Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 383: The Young Shadows

Chapter 383: The Young Shadows

0Deep in the night, somewhere in the outskirt of the outer capital, one hour before the Queen of Underworld return, five shadows could be seen moving at high speed like some ninja; those shadows were dressed in black from head to toe.     

The five exchanged looks, they communicated through their eyes, then two disappeared going to the left of the lone house not too far from their position, another two went to the right while the remaining simply vanished.     

Fwoosh! Fwoosh!      

Four shadows infiltrated the lone house; it was entirely dark; however, for the shadows, this couldn't be considered a problem, they were able to see in the dark, moving their eyes they located their target, a lone male sitting leg crossed, this man had a large scar running through his face, he seemed to be waiting for the shadows because immediately, the room turned brighter startling the four shadows.      

''Kukuku! I was waiting for your arrival, you have killed my brothers, and now you think you can kill me two? Keep dreaming; I will kill you all and avenge my brother.'' The man with the scar roared and threw his ax at the nearest shadow.      


The ax traveled to the air and arrived before the shadow; it was a split-second decision; the shadow bent back, letting the ax pass, before taking support on its hand to spin, crisscrossing her legs to kill the flying ax momentum before catching it between her legs and throw it back to its sender.      

The man with the scar widened his eyes; however, he was not your typical thug, snorted his left arm bulged, thick veins appeared all over it turning it red; it was a small physical enhancement.      

''Break for me.'' The man bellowed and threw his fist, it collided against the incoming ax, and surprisingly the ax broke apart.      

During the time that the man with the scar was locked in a fight with one of them, the other three moved, one went to switched the light, while the other two nimbly dodged darts shots at them from hidden spots, the man wasn't alone, the information was wrong, it was a trap, however, when they remembered what their instructor said, they quickly calmed down, and chuckled, she must have known beforehand this was a trap, it is a test we shall not fall.     

Reaffirming their determination, a small black cord appeared under their wrist; controlling this, they wrapped the cords around the poisoned dart before sending it back with the doubled speed of its initial launch.     

Puh! Puh! Puh!     

The hidden men's eyes turned purple in seconds; they couldn't believe that it was their darts that came back to kill them.      

Immediately, the room turned dark, four shadows moved as one, using darkness as cover, they struck the man with the scar where he was the most vulnerable, the man had his muscles cut off, the muscles controlling his arms and legs, his eyes rolled back due to the extreme pain coming from his lower body.      

Holding what was left of his precious jewel, the man fell headfirst; butt raised high.      

''Secure the target.'' The leader of the five shadows entered and ordered; the other quickly nodded before one of them put the unconscious man on his shoulder as the group vanished; the house was set ablaze shortly after they left.      

Back to Avalon, in a mansion not too far from the Blue Haven Manor, the five shadows with the extra luggage appeared in the basement.      

''Welcome back. What took you so long? This mission should have been completed in half an hour, yet you took 45 minutes to complete it. Care to explain?"      

A woman with her back facing the five writing something on a paper stopped and tilted her head back, her brown eyes looked at the five, she momentarily glanced at the unconscious man, no he was faking because when the man heard her voice, he shuddered.      

''Apologies, teacher, we were ambushed; they were people waiting for us other than the man and the initial three subordinates. We were forced to improvise.'' The leader of the five stepped forward, he removed his mask, and a youthful face appeared, no less than fifteen, pale white face with few scars running across his face, light purple eyes, black hair.      

Following his gesture, the other four removed their masks; strangely, they are all women no less than sixteen; two among them are from the beastmen race, from the cat tribe, there was one elf, and the last one is a human.      

''I see; you should have expected this kind of situation and better prepared. Missions will not always go as predicted, no matter how much information you have. Sigh! Let's stop for tonight, go settle him in the underground prison for interrogation later, making sure he couldn't kill himself.'' Sera ordered, dismissing the five.      

After bowing, they dragged the man who started thrashing the moment he heard dungeon and interrogation; he knew he was screwed, he wouldn't live after that, they want information, recently, he and his kind were repeatedly targeted, the strangest thing was only those with wicked deeds such a rape, prostitution and illegal slave trading were targeted, only the small gang, almost as practice, the bigger gang have not been targeted yet, however, the man believes that it was because of the lack of information. He happened to have that information; thinking about it, the man couldn't help but shudder; he must have retired, elope that time with the boss wife.      

Back in the basement, Sera sighed, and without looking back, she said.      

''Pandora, do you have something to report?"      

Pandora, former Meera, the Elf Spirit mage appeared and stared in the direction the five shadows left to; she smiled. It has been few days, almost a month since they bought them, yet those five were former slaves Sera bought for the sole purpose of forming assassin, information collector, and so on; this will be Alex's personal force, and looking at them, it could be said that it was going well at the moment, jumping from Rank 2 to 5 in less than a month under Sera's hellish training, their assassination skills are above average, already entering the realm of an intermediate master, what they need is more training more missions more bloodbaths and they got the perfect target.      

Shaking her head, Pandora decided to focus on the reason she was here.      

''There is an unusual movement in one of the kingdoms.''      

''Tell me more.'' Sera's interest was piqued; maybe they could lead on the mysterious organization, thought Sera as she listened to Pandora's story.     

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