Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 382: The Queen of Underworld

Chapter 382: The Queen of Underworld

2Two hours passed in a flash, Alex could be seen heading toward the hot springs. This would be his first time in this world; back on Earth, he likes to soak in Onsen, like Japanese people like to call every time he visits Japon.      4

As for Sakuya and Lilith, they went ahead, saying stuff like girls needs time to prepare before enjoying a heavenly bat; as Japanese herself, Sakuya was fond of Onsen, to the extent that she let slip that Alex should build one in their house in future.     

''Future house, huh?"      

Alex thought, he became lost in thoughts, so he collided with someone walking in front of him.      

''My apologies, I was lost in thoughts.'' Alex immediately apologizes to the man.      

The man in question smiled, waving his hands to indicate that he didn't take it to heart.     

''I'm also at fault.'' The man lowered his body to help Alex pick up his towel, which had fallen onto the ground during their collision.      

Alex smiled, feeling embarrassed; when he looked closely, the man seemed to be in his early twenty, beautiful long white hair, cerulean eyes; he wore a monocle on his left eye, which was strange considering that he was going to take a bath.      

'Well, it doesn't concern me.' Alex thought and tried to leave.      

〖This man is sure strange. I can't feel anything from him what you be impossible. Be cautious around him.〗     

〖He is dangerous.〗     

Alex was shocked to hear the siblings' warning; however, he didn't let it show on his face, politely he tried to leave.      

''Once again, I'm sorry. I shall take my leave. If fate allows it, we shall meet again.''      

''Sure, we will meet again, I'm sure of it, Mr. Sam. Please take care; by the way, I'm Zero.''      

The white-haired man said, although Alex wished to ask him how the hell he knows his name, he refrained from asking, and he hastily left; the more time he spent standing beside the man, the more dreads he felt.     

Looking at the retreating Alex's back, Zero smiled and mumbled.      

''What interesting young man. Although you tried to conceal it, you possessed a huge amount of mana. Sam, leader of a C Rank group, was recently promoted to B Rank. Interesting, we shall reencounter each other. I must head back. Lord Thanos will be furious; however, if he learns about a potential future member, stronger with more potential than Cain, I think he would be happy.''      

Like a child that just found something interesting and couldn't wait to brag about it to his parents, Zero smiled before vanishing; previously, he wished to take it slow by enjoying the once time opportunity to come to the human world; however, after his encounter with Alex disguised as Sam, he had a change of plan, he decided to head back.      

On Alex's side, Alex threw his encounter with Zero at the back of his head as he decided to enjoy the Hot springs.     

After cleaning his body, Alex entered the hot springs because they had paid for the highest room, meaning the emperor's suite; they have the right to enjoy one of the personal hot springs.      


Alex exhaled as the hot water enveloped his body, relieving most of his stress.     

''It should have been perfect if I had someone to give me a shoulder massage,'' Alex said with a smile.      

''Oh? So, you wish for a shoulder massage? Lucky you, I happen to be good at this.''      

Unexpectedly, Sakuya, with only a towel wrapped around her hot figure, appeared and declared; Alex chuckled. Truth be told, he knew of her arrival because, since his encounter with that strange man, Alex had been on edge, his Divine Sense was always activated.     

''I wouldn't mind. Thank you in advance.'' Alex said, still soaked in the hot spring.     

Sakuya smiled before crouching down him started to massage Alex's shoulders slowly; it was gentle.      

Alex moaned few minutes, statement to how good Sakuya's shoulder massage was; the massage session lasted fifteen minutes with Alex feeling completely refreshed.      

Sakuya decided to share the hot spring with Alex, not that he minds.     

''Where is Lilith?" Alex asked after not sensing Lilith's presence nowhere, even in the adjacent hot spring.     

''Ah! Lilith said she was feeling uncomfortable after soaking a bit; she went back. She said she would sleep, to have fun.'' Sakuya explained the reason behind Lilith's absence.      

Alex frowned, finding this reason a bit odd; with their Rank, heat shouldn't be an issue, and yet, well, maybe it was this period when women.., Alex couldn't help but think of something rude.     

''Aren't you thinking of something rude right now?" Sakuya asked with narrowed eyes.     

Alex immediately waved his hands to indicate that he wasn't thinking of anything rude.     

The two burst into laughter, laughing to their heart content as they shared a rare intimacy.     


At the same time, elsewhere, in an unknown basement, the sound of high heels clicking against the ground could be heard, it was slow yet rhythmic, and soon a silhouette appeared, a woman dressed in all black, her face was obstructed by a black butterfly mask, long black hair and purple eyes were the only things visible.     

This woman walked forward before stopping and place her hand on an inconspicuous wall. Doing so, a line of light ran through the wall, and the wall slid open.     

Without finding such a phenomenon surprising, the woman with the butterfly mask enters the now open passage.     

Inside was a staircase leading further down. The woman continued forward until she found a wooden door.     

What was waiting behind the door was a beautiful study room.      

Some countless old books and candles are always lit even though nobody ever tends to them.      

And in the middle of this room was a big magic circle; its purpose couldn't be more obvious.     

Stepping inside the magic circle, the woman sent her mana inside it, making it shine and cover her body with brilliant blue light; as the light died down, the woman was nowhere to be seen.     

The woman appeared in an unknown underground palace; there was a black throne with a butterfly engraved on top of it; sitting on this throne, the woman crossed her legs.     

''Welcome back, Queen; we have been waiting for your arrival.''      

Numerous men and women kneeled, they all wore black, emitting killing intent, their eyes were ruthless, like the eyes cunning hyenas, around their right wrist was the tattoo of a black-blue butterfly, this is the underworld, and their queen has graced them of her presence, she who appeared like a ghost and conquered everything, the black Butterfly Queen, the slaughter queen, singlehandedly slaughter the old underground king and subordinates, transforming into a beautiful butterfly.     

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