Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 377: Trapped

Chapter 377: Trapped

3Sakuya and Lilith stared at each other after Kamishiro disappeared; they both chuckled, and Lilith inquired.      0

''What are your plans?"      

Sakuya's stopped and stared at Lilith with surprise; there was no need to ask what Lilith was talking about; she was probably referring to her plan for the Far East Empire; what she would do? Would she go or not? This surprised Sakuya as normally Lilith would have asked this; this means she was slowly changing, slowly accepting them, her to be more exact.      


Sakuya's silence made Lilith frown; she wondered what happened. Was her question too insensible?      

''Hahaha! Nothing, I will eventually go because I feel that something is waiting for me there. I hope when the time comes, you will follow me. For now, let's focus on our current mission.'' Sakuya said while glancing at Lilith to see her reaction, and she was not disappointed.     

Lilith looked elsewhere while saying, ''Who knows!"      

''Hahaha! Sure, let go back.'' Sakuya chuckled; she found Lilith's reaction extremely cute, not that she would tell her this. The girls disappeared; they rejoined Alex, whose injuries had recovered.     

At the same time, somewhere in Avalon, the moment Leonardo broke apart that magic stone, the invisible shield protecting Avalon vanished, making it possible to infiltrate it. This was precisely the aim of the demon and the unknown organization; they wanted to disable the invisible shield always protecting Avalon to infiltrate a certain facility safely; if this shield was active, they could never succeed breaking through it except by sacrificing untold amount of demons and monsters. What they were after is of the utmost importance; this thing was located in the underground maze of the fallen palace, the imperial family's former palace.      

Two individuals, one woman and the other a man. They were wearing a crimson robe with a white mask having the same design as Leonardo's when under Cain's identity.      

''Fufufu! Soon we will get our hand on that key, one of the five keys to help our Lord. I can be happier.'' The woman said her happiness couldn't be hidden even with a mask on her face; she was probably grinning like a fool behind that mask.     

''Stay vigilant; who knows what we might face. This is not some leisure trip; everything can happen. Never forgot that.'' The man warned; his voice was rough.      


The girl harrumphed; she never understood the cautious nature of this partner; they are both Saint, which in itself is pretty rare. They are the most robust existence beside the Demi-God, so there's no need to fear, especially when nobody should be aware of their presence here. Even if some guardians are protecting that key, they weren't something there should fear, not now that the invisible shield that could give away their identity and suppress their power was disabled.     

The two kept walking silently forward; strangely, they didn't encounter anyone, even the girl started to find the situation unusual; however, she believes in her senses, she had swept the underground tunnels but never found anything.      

After walking for another fifteen minutes, the Duo stopped before a room with gigantic doors. Behind these doors, they could feel the presence of five individuals, 3 Grandmasters and two Saint Realm experts whose levels weren't high as their levels.      

The two looked at each other through their masks; they smiled before moving, the doors automatically opened themselves let the two walk-in.      

Immediately, the five guards guarding the altar, which had a black key on top of it, raised their weapons.      

''Intruders state your goals. Where do you come from?" Asked the head guards and as one could expect, the two didn't answer, the female disappeared to reappear before one of the guards, her arm was going toward the latter neck, and once she caught it, she would have twisted it, she loves the sound it makes, it gives her a unique sensation.     

''Four, wait.'' The man shouted; however, his warning was late; the moment Four's arm gripped the guard's neck, the latter vanished as if he had never existed.     


Instinctively, Four knew that something was not right here; she tried to retreat; however, she couldn't. The other four guards vanished like a mirage.      


Then the giant doors closed behind them, and numerous individuals appeared surrounding them. It was at this moment the Four and Two knew they had fallen into a trap.     

''Since when did you notice?" Two asked; he was eerily calm; however, inwardly, he asked himself where they had done wrong; however, he couldn't think of anything other than wait. This position sent shiver done his bones, making him tremble; if previously he had the confidence to face so many enemies (5 Saints et 15 Grandmasters alongside many Masters), now it wasn't sure anymore because if things are like he thought then they were screw up, so severely that it is hilarious.     

''Two, what going on? Let's kill these weaklings and retrieve the key. I can praise them for laying an ambush for us, but so what? We are stronger if will not be a group of weak humans that can stop us. Let's slaughter them.''      

Like usual, Four is a battle maniac with zero ability to read the situation rambled. Two felt compelled to massage his forehead, feeling headache coming; he almost shouted, you were previously a human when Four said, weak humans. Never underestimate humans. If not, the cost you will pay would be huge.     

''Shut up, Four, we have lost. We have been played. They lured us here.'' Two declared.      


This declaration was like a vast slap o Four's face akin to thunder striking close to her; the eyes behind the mask were widened beyond description.      

Clap! Clap!      

''Well, said Two. I believe that is your codename. I'm wrong?"      

Suddenly, there were clapping sounds followed by Julius's voice. Unexpectedly the emperor, the strongest of the emperors, personally came out, immediately everyone except Two and Four kneeled at the emperor's arrival.      

''Rise!" Julius said and observed Two and Four with a smile.      


Two sighed and tried not to tremble, even though he had thought of this possibility when he understood that they had been lured, he still almost controlled himself in the presence of the God-like presence, even if Julius stood there doing nothing, simply smiling, the innate coercion that appears when one reaches a certain level was still there. He almost wanted to kneel; however, he knew he must not act rashly, not give in to fear if not everything would be lost; he was secretly trying to contact the headquarter.     

However, not everything knows to put their fear under control. It is said that when fear exceeds human capacity, this human will act irrationally, it exactly what happened in Four's case.      

She felt so much fear that blood rushed to her head; she threw all rationality to the trashbin and lunged on the emperor, something she would have normally never done.     

''Die Human emperor scum.'' She bellowed and unleashed all her strength.     

Julius let slip an almost inaudible sigh before slowly raised his right hand before letting down and.     


Four was instantly pummeled to the ground by an invisible force, creating a giant crater; she quietly lay in this crater, limbs bent to an unnatural angle, all the bones inside her body were broken, she kept vomiting blood nonstop.     


Everyone except Julius and Two gulped; rarely they have seen their emperor fight; no, they have never seen him, at least those present here, so they were shocked by the fact that the emperor could pummel a Saint Realm expert to the ground so casually.      

Two sighed, thinking as expected of Demigod expert.      

Smiling like a father trying to have a peaceful conversation with his runaways son, Julius said.     

''Let's talk, shall we? By the way, the shield has been reactivated, so no communication, no reinforcement.''      

This information pushed, Two deeper into the already sinking abyss. Indeed, they have been played; they have never been the hunter, but instead, they were the prey, and they are now trapped.     

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