Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 375: Purgatory

Chapter 375: Purgatory

1Seeing none of them managed to have the ascendant on the other, they silently agreed to put a distance between them; they stared at each other, forgot about others, forgot about their goals, the only that remained was to trample on the other.      2

Strangely they have the same Rank; after joining the dark side, the unknown organization, Leonardo saw his level boosted catching up to his peers, his eternal rival, he even got a new power he would use on the man responsible for his downfall toward the dark side, all he wished for was to stand in the limelight, to receive all glory, to be the king enjoying all that comes with it; however, this was proven to be impossible as one said there couldn't be two captains inside the same cruise, even if Alex doesn't wish for it, he was bound to attract all attention, it was natural, so naturally for Leonardo who seeks attention he couldn't tolerate him, no matter what, therefore they would inadvertently clash at some point, it was what happened, if only Leonardo were not an attention seeker maybe these two would have become best friends, unfortunately, this was bound never to happen.      

''Let's end this!'' Leonardo announced, and his speed increased to the limit; he was faster than before, it was almost impossible for Alex to detect him.      

Everything was happening at a speed impossible to describe, with the exploding circle reaching Alex instantaneously. Despite this, he smiled and said,     

"Your speed has indeed increased to an astonishing degree; if it increased more than that, I might have trouble keeping up, but not now."     

Turning around in a flash, he fiercely his green the covered into the exploding circle.     


A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud. Simultaneously, green light that transformed into wind flames rippled outwards as shockwaves.     

The Leonardo staggered back, its eyes reflecting the incredible sight of Alex.      

Alex wasn't done yet; he was rushing through the mushroom cloud, splitting the mushroom cloud!      

"To be honest, if I want to overpower you, it would be difficult even for me because somehow you have become incredibly powerful to extend of three weeks ago you asked me I would have said it was impossible," Alex acknowledged with a pleasant smile.     

"As for obliterating you, that would be next to impossible as well; you know what."     


Leonardo's expression darkened; he decided that it was time to use that technique, the technique he acquired after joining that side; he smiled, showing his white teeth.     

Suddenly, Leonardo's smile made Alex feel as if this was some ominous premonition.     

While trying to make sense of this, it swiftly raised its hands to protect its chest as Leonardo's sword seemed suddenly to have transcended space, instantly reaching his chest.     

But then Alex surprised the corpse by stopping the hammer just a hairsbreadth away.      

〖Master, the attention he was about to use a dangerous skill.〗Silveria suddenly warmed.     

Leonardo's lips curved up, and he said, ''You push me into the pit of despair with no way out, I crawled back from hell, time to settle the score.''     

As these words entered Alex's ears, it felt an intense sense of crisis coupled with Silveria's warning. This crisis reached its peak when it heard the concluding phrase.     



Suddenly, the alleyway turned pin-drop silent and turned blinding dark. Every source of light lost its function.      

A sense of helplessness gripped everything. It was a helplessness every blind man would know in a strange environment, but it was new to those in the mausoleum.      


In such an environment, just a mile behind the Alex, a slit violently ripped open. It was a gigantic eye.     

The slit was not even as thick as a hair. Still, it was too bright, the radiating glow of countless colors swirling as if it was the insides of a kaleidoscope tube.     

Alex hurriedly jerked its head at the slit. Memories that were suppressed in its brain awakened, and it realized where the slit led. It wasn't his memories; it came from Nyx; she identified the origin of this slit.     

〖Purgatory…So, they are the ones behind this, the ones backing the unknown organization.〗Nyx's voice echoed inside Alex's brain, informing of the origin of this slit.     


Ghost-like and demon-like figures appeared in the swirling colors, their expressions filled with hunger. They were pitch black, malevolent.     

Alex looked at them; his heart momentarily froze.     

"Do you think now is the time to be distracted?"      

Leonardo's voice rang in Alex's ears, bringing it back to reality.     

It quickly turned its head.     

But it was too late.     


By then, Leonardo's sword had brutally pounded onto its chest.      

Its chest caved in, and its back arched out while its body slammed into the slit. The ghost-like figures smiled and tried grabbing Alex, then their ethereal hands turned into chains and tightened around Alex, trying to bring Alex dragged inside the slit.      

It was at that moment, Alex's right eye throbbed, followed by a click sound; it was the sound of something being released. Alex saw a scene, the scene of him being tied up to a gigantic altar, chains pierced his body from all sides, these chains were burning hot meaning he was behind cooked alive, making matters worse, the altar on which he was being tied up was extremely cold, so he was feeling both burning and chilling sensation at the same time, numerous shadows and skeletons were crawling under his foot, wanting nothing more than swallowing it, it was eternal suffering.      

Alex understood the future that awaited him if he were to enter that slit, so he mustered all his strength; his right eye shined icy blue, a large pupil appeared above the slit, instantly crushing it.      


Alex fell to the ground, Leonardo's chin almost fell to the fall, never would have he thought Alex was stopping him.      

Just as he fell into the ground creating a small crater, Alex used Time Acceleration to appear before Leonardo; his head was throbbing, suddenly, he lost his balance and fell headfirst toward Leonardo, the latter finally reacted and thrust his sword forward, the black sword pierced Alex's chest before sending flying before he was sent flying Alex whispered something into Leonardo's ears, it was quick, nobody saw it.      



Alex coughed up a mouthful of blood as he passed through several buildings before finally stopping at his fourth building. His chest and hands ripped open, and hot blood splashed out. His right arm was bent at an odd angle.      

Leonardo looked in the direction Alex disappeared to before staring at the large scar on his chest; somehow, Alex managed to injure him; even with his strong vitality, the wound was closing at a plodding speed. Leonardo sighed before putting back his mask; this mask has a special function; it acts as GPS at the same time as a monitor.      

''I will have another scar.''      

Leonardo muttered and became Cain after putting on the white mask; his expression had passive; nobody knew what he was thinking, not even the Lord monitoring him; he didn't show any expression after beating his nemesis.     

Leonardo (Cain) moved inside the Duke's mansion and arrived at the hidden room; he walked in and was about to destroy the magic core, simultaneously, Alex had reverted to Sam, he was lying on the ground, his injuries slowly recovering, there was a smile on his face, like Leonardo nobody knows what he was thinking.     

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