; Alex tried to jump back; however, he still couldn't; something seemed to have shackled his body, making him unable to escape.     

The black sword pierced Alex's stomach before exploding; a large hole appeared in Alex's stomach as he sent flying.      

Blood splattered the ground; Incursio appeared above Alex, slowly losing consciousness, and removed his second arm.      


The pain was so intense that Alex couldn't voice it out; he lay on a puddle of blood twitching; Incursio slowly approached him; her eyes had become red like a ruby.      

Suddenly, Alex's heartbeat accelerated; it was beating so loudly that even Incursio could hear it.     

Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!      

Incursio knew that something was about to happen, her expression turned vicious as she decided to kill Alex, it was then it happened.      


Something broke, and Alex's heartbeat decreased, and an intense blue light escaped from his right eye; a golden clock appeared.      

Tik! Tik! Tak!      

Something astonishing happened; time got rewind, just before he lost his first arm, a terrible amount of mana got greedily sucked into Alex's body, his body bulged, blue light surrounded his body.      

Time resumed, and Incursio frowned; she felt like something wasn't right; she seemed to have experienced a dream, but she could not remember; suddenly, all the hairs on her body rose up because of the thing before her, Alex surrounded in blue light.      

Alex, who had mana filled his body, had gotten strong. His current status far surpassed his past status; his current mana capacity had already surpassed the ten thousand mark; it was 120000 at the moment.      

Incursio stood rooted on the spot, wondering what happened, and Alex, who had a crack running over his body, wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity; he moved, he appeared before Incursio and clenched his fist.      


It made a crackling sound, mana gathering around this fist to form a blueish light like a glove.      

Bang! Kabooooom!      

Incursio's small body was bent in a V shape, and she disappeared from the hall to God knows where.      

''Puff!" Alex coughed blood and kneeled; the last thing he heard was Silveria's shocked voice.     

〖The Third Seal has been broken.〗     

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